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ICMag Donor
Just attempting to gain some insight.

I understand this is a hobbyist website, but most input is beneficial.


Well-known member
As C Ahab said, freebies are to be passed on, as in, Overgrow the world! Also, most hobbyists like a little "free" variety. Commercial and med providers should pass them on to patients that want to learn and play with free seeds.


Active member
There are a few reasons why your idea falls short. There are a few different types freebies that are given away.

1. is the freebies given away with every order that are the same seed varieties that are also sold by the breeder, so they would be made anyways and are most likely "seconds". Given out to get people to try new strains.

2. freebies that are given away with every order, made by hobby growers or up in coming breeders to get their name out there or just to pass off genetics they like to other enthusiasts.

3. incentive based freebies, like buy 2 packs get 1 pack free. These aren't really freebies as you have to spend so much money before you get them. They're more like bonus seeds for your purchase price.

I think what you are mostly talking about is the incentive based freebies? I can see where you could think these are a waste of resources but for all anyone knows these are experimental crosses that would have been made anyways. In a way breeders that use this method to sell seeds are devaluing their product, but perhaps that devaluation is intentional. They still need to make x amount per pack and still need to sell x amount of packs to make money, in a way maybe it is cheaper and easier for them to give you bonus seeds then it is to lower their per pack costs, and in turn it gets people to buy more. And also locks in sales with the incentives being offered. The world is facing tough economic times and the seed industry is very competitive so I'd assume a lot of these new incentives are to draw people in. I don't think the seed industry is as easy as it was when there was only 10 main seed makers, now there is hundreds.

I know the difficulty with large scale breeding is getting more than enough of one variety to supply all retailers. You can seed a whole room but not 100% of the seeds will be sell-able, many will still be immature not viable.

Given the worlds stance on cannabis cultivation growing weed is still very much illegal almost everywhere and this is a fringe industry that is mostly done illegally that flies just under the radar.

Also, I know you wish they'd put more effort in to stability but that's not what the market demands. The market today demands new strains all the time, people get bored quick, that's why so many breeders take the quantity vs quality methodology, make 10 new strains and maybe 3 will be good, keep the 3, dump the rest and move on.

Not everybody is looking for strains that grow like clones, many people like variety so long as there is some great pheno's to be found, then clones can be taken and those pheno's can be used for production.

At this time recreational rules the industry because to produce true medicinal strains would require much more expense in the breeding process. Everything would have to be cannabinoid tested before breeding adding years and expense. There is breeders out there working on this stuff like CBDcrew, but even then it's a shit shoot because not all offspring will carry the medical traits being sought. The true medical industry is in its infancy and requires much more scientific testing and procedures. Honestly I like it the way it is because I would not want to buy seeds from big pharmaceutical companies or evil agri corporations like monsanto.

The best way to access true medicinal strains is by clone, but until laws change everywhere this will not be possible for everybody.

I really think the worst thing to happen to cannabis cultivation is the idea of imposing plant limits, people should be free to grow what they need or want and however many plants they want. I would not like to have to hold myself to 6 plants, I like variety and am constantly on the search for new or better, plant limits are for suckers.
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Well-known member
We all have to face that we are in the mist of some competitive marketing strategies.Some are affected and some are not so much.
Influence that comes from breeder,seed banks,C cups,and word of mouth posts.

WE pick and choose


Well-known member
To me the whole freebie thing is strictly promotional, either by breeder or the seedbank. I grow regular seeds and order regular seeds. I can’t remember the last time I received regular seeds as freebies. I’m not knocking feminized seeds either, or the breeder, or the process…it is what it is, another way to get product out there in a very cluttered market. Is it a waste of resources, how can that be measured? And the one who receives can do with them what they want.

Have you ever received freebies of a strain you wanted to buy?

If I am buying a strain for medicinal use I would definitely be doing the research to find the strains suitable for the application.


Well-known member
you DO like to compicate things TT... it must be genetic if not the light cycle.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Great. This is what I wanted. Thanks for the contribution everyone.

No doubt there is a benefit to the supplier and producer, otherwise they would not be doing it. What I am saying is that there may be a greater benefit to be had relative. I don't know what at the moment, so I was just attempting to create a healthy debate.

The strategy of free offerings is what I am questioning; I am just using the cannabis industry as an example. There are valid points from my recent research. There are other methods to employ which could attract another demographic with differing demands. I am saying that some producers should differentiate and offer another incentive.

I'm also looking to the future of the industry, as I believe free seeds will become an irrelevant incentive, for the supply will be so great, and seeds so cheap, people will not be influenced by free, but quality instead. This is observable in any industry, people become increasingly educated and begin demanding better (cheaper, higher quality, organic).


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ICMag Donor
The farm industry disposes of a great portion of their crop to keep prices from deflating and match demand.

soil margin

Active member
You really have that bullshit corporate-legal speak down to a tee Tom, well done. Now go do something useful, maybe make a new thread on why happy hour is going to destroy the alcohol industry?


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ICMag Donor
The farm comment was not fully evaluated prior to posting, thanks for the valid point.

Haha, soil. There are flaws; I'm just trying to improve my understanding. This is why I enjoy the internet platform for developing an "intelligent" person; trust me, my personal friends would not be impressed, hah. Look at all these edits, lol.

Your comment is comical, but not very constructive. This industry is a bit more dynamic.


Well-known member
We should be looking into the evil's of ladies night ,Designed draw in hot women with cheap drinks to consequently get them drunk and avoid a sausage fest .Its a plot

Great thread Tom


Well-known member
Seeds are freebies because producing 1000s of seeds from a cross already being made doesn't take more than a few square feet. Other incentives actually take money from the producers.


Active member
Your comment is comical, but not very constructive. This industry is a bit more dynamic.

The cannabis industry is very unlike the current industrial agricultural industry. Cannabis is grown and bred for its subtle, nuances in smell, effect and looks, not like rice for example that might be bred to survive floods or pests. The human involvement is what has shaped cannabis into what it is today, being transformed by the smoker/grower/breeder, almost artistic in it's creation.

I'd be very careful about asking for the corporatization of the cannabis industry because we could find ourselves left with a very lack luster culture.

Cannabis is more akin to a craft product rather than produce like corn or tomato's. Enjoy the differences as each one is an experience.


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ICMag Donor
I've read many gardening literature and have thus learned about the demise of unique cultivars and quality produce for commercial variety's. No doubt cannabis will follow the same, such is business - witnessed in all industries. Asking for commercial production? That arises naturally, we all demand low prices, as long as there is a demand. The impact will occur later. Look at these plots of land which are no longer fertile, sure we are developing technology to overcome these limitations, but what does the development of this technology require? More resources. We will inevitably kill ourselves.

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of self sustenance and organic practices. Life is a cycle; are we reverting back to our "primitive" practices?

HidingInTheHaze, you are describing connoisseur vs commercial production. Look at any industry, connoisseur quality products will always require attention to the nuances. Not any different than rice as a crop, just that it is produced commerically.


I, for one, enjoy getting freebies.
I almost enjoy getting them as much as the seeds that I've ordered. I like variety. I also like free seeds. I like finding out what's behind "door #3".
There HAVE been certain "freebies" that I've consequently purchased and regrown after upon seeing unexpectedly spectacular results.

Does this mean that I'm a victim of a universal marketing ploy by the cannabis seed industry? Perhaps. I don't really care.

I'm a hobbyist grower who likes collecting genetics and having options. What freebies I don't grow I give to my fellow growers, who are more than pleased with a gift of quality seeds, and who reward me with a cutting or two. I'm happy, my friends are happy, the seed broker is happy, the breeder is happy.

It's great!

EDIT: Seedbanks sell SEEDS. I'm not really sure what other incentives you want them to offer. To either hobbyist OR commercial growers...


Well from my point of view I would be happy to take all the freebies I could get.But alas my past experience states that I would be asking for trouble again,by ordering seeds AND getting the freebies.My last experience of ordering seeds cost me everything I had,job,home,401k,savings and now I have a hard time trying to find employment,all because of ordering seeds.
If it was legal to order seeds into the usa would this discussion be going on ?I do live in a state where it IS ILLEGAL to order seeds.Its not worth my freedom to order seeds again,I will run bag seed from now on,and dream the big dreams of smoking all those designer seeds that I miss,super lemon haze,super skunk,power kush and etc.I just hope none of you all get busted importing seeds.I did 6 months in home detention 1 years probation and fines out the yingyang,not to mention the expensive lawyer I hired to keep me out of prison.I still visit seed sites and look at the new stuff coming but all I can do is dream.Maybe some day it will become legal to import seeds and I wont have to risk my freedom ordering seeds anymore.So everybody that is arguing about the freebies,think of those that cannot or will not order seeds for fear of prison,like me.
I know ordering seeds cost me more then I was really willing to spend.I may not have gone to prison,but it took everything I could do to keep from it thanks to the private prison system and all the silly laws against marijuana.
On another note I really hate the customs in new york,I hope they are happy for ruining another persons lives over some seeds,and yes customs does talk and interact with state police departments.
Peace Out All and Happy Growing.

Ps they didnt get my stash of seeds I had gotten through customs and I have a few strains left,one of my favorites that Im waiting to germ when I get my own place again is applejack I have a few others,snow white and afghan,super skunk#1 and an old nasty one called rocklock it was a freebie,the last rocklock I grew out was pretty nasty for the buzz and flavor,mexican brickweed was better tasting :)
I will grow again and soon I hope,I have an interview tomorrow first one in over 6 months I am an industrial maintenance technician by trade,just another wrench turner.

Good Luck to all


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ICMag Donor
Damn, ozman. Sorry about your experience, I have never heard of such a situation. You should post a psa on the forums regarding the reality of partaking in illegal activities, albeit rare, but as you mention, they are keeping tabs.