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Freedom 35


Active member
No idea what they are, but being you bombed twice and they are still around leads me to believe they spend at least part of their life cycle in the soil. I'd try and treat again with a broad spectrum insecticide (Neem, SM90, etc) in the soil, while simultaneously bombing the room 2-3 times in 3 day increments. Still a good idea to track down what they are for future knowledge.


thanks D, i agree about the method of attack, i did two in a week and could find no further sign of infestation, they have to be in the dirt at some point. ill add azamax soaks and sprays to the mix, i wasnt soaking the soil.... good call man. also, yeah im gonna bomb and soak either way i just want to know wtf it is im dealing with. im traveling now so when i get back ill be able to devote some research time to it but in the mean time i wanted to see what the internets had to say


Living life large...
They appear to be Black Spider mites... :2cents:
If so they lay their eggs on the underside of the leaves
I'd look there first and plan your attack accordingly !



oh no i didnt know there were black ones! the damage they do to the leaves is the same as spider mites... shit. i willl have to protect my other tents and plants alot more if that is the case. thanks for the tip im gonna prowl the internets now that im back around my pc


this thing still work?
stay tuned for the new freedom 35...
I took a break from ic for a few yrs, never stopped doing my thing though.
looking forward to getting back into this, see what everyones up to three years later!


yes! i am back. ill continue to elaborate on the events of my hiatus as we go along, but for now im just kinda easing back into the swing of things. i used to be very active on these forums, and i really enjoyed it. it was good for me, and improved my skills considerably. im looking forward to getting involved again.
newcomers and old friends welcome! please offer any critiques, constructive criticisms and suggestions without hesitation. while i have kept a small garden constantly, its been a couple years since its been more than a 400. because of that, i admit i kind of fell out of the loop. technologically and genetically speaking anyway. im noticing there have been some interesting new developments like double ended hps and the "new" cmh lights, so please save me some time digging through data and share your opinions.
now, on to my new gig!
16 x 20 ft workshop that serves as my new space. the way its laid out, i have an open flowering area in half, and a 4 x 8 tent in the other half for veg. im working my way up to 4k, but im lacking gear so right now im running 2600w.
i still run organic soil. the very same soil ive always had actually, i must have moved that shit 800 miles from house to house over the past three years, never able to use more than 20 gallons or so at a time. but never wanting to give up on all the work i had in it either... yall ever try and convince your wives its not crazy to lug around two kiddie pools worth of soil? for three moves too... anyway. same dirt, but i run beds now. currently have 2k over a 4x7x1 bed and am putting a mom on the end in a tote under a 600. just cause.
the only plant i currently have is the GG4. i just did a tester seedrun here, with some sweet tooth x chronic beans i made, but didnt keep any moms. im trying to reveg two. since then i ruined two waves of breeder packs i had saved, i think from a crappy batch of seed starter i mixed. i dunno. anyway, the friend i gave my old moms to has a long running mite issue that i dont care to mess with, so they are not an option. out of all the damn seeds i lost (embarrassingly rare most of them) TWO survived. one being a SSCDH x Chemsour from Phillthy and the other is a Krowberry seed that was 10 years old. so theres that. but i somehow managed to be gifted a gg cut so thats what im working now.
18 went from solo cups into the bed a few days ago, no pics of them in there yet but heres a corner of the room and the empty bed in it. just a 2x4 frame with a modified 8ft pre made bed to fit the 7' length restriction on the bed. (couldn't fit two 8' beds, possibly rethinking configuration in future) also note the existing real wood paneling on the walls. looks like im growing in a library. couldnt brinng myself to paint it so im putting white poly something or other over it





sorry about the hps and out of focus... bear with me i got this


Power Armor rules
Welcome back to IC nameless it has definitely been a while. I'm looking forward to to see you grow some plants.



holy crap! cant believe your still around funk bomb! thats cool... im playing fallout 3 again right now lol. sprout, thanks for stopping by. good to see some old timers still here, MERRY CHRISTMAS BITCHES!


also this, 18 gg4 cuts vegging away in the new bed



and the sweet tooth 4 ibl x chronic winner revegging happily after 2 weeks of 18


this plant is magnificent. im naming it fresca because it smells and tastes like grapefruit soda.


next wave of seeds got dropped into cups today after a 48 hr soak, as i mentioned i had miserable results from the last two rounds i did. this round went into straight light warrior in solo cups. hopefully my recent issue was a bad batch of starter soil i mixed. my recipe for that has been unchanged for years, but the peat was had been sitting around the garage for awhile maybe the cat pissed in it. and i had to buy a bag of pearlite last minute, after getting home i noticed it was miracle grow brand. i figured it shouldnt matter for pearlite but now i wonder.... anywayyy heres the list -

5x - blue satellite 2.2 from spice of life (remember those freebies?)
5x - white x GK from robo cob
7x - bubba kush bx1 x blueberry from pistil pete
10x - casey jones f3 from loudog420? something like that, i forget the breeders ic handle

only male im keeping is a casey jones


happy new year folks! heres a little update to start things off with...
gg4 is vegging nicely, ive been fimming and supercropping it every couple days seems like, trying to get it ready for the screen. i still havent put it on yet, as you can see below. im switching to a 3.5" trellis, and it just got here two days ago. anyone know where to get a plastic 3.5" trellis? i cant seem to find any...
so ill have that installed later today hopefully. heres half my veg tent, you can see my seeds not coming up, after 4 days... little worried about that.


heres the fresca, revegging

krowberry bagseed

sscdh x chemsour

fresca male i selected for its burning fruit skunk rank


heres the gg4, im hoping another week will be enough vegging to fill these out, we'll see...




you can see where they got purple stem from being cupbound before transplant


and heres the gg4 mom i stuck on the end. she was alot bigger, but i broke three big branches off her weighting it down to prepare for the screen. shes bouncing back and getting transplanted into a bucket today, dont worry!


and heres a wider shot with the lights. i finally replaced chains with light hangers so my crippled ass can move them with one hand. also added a 600w for the mom, cleaned reflectors and bulbs an removed glass, and replaced the middle hps bulb that went out the other day with a metal halide bulb i borrowed from a friend.


hope to replace that damn ac soon... TTFN fools!


so after looking around more, i am realizing my tester cut of gg4 in my last round didnt triple during stretch as a fluke. since it appears to more than double for pretty much everyone, im going to raise the trellis up from where i made it even with the canopy, and carefully consider if letting them veg another five days is smart

silver hawaiian

Active member
so after looking around more, i am realizing my tester cut of gg4 in my last round didnt triple during stretch as a fluke. since it appears to more than double for pretty much everyone, im going to raise the trellis up from where i made it even with the canopy, and carefully consider if letting them veg another five days is smart

(I'm not quite caught up yet, maybe speaking out of school)

But are you sure your GG4 is a legit cut? Anything happen the first time that you'd otherwise expect to affect stretch & yield?

Just want to make sure you're not wasting your time with some bullshit cut - you know we got ya homie

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