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Frequency of tokage?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I smoke once a day, every day, late in the evening. About once a week I will smoke twice in the same day, late afternoon then later in the evening, if I have nothing going on. I only smoke 5 or 6 hits at a time. I find that if I smoke more than once in a day, the second time I don't get nearly the same effect, so it seems like a bit of a waste (the mj, not me). At this rate I only use about 2 - 2.5 oz per year, so I can grow enough to keep up and never have to buy anything.

Keep in mind though that I am old and have responsibilities. When I was a kid in college I smoked all the time. And when I retire, I may smoke a little more. Want to be sure to fend off that Alzheimer's.


Haha I thought I'd get more bites than that lol.Do you know any growers that smoke bi-monthly haha.I guess some may exist,like the yetti or his cousin the sasquatch.I smoke whenever I want which is normally several times daily.And thanks to OG this has been going on for many fuzzy years lol


How important is the idea of getting high in your life? how often do you blaze? post what you want in here...

I blaze whenever I can...I smoke a lot so I can maintain normal situations when just a little high. I like blazing in the morning right when I wake up, sometimes I get a little more done before I blaze.

:joint: opiates also work to well in the morning

what are your thoughts, pros and cons on your habit or my habit?

:noway:Doesn't sound like you are smoking enough in my opinion. Smoke more often!

Dr. Lola says smoke one joint every hour as needed, or until weed runs out.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
lol sparkjumper, not trying to be a hater, just had to be heard :).

Big D

How many of these thread are there?

Dont be so quick to judge sparkjumper, everyone is different, it's what makes the world go round. You can't be a drug addict if what you do isn't a drug, it's an herb man.

I have often wondered, at times people will refer to herb as their "meds", but if some one calls them a DRUG ADDICT, they say that CANNABIS is not a drug.

Ofcoarse THC is a drug. It is probably the least addicting of all drug but it is a drug none the less. There can not be a intelligent debate about that.

It is not a bad thing.

I smoke 2 daze out of the month!:joint:


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
yes technically it is a drug you are right, cant argue with you there


Haha I thought I'd get more bites than that lol.Do you know any growers that smoke bi-monthly haha.I guess some may exist,like the yetti or his cousin the sasquatch.I smoke whenever I want which is normally several times daily.And thanks to OG this has been going on for many fuzzy years lol

yamaha_1fan grows a lot and doesn't smoke it -- according to him anyway....

madrecinco said:
I smoked all through college also....but doing a math test stoned is a no no for me. But it does help me absorb my reading better.....at least I think so
I took my last math test in college early in the morning the night after my first acid trip. Aced the test -- that was the only time multidimensional linear algebra made any sense at all.

Big D

I can not wait till I can grow and smoke when ever want again. Its been along time.

I make the best out of the 2 daze I can smoke, it is like christmas every month.
IMO there is nothing like a good wake in bake!

Y'all keep LEO out of your business, cuz it sucks!

Keep smokin"

ben ttech

Active member
morning noon and night...
and since my pain wake me often...
that two to three hour average of his is about right over here as well...


Cannabrex Formulator
I don't smoke my THC, I eat it in capsules....but I stay baked 24/7 for health reasons.....

The health of everyone around me.


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
From the moment i wake till i go to sleep i will even smoke during night when i wake usually every hour or so 5-7 grams daily


Active member
Daily herb smoking since high school, used to smoke blunts everyday after class with friends.

For the last 5 years its been me and my bong all the way, all day. I usually smoked a nice fat bowl everyday after class (i never went to class high, gotta have some discipline!), then smoke every 2-3 hours untill i fell asleep at 2am.

Nowadays i have a chill ass job instead of class, so i usually smoke within 30 minutes of waking up. I smoke in the morning, eat breakfast, go out and work for a few hours, come home and smoke smoke smoke drink drink drink until sleepy time.

I smoke way too much herb, im scared to even think what my lungs look like. I have severe asthma as well and can only run a half mile before i start to collapse. I can ride a bike for a few miles though.

Ideally i really want to take a nice break from weed, but my environment and lifestyle right now does not allow it because i grow the stuff, deal in the stuff, all my friends and coworkers do the same. Im thinking in maybe a year or when my lease is up im gonna move to Japan where weed is highly illegal and then i can "detox" for a bit and get back in shape.


Active member
ummmm we are all stoners I guess. Glad to know I ain't the only one. I have been defending weed for so many years....it is so nice to see it talked about in the media now daily.....it gives me hope. I really do think great progress has been made and will continue. More PPL are becoming honest about their thoughts on it....I know ppl who don't even toke who think it is a stupid law to criminalize it. It is the only law I break. I don't even speed in my car these days.
But I am considered a criminal and that bugs the hell outta me.

Kevin Spacey tokes...James Gandolfina


Active member
Daily herb smoking since high school, used to smoke blunts everyday after class with friends.

For the last 5 years its been me and my bong all the way, all day. I usually smoked a nice fat bowl everyday after class (i never went to class high, gotta have some discipline!), then smoke every 2-3 hours untill i fell asleep at 2am.

Nowadays i have a chill ass job instead of class, so i usually smoke within 30 minutes of waking up. I smoke in the morning, eat breakfast, go out and work for a few hours, come home and smoke smoke smoke drink drink drink until sleepy time.

I smoke way too much herb, im scared to even think what my lungs look like. I have severe asthma as well and can only run a half mile before i start to collapse. I can ride a bike for a few miles though.

Ideally i really want to take a nice break from weed, but my environment and lifestyle right now does not allow it because i grow the stuff, deal in the stuff, all my friends and coworkers do the same. Im thinking in maybe a year or when my lease is up im gonna move to Japan where weed is highly illegal and then i can "detox" for a bit and get back in shape.

It is illegal in Cuba also....but I would not recommend moving there OR any country it is illegal if I left America.