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Veterinarians' Hospital


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Amazing how fast they start to take shape in floering :canabis:

To answer the question on Freeze.
I've heard it's from Montreal and it seems it's mass grown biker weed. I've also heard it refered to in Toronto as "Freeze land".
The specific seeds Dr Dog has were originally taken from a friends outdoor grow where he didn't pull the males. From my experience of growing them, they seem to be stable and superb lemon/mint tasting genes :yummy:

Just love the way things are shaping up for you on this grow :ying:


Looking great Doc!
been looking forward to an update from yah..

that ECSDxStrawD fan looks just like my G13xECSD leaves! heheh
big, FAT leaves!
ill be pullin mine down soon due to crap soil though. its a shame coz they really have started to put on size. oh well...
either way, i got my eye on your StrawD mix there.
interested in the bud shape she might take too. mine are very Desiel dominant. i could tell compared to the NYCD i grew a year back.

anyway.. dunno why im ranting. guess coz ive actually been waiting for the picture update from yah.. hehe i like to keep up to date!

you are killing on the rep! i still cant hit ya back! lol

you deserve a doggy biscuit though! rocking it mate!


New member
I just spent the last hour reading through this thread.

Very good work man. The plants look really healthy.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Bro, new lil ones are nice. Have to try those soon. Nice bud sites too, going to be a nice carpet of bud on em. Great job man, getting me amped to turn on the 150 soon.



Registered Medical Patient
Hey Doggy..lookin great bro..looks like u got the same PC pheno as Core & NK...looks great after just a week of 12/12!!!How long did u veg? Prolly like 8 weeks, huh??Anyhow, they look great & I cant wait to see more buds goin on in here...Didnt u just harvest??? Lets see a pic of ur stash, please!!Great job man, keep it up...and please tell me how u guys all keep ur plants soo green up till harvest, that seems to be my biggest flaw in my growin skills...takin em till the end on a totally healthy note!!!Peace bro

- Z


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Dog...:D

looking real good there my friend...nce to see multiple tops in the pics...she need to produce ey :smile:
all of ya girls are looking awsome...gonne have a nice flowering sesson soon...as it looks now the PC is doing well with me as with others...but i think you knew that already?
Nice to see ya progress bro :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I could even update tonight!!

I could even update tonight!!

All three plants have remarkable growth from yesterday, quite amazing actually, I can clearly make out the starting buds now, and all the potted clones are looking great, and are showing new growth, nuts stuff, my thumb must have been green yesterday

I am starting to see some weird yellowing on my Pollen Chuck, not bad, but all you growers know what it is like to see something wrong with your plants, you start to freak, but I am thinking it is just a little heat stress, and possible a touch of wind burn as well.

Here was the issue, My rooms temps were constantly over 30 degrees, normally about 32, there was no escaping it, and being that I work for a living and have bills to pay, and will not use credit for anything, I have to wait to save enough money to spend over 2 bills on a fan, so I have a floor model osciillating fan that was pretty much blowing directly on the tops to keep them cool, My new fan has temps steady at 26 degrees, which will get even better when I hook up my intake probably Thursday.

My idea for that will be kind of neat, I am going to use a bathroom exhaust fan and mount it to a box, kind of like what a speaker looks like emptied out, I will attach that to 3, 2 inch holes I have drilled on the floor. To keep the incoming air free of bugs and or spores etc, ( I have to give props to teh dude at the hydro store :joint:, for this idea.) But I was gonna use a gas forced air furnace filter. I am aware some of you may have never seen a GFA furnace before, but here is a filter for one

Furnace here Filter there

So anyways these things are like 2 dollars for three, I could get about 8 filter changes from one sheet easily.

Stay tuned for an update on that

Here is my fan in action


I should say first, holey fucking moley dudes, thanks for all replying this is gonna take a while, gotta get another bud.................................. :joint:

D rock.

Very kind words in your rep, thanks man..........................

Hey bro thanks for stopping by, I like to use the method of starting my calendar when I can see the flowers starting to form. it just makes life easier, that way I am not waiting on them well past 8 weeks to finish, if they start slow. I have 3 strains that I have never grown before and other than the few bros around here we dont know much about them, I want to give them time, especially with one of Cores beans in there, that thing might grow 9 feet and grow for 15 weeks LOL. Props to you Core Bro

High Low

Thanks for stopping on mate. I can always count on you to be hanging around in my thread, your props is most appreciated. In my experience, the males are always the fastest growing ones out of a group, I am right about 90 per cent of the time on that observation.
The plant produces pollen a hell of a lot faster than it produces female cooties.


Thanks BRO, I had no idea where it came from but it looks promising as hell, gonna do my best to get that bitch exploding!!!!
You know how excited I am about these plants, chat soon


Yeah know that I know you have some SD in flower I will have to stop by more frequently, I spend so much time here in the diaries that I forget to go to my other favorite forums. I noticed you tied yours down, I like to get my tying done b4 flower, i have had some bad experiences.
But I do give out a lot of rep, I max myself out pretty much everyday, but I am giving it to a select few that I like and consider friends on here. I will also give it out on three criteria as well...1. make me laugh...2. Impress me... 3. Teach me something
Other than that, I cant wait to get onto the next thread.


Dude, thanks for sitting through my entire thread, that is impressive in itself, I would not do it, but then again, why would I, I lived it! Stop by anytime, thanks for the kind words dude.

Dude amongst Dudes, hey bro, gonna be like 18 here this weekend, you gotta have no snow by then. Yeah looking forward to seeing these plants on the weekend, I am expecting big things from them.


I think I vegged them for like a month, after I got them into sensible pots, They really took off once I got the heat up in the room, the difference from the 400 to the 600 was intense, they really liked it. You want to see my stash? I have a bout a qp dried and jarred
I am not sure what I do to keep my plants looking good, Just luck I suppose bro, I check them a lot, watch all issues that could occur and I keep reading and watching stuff, I am always learning, although I consider myself somewhat of an expert on weed growing in soil, I still really want to try hydro and aero very soon, I am sure they won't be all that green then LOL



Hey Bro

I really dig the multi tops, I could probably get 25 or so plants in there comfortably using SOG but I like lots of colas, and lots on one plant, I am really thinking of fimming a crop soon, and possibly growing them in a tote, to maximize space, I could easily fit three 25 gal totes under my setup now, but anyways that is future stuff to figure out.
I am hoping for some really great flowers, so looking forward to comparing my PC with everyone elses, lets see what Core can do!
Thanks for stopping in BRO!!!!

So I will have an update probably thursday or fri with my intake installed




Lookin' great, dog! I'm jealous of all you indoor growers flowering already. Ten weeks you say? Mine won't even start flowering by the time you cut yours! Make sure you post up plenty of pretty bud shots for me.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Hey There guys

Super Larry

Thanks man, thanks for stopping by, I have been admiring your grow as well


No need to be jealous dude, you will get there soon enough, and I just went through that, vegging and sexing, I dont think I will exhaust my plants so quickly next time, always keep a mom around. Looking forward to seeing yours grow, and you know me, there will be an endless amount of bud shots posted by me


Active member
Hey Dr Dog!
Been a sec since I stopped by..So I thought I'd drop a line, and compliment you on your healthy plants!
Nice fan upgrade too!:yes::yes:
Peace bro
Hey Dr D!
Got a question for ya
When you look at the lenght of y'r plants right now, and with just one week of 12/12 how much more do you expect them to stretch? and how tall are they now?

About you being right about males: i'm 100% sure you are 90% or more right on all your guesstimated males:biglaugh:
Seeing as you have got a helluvalot more experience then me :bow:
The only thing i can say is i've experienced the same thing in my one-and-a half succesfull attempts at growing so far...the males usually show first, and usually are the fastest growers..
Alright i'll be :lurk:
:wave:, Low


Mannnn, I really just forgot what I was going to type. Hmmmm, just pretend it was something deep and thought-provoking:joint: I know I have no reason to be jealous. I just can't help drooling over everybody's wonderful flowering honeys! It's alright, I'll return the favor in a few months!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I will give out some flowering pics tomorrow or Friday. But I decided to get some clone and seedlings shots, just a couple, to show you what 4 days can do

Same plant, 1/2 taller, one more set of leaves. I gave this one a full shot of PbP grow, kind of by accident, but it seems to like it. I may have to step up moms flower doses.

So how about a little photo journey around the veg box

Welcome to the Pediatric Ward

Still room for a clone or two in here

TW x STRAWD seedling here and a pollen chuck clone right there..............................ʌ

Freeze is looking good

Anyways guys, enough messing around, I will get you some replies and some flower pics soon, thanks for stoppin in


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Man, lucky you have the resident Dr Dog checking up on your babies at all times :yes:

I guess that's your secret to keepin them green and healthy :wink:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Thanks for stopping by man, thanks for the props, come back anytime, you know you are welcome here
High Lowlander
I figure they grew about 4 inches in height since flowering, I dont really expect any more growth other than buds now, but if need be I still have over 2 feet of vertical clearance.

Thanks for stopping in and lets get some plants of yours up and out there.

thanks bro, I am pretty happy with the babies, they adjusted to their new homes, almost immediately.

Yeah Gf got this for em a few years back, I normally have it on the wall next to me, but was feeling a touch creative.

Ok Flower room update

L to R Pollen Chuck, ECSD X STRAW D, Freeze

Pollen chuck above

Freeze above


Will be building and installing intake today, stay tuned for that.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
those girls look super healthy man. i hope my PC turn out that beasty!!!! leaf structure looks the same . i hope mine fills out like that.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Ok Intake done and operating

Ok Intake done and operating

Got my butt motivated today
Got my intake built and installed, and I will give you a touch of a tour of the room now as well

The drilling a few 2 inch holes was not working well, mainly due top not fully charged batteries in my drill. So I just beat a hole in the floor, there is no basement here, just the ground under a cement pad, so I am getting some cool air, does not look pretty I know, but it does the trick

Here is the filter, I will just put it over hole to keep bugs and pathogens out.

My ghetto intake, a former fruit box, that I have drilled out a hole big enough for my bathroom exhaust fan, Placed poly over the hole to seal it

All done, weatherstripping covers seams, and a strip of poly on the part where the cord comes out, mainly lightproof, and almost airtite.

We will start the tour here, door open, looking in. You can see my air bubbled water rez and my fan. I also added the remainder of my Reflectix to the wall, until I get time and money to get a roll of panda film.

Basically a sweep view of everything, you can see my spare bulbs, my space heater, digital scales, extra fixtures, my green light, and my skeleton.

The end result of all my work today.

In is floor level out is canopy.

Checked my rez ph today as well 6.2 right out of tap.


Thanks for stopping in again, I trained that pc slightly so she has a tilted growth, but I am hoping for some real nice buds from her

ANyways dudes, updates next week, for week 3 of flowering, same bat time same bat channel
Yo dog!
I'm starting to recognize the upclose shots of the plants already before reading the titles!!:biglaugh: you're teaching! im learning:respect: and thanks for the tour! i always like virtual tours ghehe
:wave:, Low

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