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Friends need to call before coming over? Discussion



that ended for me when i hit like age 13 and got to middle school...as a kid i would just go to my friends houses to see if they were home, but in the 90s kids didnt have cell phones and the internet like they do now...

since then i've never had a friend just show up...its all pre-arranged even if same day, its rude to just show up at someones house anymore...because of how busy we all are, its unexpected...but i guess it depends on your life, your life situation, who your friends are, where you live, etc.


Parker Schnobel
I could not agree with you more.If you do not call then I just don't answer the door.It is rude and uncalled for.Luckily I only have one person that does this to me.:)


1. I don't answer the door
2. courtesy if they can't be courteous you shouldn't have to be either.


security cameras just incase its just the mail man, or some pretty lady knockin at my door always gotta let them in


security cameras just incase its just the mail man, or some pretty lady knockin at my door always gotta let them in

be careful, there have been many instances in which females (particularly good looking) have been used to knock on a person's door and give some sob story such as their car is broken down, or they need to use the phone...and when the person lets their guard down (because its a female, alone) 4 men rush in and invade the home...i know people personally its happened to...

bottom line is to never answer the door unless you are FOR sure there is no threat...i live on a block in which there still remains 1-2 people who may stop by just because i've known them since i was a kid, lived in the same house...so if i saw one of them, i would assume its them coming to ask a question, can they borrow a tool, etc. other than that i really don't answer the door.

i'm in the process of planning how to black-out my windows with thermal curtains (for the winter) and for general privacy. on my first floor there are 6 windows...all ways someone can peep in and plan where to break in at, or see me watching TV, etc. in this day and age, privacy is of the utmost importance....

i also plan on putting a copy of the constitution in the window above my door ;D

Zen Master

I have friends that like to "just walk in"....


my dad used to scream "I'VE GOT A GUN!!!!" when my friends came over unannounced when I was a kid. kinda funny actually..... well a 13 year old kids reaction at least.....

I got shit goin on, might be naked even... so dont fucking show up without me knowing aight? last thing you want me thinking is the cops are at the door.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Where I live I don't have to lock the car doors at night, haven't for years. I go down to the local shops and leave my house unlocked. Friends drop around, no worries, come on in. I live in a small country town in Australia. Every one is welcome here.


Classic....."I guess I hate people in general"......

you ever get those spontaneous-hurt your gut hiccups from laughing so hard? I just got em


Active member
my neighbors have this 4 year old kid who keeps knockin on my door all the time i have a 3 month puppy he always wants to see...kind of freaks me out sometimes because everyone who knows me knows they have to call first. but yeah the other night at like 1030 im packing a bowl when theres a knock at the door...one of those WHO THE FUCK?? moments. god damn little shmuck...


I hold El Roacho's
My GF relatives would do that with food and shit like that just drop by unexpected until we moved to the place we have now and l laid down the law and put up an electric gate with a magnetic lock.

My homies have much respect to come by without calling first and now the relatives also know the routine as well and if they decide to come by when it's to early well guess what they can camp outside the gate until were up and dressed and ready for seeing people.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Everyone I know has a phone, if you don't bother to call, I won't bother to answer the door.

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