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Freeman-on-the-land - Lawful not Legal


Well-known member
If you Realy would be the "king" you 'd have a history supporting you, together with all others who believe so too and are willing to defend your position.

Tiranny is upon us, hard to think yourselves out of that.

Quote Tactical Farmer: I only see two options - Hide & hope some else fixes it OR stand up & fight back.

We are all in the same shit TF, there are more options than this, evolution will dictate what will happen.
It's not neccesarily about trying to slow it down or speed it up, all goes like it goes.

Of your 2 options one is not neccesary better then the other, this is delicate stuff to discuss.

I think it's a good thing to be open to it and be able to create a different "reality" as "the mainstream"
In a perfect world the freemans ways would be the way to go, Thing is we are not this far yet.
But it holds TRUTH. even hotcoffee cannot deny that. and if in anything, I 'd rather put my faith in truth as elsewhere.

(note that from a previous post I showed that I just don't see it work in this time in age, maybe later)

But I can see straight to where the real failure is; The assumption that "we are all equal" is a wrong one.

Factually and if we look at our DNA, we 'll notice that we are all LESS then anyone else. Ones we realise this we understand we are all ONE.

(now lets sit and wait for this truth to go mainstream, might take a while all still.... :D)


Most of us on this thread are here to learn & move forward out of the oppressive hell that we find ourselves trapped in.

Having to argue with normal people that are ignorant to the "ways of the world" is just slowing others down.

Maybe your not fully awake - I will try to help you.

Open your mind - educate yourself.




I only see two options - Hide & hope some else fixes it OR stand up & fight back.

What will you be ?

TF i dont know if this post was directed at me, open your mind, educate yourself, not sure if you seen my post, the part where it says im the 1 thats brainwashed, Ineed to open my eyes lol, been hearing the same shit from a couple of (mentalists) for years, after reading the last few posts my question has still been left unanswered, could a judge detain you under the mental health act if you decided not to give your name in court, and i can assure you if you did not agree or say to the judge im not happy with the decision, it dont matter, you will still be going for psychiatric evaluation and you WILL be detained ( against your own free will ) for how ever long the judge see's fit, and im sorry but its not like you have to agree to this to before it will happen, if the judge thinks for 1 second that your a mentalist, he can detain you under the mental health act and you cant say shit, you wont be walking out that court, you will be handcuffed ( against your own free will ) and took away, dont matter if you have not sat down or gave your name when the judge asked, ask your freeman m8's and im sure they will tell you also that there is a good chance the courts will send you for psychiatric reports and detain you under the mental health act, and over here you can get re- indicted if the case go's to trial and they have to cancel the case for whatever reason, so if they dont get you a first time they will keep going until they do by just re-indicting them, if they really want you they will get you, its not as easy and fun as people make out, freeman on the land lol, there are rules and laws in this country which are set up for a reason, but the freeman dont want to come under any statues and acts as they want to live a peacefull life and not harm another person, just want to be left alone and not answer to any laws, so what happens if you were a freeman, dont come under any laws or statues and acts and you develop mental heath problems in the years to come as you get older, happens to a lot of people, how do YOU decide if you have mental health problems what is right and wrong, but because your a freeman, no laws apply to you??? it does sound very very interesting, but it really dont work, and if you go into court and try it and it dont work, because the freeman people are that brainwashed they believe its something that they did not do properly and gave the court power over them, it was a mistake on their part, if they would have done it properly it would have worked, its the way they get you to think, and before you know it, your brainwashed, like the comment that was directed at me i think lol, open your eyes, educate yourself, like im the 1 thats brainwashed, need to open my eyes lol, as i said, been hearing about this for the last 3 years, i know about it more than most but it dont work, show me 1 person in the UK that has activated their fee schedule and WON, im sure if some1 was successful it would have been posted up on every freeman site so people can say, look, it really does work, here is the proof, and im pretty sure the fee schedule you can make it whatever you like, seen 1s that are wanting £250hr if detained or arrested, seen other 1s at £500hr if detained or arrested, why not make it 10 billion if detained or arrested, might as well as there is no chance of any1 getting any money from it, unless you can prove otherwise, it all looks good on paper and sounds good as well, but it really dont work, but im pretty sure you wont be reading any of my posts saying the guy has a point, as its society that is brainwashed, not the freemen, as you say, its me that needs to open my eyes :)


edit: Having to argue with normal people that are ignorant to the "ways of the world" is just slowing others down.

i feel the same way about you guys TF, funny that :), just shows how ignorant you are. and yes i am fully awake, dont need any help from you bro.


I'm no expert but i dont think they could give you a 28 day section for that fizzbomb , they do an initial evaluation in the police station before you go to court and it's only the shrink who can make a report for the court to say you should be sectioned .The court could not evaluate your mental state it's not their job (whatever the hell their job is )

If you came in to court free in the first place and not from been in custody or mental hospital you tend to stay that way till you either get sent down or let out of the court "free"


Well-known member
It will happen pretty much as you say fizzbomb, Kinda happened to me in an act to provoke and see what happens.

Wasn't detained that long tho, after some days in a menthal facility I was beeing released again. (if it wasn't for the weekend maybe 2 days only)

Only Thing Rob Menard responded about it was to go after the doc who should have called in his peers before stating his diagnose.

They do as they see fit. It's as simple as that.

Not realy worth all the hassle either, next time they 'd behave exactly the same with everyone else.

Stuppa is right there too, allthough here in Fl and other European countries there will be held a court inside the hospital in wich your faith will be decided.

Once you're under their might you can only wait for it to get bend over and not expect loob. ( eg. unvoluntary and under obstruction beeing injected with some of their "snake oil" under restraint.)

No remedy afterwards either since they easely cover up their lies. (They simply stated I was psychotic and stuck to that. Got my son as a witness that I was only acting out on purpose to see what happens... well, now we know, so much for my bravory so noone else doesn't have to try it anymore.)


totally agree that its not up to the court to deem if you are unfit to stand trial or not, the only way they would accept that you were fit to stand trial is if you had your OWN physactriac evaluation done and present this to the judge to say that you are fit to stand trial or not IF they were trying to detain you under the mental health act, but if you dont have 1 you can be forced to go for 1 before you are deemed fit to stand trial, and yes m8, the judge can order this to be done, and you wont be able to say shit about it, he can order 1 to be done but you dont need to be detained but i guess its up to the judge and it depends on what you are standing trial for, but im pretty sure you have heard people be detained under the mental health act before, the freeman shit themselves over this as there is nothing that they can do unless they present their OWN evaluation and even that is questionable, when was it done?, who done the evaluation?, courts might decide to send them for THEIR own evaluation. if you go into court and start saying i dont have a name, im the legal rep for that person your honor, who is to stop them detaining you under the mental health act????


try telling this to a freeman offthehook, they just dont want to listen, they do hear what your saying but they just cant take it in as it go's against everything they are trying to learn about or have been learning about for the last however many years, they freeman tell people that people will think they are mental, dont listen to them, they are the 1s that are brainwashed, they just have not opened their eye's yet, they compare it to the matrix, people need to wake the fuck up, shit like that lol, but this is what i dont get, if they can be detained under the mental health ACT, i thought when you became a freeman and handed in your notice of understanding statues and ACTS did not apply to you, so how come the mental health act can and does apply, lol, surely if it was a legal document which stood, they could not enforce freemen to be detained under the mental health act, and it does happen, so does that not say to the freemen that the shit dont work, no as they really dont want to listen, if you are interested in learning about go right ahead people, you will end up with nothing and lose everything, i have seen people's family's destroyed because they have been learning about this, and to the freemen posting in this thread, what did you have to sacrifice to get to where you are just now, can you honestly tell me you have gave nothing up??


sorry fizzbomb but i need to point out a few things. not saying i disagree with you that these tactics will not always work. but the points you mixed in about getting old and senile and thinking no laws apply. the whole point is that the law does apply to everyone, common law. what freeman don't accept is the rules and regulations that have been added through statutes and acts. basically you can't commit any harm to others, if you do you are braking the law, not some statute or act.

it's clear that any irrational seeming behavior in court will harm your situation. it sounds to me like you went off half cocked as the saying goes. those freemen who have had successes have chosen their battles carefully and prepared them selves extremely well. the last thing these men did in court was act like madmen, in fact they have to make sure to follow court protocol every step of the way. i wouldn't be trying it with my low level of comprehension on the whole freeman subject.

but no one will argue with you that the system is set up to make beating it very hard. when the arbiters of law are prepared to cheat and abscond their responsibilities to their oath office, it makes it next to impossible to get fair treatment or even justice from them.

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el dub

I think the vid posted on a previous page says it all, (freeman" in court)

The "freemen" posting here see it as proof that their beliefs have merit. Case closed. The rest of us see a few minutes of a legal situation that didn't end when freeman left the courtroom.

Call me all the names you want. It doesn't make your position more tenable or give proof of the "facts" claimed above.



so i must come across as pretty unstable to you gaiusmarius lol, kinda rude dont you think??? i will reply proper when i get back.

el dub

See fizzbomb.... You just didn't perform perfectly. You should watch the Seinfeld "Soup Nazi" episode to learn more......

"No freeman on the land for you! Next!!!"



so i must come across as pretty unstable to you gaiusmarius lol, kinda rude dont you think??? i will reply proper when i get back.

you are right it was kinda rude, i apologize and will remove the offending sentence. what i meant to say is that through nerves or fear or what ever, you must have come across a bit unstable to the judge for him to have you detained for psychiatric evaluation. like i said i personally wouldn't be trying the freeman ideas in court unless it was a matter of no consequence and i was sure of my strategy and all the angles.



hey gaiusmarius, no worries m8, it me that has to apologise as i took your post out of context, I did not realize that you thought it was me that was in court acting all crazy, lol, if you read through my posts again no where does it mention about me being in court, I have never been to court in my life m8, its just when you say " you must have come across a bit unstable to the judge for him to have you detained for psychiatric evaluation " lol, gaiusmarius I have never been detained under the mental heath act or even been in a court for a parking ticket and no where in my posts do I mention ME when I was saying about people getting detained under the mental health act, I will put it down to a misunderstanding somewhere on your part, unless you can show me the post which refers to me???

what i was meaning when i was saying about the older you get, did not explain it to well tbh, its just IF i did produce my own physicatric evaluation IF the judge was trying to detain me under the mental health act, if it was dated as last week it would be no good, he wants a report on your frame of mind at that present time, not from last week, anything can happen in a week, so unless the report was from that day or maybe even the day before, it would be no good in court, they would want to do their own evalutation, and the judge's are the insane 1s, your in their house, your better play by their rules and do it properly or be prepared for the worst, as you wont have any legal help whatsoever, will add more to the thread when i get a chance.


Well-known member
For me your posts were clear enough at first glance to understand it as you ment fizzbomb.
Wonder how GM could have taken it different.


what was the point about the whole mental health act thing, if you were not talking about personal experience? i thought you were at least talking from some thing you had seen. so now your saying your whole post with the question about how a judge can have you evaluated for following freeman beliefs was all just a bunch of theorizing on your part?

further more just because a judge might decide to use that weapon against you doesn't mean he can make it stick, or that he's doing so lawfully. so what's the point of even mentioning it. of course the judge will do his damn best not to let a freeman get away with anything if at all possible. even though the view of getting away with some thing is ridiculous. but that's the thing, that's what they believe.

edited to add: talk about arguing semantics, the point of my comment was that if you act like a loony you will get treated like a loony, that's just how the world is, for freemen or bondsmen. why not talk about the essence, not the frills of peoples posts?


not my fault you made yourself out to look stupid by jumping to conclusions, dont try and turn it around by saying because i was not speaking from personal experience I had no right to comment, my posts made perfect sense to every1 but you, some people might not agree with them, but at least they did not behave the way you have by first saying i come across as being not very stable because you picked my post up wrong and then saying i must have come across as being unstable to the judge when he detained me??? I think you need to start reading posts properly before you start to make posts yourself, as i say m8, it was not me that made YOU look stupid, and if you look at my last post, i put it down to a misunderstanding, until you come on trying to defend what you said when you were in the wrong, tc GM.