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Freeman-on-the-land - Lawful not Legal


el dub

Btw.... When I come across a steaming pile of dog shit, I don't need to bend down and taste it in order to realize that its not something I want to step in.....


el dub

tactical: Not sure if you are serious or not. Care to provide any evidence that it does work? Do you have any cases to site?



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I thought this was interesting.

FBI: ‘Sovereign citizen' cases on the rise
Federal authorities are seeing an increase in the number of foreclosed and unoccupied homes in metro Atlanta being seized by members of an anti-government group.

"I'm not sure I can connect it with the economy, but we've seen a surge of these in the last year, in particular," Stephen Emmett, special agent in the Atlanta field office of the FBI, said Saturday. Emmet said federal and local authorities increasingly are running into confrontations with members of a sect known as "sovereign citizens."

The group believes banks can't own land or property and that any home owned by a bank -- including the thousands of foreclosed properties throughout Georgia -- are theirs for the taking.

"They're expanding throughout the Metro Atlanta area," Emmett said. "DeKalb has had (its) fair share of problems with them and now Clayton."

On Friday, Clayton County SWAT was called to a foreclosed home near Riverdale where a couple had been living illegally. SWAT members surrounded the house after getting reports the people inside had threatened violence against anyone who approached the house. Gideon Israel and his wife, Deborah, had been living illegally in the bank-owned, gray stucco house on Stimson way near Riverdale in the northwest part of Clayton County and had submitted reams of fraudulent paperwork to county officials to try to block the eviction, according to Major Jeff Mitchell, who heads the enforcement division for the Clayton County Sheriff's Office.

The Israels were not charged and left without incident. Shortly after, cleanup crews for the bank put furniture and other belongings on the lawn and boarded up the house.

Mitchell said the Riverdale couple is thought to be part of the sovereign citizen sect.

"We're trying to identify other sovereign citizen cases in the county," Mitchell said, noting local law enforcement is working with the FBI to target group members.

Sovereign citizens don't believe courts have jurisdiction over them. They don't believe in paying taxes or acquiring driver's licenses or car tags.

They do, however, believe abandoned properties are ripe for the taking. They often use quit-claim deeds to take over properties and as soon as they move in post trespassing signs warning people to stay off the property.

The group uses YouTube to educate the public about their philosophy and recruit new members.

The Riverdale incident is among at least two dozen Atlanta-area incidents of home takeovers by the sovereign citizens, including a $1 million home in south DeKalb County seized by the sect last year. Authorities say the sect has taken over 20 metro Atlanta properties, including a shopping center.

The FBI has listed Sovereign Citizens as a domestic terrorist organization. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which also tracks the group, estimates the sect numbers more than 300,000 nationwide.

If you even think like this you are a domestic terrorist. Pretty soon anyone who objects to the status quo and government will be labeled a terrorist. This is how you silence speech.


May your race always be in your favor
If you do diligent research on the movement, you'll find that the majority of minute men and other radical adherents to the freeman line of baloney are in prison. Seems, the I'm free and you can't do anything to me cause I said so, is a load of crap.


i was at court not long ago and my lawyer mentioned something about a couple of guys
trying this thing out, he said "they just got dragged back down to the holding cells untill
they rememberd who they are"

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
In most places of the usa, this will not work, they don't care what you say or how you act. Non-cooperation, and they will just throw your ass in jail. They don't care how much merit what you say has, if they don't like it, your going to jail for whatever reason they say.

From what I've seen, some other countries, where the judges actually know the real law and respect it, there can be some success if you know your stuff.

el dub

Can you provide any links, Sam, concerning cases in countries where the freeman movement has traction in a court of law?

I do know that it used to be very difficult to evict squatters in A'Dam.


Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Don't have any off hand, it has been a long time since when I was researching this stuff and don't really care to delve off into it again.


Active member
Hate to burst your bubbles guys but..... This is all a waste of time and I'll briefly explain why.

Been talking to a guy that's taken several cases to the U.S. Supreme Court involving basic rights and law enforcement. Basically he would have won.... if we still lived in the 60's and 70's. Told straight up by the justices that we don't live in that world anymore.

Our best bet is to set up a local, community based system that works alongside the current system.... that's able to take over when the current system takes a dump. (Coming sooner than you think)

Look up "The Solution" By Schaeffer Cox on Youtube.com Work on implementing it in your community today, we don't have much time. :thank you:

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Genetic Resource Management
There's a few people having luck in Canada (search Rob Menard or Rob of the Menard family as he'd correct me).. I've seen a few vids of folks having luck in the UK as well.

It seems to work a little better within the commonwealth countries due to the mutual history of our court systems.

I know a few folks that are into this stuff.... and while it provides an entertaining read through, I personally feel that very few of the people that are interested in the topic have the level of intelligence required to navigate the system on their own. This 'game' essentially rests on a series of 'plays on words' with legal documents, concepts, statutes... and to really do it and get off the grid takes a huge amount of work that I don't think many will follow through on.

Thinking outside the system is a good step in personal evolution. I say all the power to them.

How do you know if someone is a Sovereign?

They have a backpack nuked strapped on.

That's the only sovereign in the world today.

If you happen to get a judge who respects the law, then sovereignty will work. Still, it's something we ALL have to learn, and apply, if we are to be free. Otherwise, you're a slave.


ICMag Donor
I personally feel that very few of the people that are interested in the topic have the level of intelligence required to navigate the system on their own. This 'game' essentially rests on a series of 'plays on words' with legal documents, concepts, statutes... and to really do it and get off the grid takes a huge amount of work that I don't think many will follow through on.

We agree. Here's an example of how complex freeman status is in the UK ...


peace n flowers
Do you remember the point of Felix the cat, and the message it was conveying?

Whenever Felix got into a fix, he reached into his magic bag of tricks.

I have been studying this stuff, intensely for a number of years. I have even used it in variations in court a number of times since the mid 1990's. I've spent literally, and without exaggeration, thousands of hours and hundreds of days devoted to studying the principals of sovereignty, and the laws, and court cases, citations, statutes, codes, etc.

To sum it all up.....

It will work, the harder you work it. It's up to the individual to BE sovereign, not just talk it, but walk the walk. If you do, in many cases, you will prevail. However, that being said, there are many times you would be wiser to hire a liar, I am, lawyer, but not always. All of the times, you are better off being Felix the Cat, and having a magic bag of tricks you can reach into, and pull out in the courtroom, to make them do a number of things. That includes, but is not limited to, judges turning pale white, and possibly fainting, DAs running along with judges out the backs of the courtrooms, entire cases being thrown out, cases being postponed indefinitely, judges and DAs proclaiming that you are never invited to come back to the court, and other instances I have either experienced or witnessed myself over the years.

I would rather be armed with knowledge than not. :)

el dub

I'm lucky we don't have to worry about this shit.

The Easter Bunny comes to our house and brings us piles of cash stuffed into plastic eggs every year. (And its just about that time again!) That takes care of our material needs. And every time one of the kids loses a tooth, we make sure they wish for "no trouble with the law." That there formula has made us freemen on the land.....



I am who I am coz I is who I is.
Do these laws cover the whole of this planet we live on? or can you only get rid of your strawman if you live in certain countries?
Do these laws cover the whole of this planet we live on? or can you only get rid of your strawman if you live in certain countries?

The Strawman is not the most important part of it. You have to know who you are in relation to that strawman. The idea is NOT to get rid of it, but to use it as a "Transmitting Utility", which is a medium, that allows the go-between the corporate government and the natural person. The strawman keeps you from getting the charge, as it passes through the strawman instead. The strawman is only your fictional shadow that is in commerce all the time. We need that, in order to hold ourselves non-liable.

The charges, being financial, are fictional, since there is NO MONEY. So, it's a bluff, from the start. You become enslaved, when you mistake the fictional entity that owes the debt, for the yourself, the natural person, who is not liable.

Since there is no money to begin with, there is no debt you can be held for, unless you don't understand the system and the way it really works.

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