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Free Tommy Robinson

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I just saw this Robinson interview with a man from Baluchistan talking about Pakistani islamic oppression in his country:


* and from the comments -

UTubeIsMuhKrakane Literally
5 months ago

The first thing you have to understand is that there are a number of forces operating here. On the one hand we are told that radicals are only a small percentage of Muslims and as Sadiq Khan says, we are expected to live with terrorism. Sorry Sadiq I don’t accept that. Just making the comments you make will get you a free trip out of the country. Why do the radicals do what they do? Simple really it guarantees them a spot in Paradise with 72 virgins, who once deflowered, become virgins again. Not only does it guarantee them a spot in Paradise, it means that 70 of their immediate family have a much better chance to go to Paradise. That is why Muslim mothers say nothing about their martyred sons. Is it just me or does Paradise appear to be overly carnal? I doubt any deity would be so focused on a carnal Paradise. That to me is more a man-made place of pleasure. I would have thought it was right up Muhammad’s alley.

We shall always have radicals because martyrdom is so compelling for them. If they do not make martyrs of themselves then they have to recite verses of the Quran in classical Arabic to Allah and hope they know enough. Remember also that only 10% of Muslims speak Arabic so it becomes a great deal more difficult for the non-Arab speaking Muslims. Of course, we are told repeatedly that they only make up a small percentage of all Muslims and this is fairly true, if 22 million world wide is a small number

The next group is not quite so small and is a group which the media and the politicians are not quite as focused on but who by their beliefs are just as dangerous, in the long run, as the radicals. These are the fundamentalists or Muhammadans, who widely believe in the caliphate and adhere to the Sharia. These are a more insidious group as they want to take over the west by democratic means. They call it Hijra. It is where they pretend to be “moderate” until their numbers are large enough to come out. We are no longer talking 1-1 1/2% as with the radicals but 30-40% of all Muslims or at least 600,000,000 worldwide. Your apologists fit into this group. You know, as Tonto says, Muslim speak with forked tongue.

To give you a true idea of what the islamic Sharia involves, please read the following:

Beheadings - Stonings - Hangings - Crucifixions - Honor killings Genocide - Burning infidels alive - Supremacy and global domination - Warfare/conquest - -Beatings -Torture - Limb amputations - Genital mutilation - Death to apostates - Forced conversion Slavery - Sex slavery and rape - Misogyny/sexism - Women enslavement - Wife beating - Child marriage/rape -Brutality against homosexuals - Censorship - Dictatorship - Bigotry and hatred - Robbery and pillage - Extortion of nonbelievers - Persecution and/or death for blasphemy/atheism - Animal cruelty - Prohibition of music/singing and sports - Destruction of pre-Islamic antiquities Etc., ad nauseam

Now Muslims would argue that this is not what the sharia is at all and they will put up seven lovey dovey expressions of what they want you and I to believe the Sharia is. I say to them which Quran are the terrorists and radicals reading and which Quran are they reading as they are obviously reading different books. They have no answer to that one. All you have to do is go to Surah 4.89 to see what they are on about and have a look at Islamic countries to get a better idea of which form of the Sharia is imposed.

"They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper." surah 4.89

These people want to impose this rubbish all over Europe. Don't worry about the nice Muslims they say and do nothing except occasionally play the victim. As Brigitte Gabriel says, "The silent majority are worthless. Where were they during the Nazis, Soviets, Japanese in the 1930s, the Chinese etc and so on. They were nowhere. They were just that the silent majority. The same applies today. Until the liberal left wake up and see they are being manipulated and used by these Muhammadans nothing will change until it explodes into civil war. That result is definitive. That is what happened in Lebanon and it will happen in Europe. Look at Sweden - 80% of the police are looking to resign. The EU has to come out and say the Barcelona Declaration was a mistake and Draconian rules have to be implemented in the short term to reverse this problem.

Equally, everybody has to be aware of Islamic deceit. It has got to the stage with me, I do not believe anything that comes out of their mouths. This is because they are either very ignorant or they are being deceitful. For all you infidels, kafirs etc etc there are four words in the Islamic text you should be aware of. These words all refer to deceit in various forms in Islam. They are (1)taqiyya (Shia) and (2)Muda’rat (Sunni) which are the tactical forms of deceit for spreading Islam. This is going on all of the time. Then we have (3) tawriya, which is deceit by ambiguity. (4) Kitman which is deceit by omission. (5)Taysir which is deceit through facilitation. (6)Darura is deceit through necessity (doing something haram). (7)Maruna is the temporary suspension of the Sharia by Muslims in the West to make them look moderate. (8)Hudna is the temporary truce which the Muslim might make but which can be broken at a moment’s notice. (9)hijra which is Muslim immigration to peacefully occupy and then take over a kafir country. My advice is look up the meaning of these words and that will give you a better idea of what you are dealing with. I have only given you a brief overview. To give you an example of "kitman". How often do we hear Islamic apologists telling us that jihad is nothing but an internal struggle while the rest of the world sees what these so called people immersed in "inner struggle" are actually doing when given half a chance. We even have these naive politicians that tell us it is an inner struggle and that terrorism is not indicative of the true Islam. Bullshit Theresa May. In the Quran it uses jihad and its derivatives 59 times. Of these, only 16 or 27% could be considered "internal" with no object as target of the struggle based on the context of the surah. So you know what to say the next time a Muslim tells you the "true meaning" of jihad. .

What we need in the West is an action plan to deal with the radicals and the fundamentalists. I put this forward for discussion.

So what do we do?

Point 1. Declassify this ideology for what it is. Take away its religious entitlements under the Act by saying it is no longer a recognised religion

Point 2. Close down all mosques and physically remove them from the landscape. They did it in Angola so there is no reason why we cannot do it. Mosques are the first step in implementing the Sharia and in radicalising young Muslims.

Point 3. All people under suspicion of being radicals should be rounded up and deported straight away. You would save 12 billion pounds a year in the UK alone. They are starting to do it in the UK as they have stand by jets sitting there waiting to move these people on. Jets will not solve the problem long term.

Point 4.Segregate all jails. There are so many Muslims in jail at present that I would stick them all in the one institution. Maybe we will not see the forced conversions we are now seeing. Once their sentences are over deport them.

Point 5. Identify the fundamentalists or Muhammadans in the crowd by asking them two questions. a) Do you think the Sharia should supersede man-made secular laws? b) Do you believe in the world caliphate? If they say YES to either question they are incompatible with western culture – so round them up and put them in a holding environment until it is time to repatriate them to Turkey. Another question might be, Are you an Australian Muslim or a Muslim Australian? If they give the second choice then deport them as they are not going to integrate.

Point 6.Once you have a sizable number of Fundamentalist Muslims march them from Europe, and the UK, to Turkey. Army can do that. As they are Muslims, a Muslim country has to take them in. What they do with them after that is up to them and that delightful Islamic Bloc in the United Nations. Some might suggest that this was what actually happened in Myanmar. They were not going to have a separate independent Islamic state being set up in their country so they marched them out to the nearest Islamic country - Bangladesh. The country where they probably came from illegally in the first place.

Point 7. Bull doze the United Nations as they are a major part of the problem. This institution is simply a tool for both the Islamic Bloc and the Globalists.

Point 8. Arrest and charge all these politicians who allowed this to happen; who invited these Islamists into our countries; and who betrayed the people of their own countries. They should be charged with treason.

Remember, Angel Merkel only allowed this to go on for economic reasons without any consideration for the social ramifications. Not only were the economic reasons lost in the hailstorm of outgoing social benefits, these people are told not to assimilate. It says so in the Qu'ran. Go back to the old Surah 4.89 it says it there. No wonder they form No Go Zones.

Now saying all I have said, you cannot blame all Muslims. Many of them want to live normal lives. Many of them have never read the Quran and put their own liberal interpretation on what their religion is all about. When you tell them about what the Quran says, they do not want to listen. To them it is all metaphors and poetry. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Can you reform the Quran? Not really as to change the text is to change God’s word and they are not going to put up with that.

I hope this helps in some way.

Tommy Robinson's speech at The Oxford Union.


Wow didn't realise he was that clued up. If there was only a way to get some of the white knights off their crusade to protect Muslims from islamaphobia & reading some of this instead.


Active member
There is only one solution to the islamic problem, total extermination of the death cult and all its followers, every last one of them, men woman and children, 1400 hundred years of muslim shit is enough i reckon

may as well sort out the left while we're at it
we could give them the old convert to being normal or die

don't be offended its what they want to do to us, lets get in first lol

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I think this suggestion below is quite extreme, particularly where women and children are concerned, and I do believe that many muslims in the west are here to escape the tyranny of living in islamic societies, and many others who identify as muslims don't really understand islamic text and have been fooled into thinking islam is a religion of peace......but they can't leave it because of the apostasy laws which condemn them to be killed if they forsake Allah, so they live in fear.
BUT there are still millions who follow this barbaric cult who do want to see the fall of western civilization, and are working on it every hour of every day......as they have been doing for 1400 years.

Here are some very famous people throughout history giving their opinions on Islam:

Famous Quotes about Islam (PART ONE)


Famous Quotes about Islam (PART TWO)


There is only one solution to the islamic problem, total extermination of the death cult and all its followers, every last one of them, men woman and children, 1400 hundred years of muslim shit is enough i reckon

may as well sort out the left while we're at it
we could give them the old convert to being normal or die

don't be offended its what they want to do to us, lets get in first lol
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I appreciate on a bad day backed by bad experience why you may feel that way but when you really think about what you are suggesting it’s not right. In this day & age you can’t do that sort of thing & you can get verbally lynched for suggesting it on a forum. You’ve been lucky so far that non-one has come along & lambasted you with the hammer of political correctness.
Ejecting a religious group from a country is a different matter. Also frowned upon heavily by the pc brigade but much more suiting. I would say a more evolved option. Extermination is the route that Hitler went & look how that turned out.

There is only one solution to the islamic problem, total extermination of the death cult and all its followers, every last one of them, men woman and children, 1400 hundred years of muslim shit is enough i reckon

may as well sort out the left while we're at it
we could give them the old convert to being normal or die

don't be offended its what they want to do to us, lets get in first lol


New member
You can’t possibly think that you’re right about Islam, can you? Of course you’re wrong. You have to know that deep down inside.
Islam is a 14-centuries-old religion with 1.7 billion adherents and is the majority faith of over 57 countries (out of some 160), with significant populations in 92 countries. It’s also the fastest growing religion. It’s legal traditions and writings fill thousands of libraries and the pages of millions of books. The founders of the US based the system of precedence in our law on Islamic legal tradition. A stone bust of the Prophet Muhammad sits in the US Supreme Court building to honor him for being a great lawgiver.
You read the Quran? Which one? How many commentaries did you read with it? From which of the 77 [or more] schools of thought? Which contextualizing compendia of history did you read with them? Which of the top tier programs in Islamic Studies at Harvard, Oxford, Georgetown, and Cambridge did you earn your Ph.D.(s) in?
I know the answer to all of these questions is none. I know because of your naive, callow, foolish, insulting, inept, reductionist, entirely uninformed and feckless remarks.
Reading the Quran Does Not An Expert on Islam Make
Reading the Quran is not even comparable to learning the first letter of the vast alphabet of Islamic learning.
If you think it makes you a scholar, be aware that you, in fact, know less than nothing because you think you know a great deal. That’s a bit of Socratic logic - maybe something else you should read before engaging in the discourses on Islamic studies is The Republic.
You think you can talk derisively about a faith with such arrogant authority and unwarranted animosity because you read a translation of scripture? Not only do you possess no authority on the text or the tradition, but you are nothing more than a bully. A shallow, heartless bully. You don’t care that your insipid words lead to innocent loved ones being killed. That - unlike the vacuous, specious accusations you sling at Islam and Muslims - is a fact. You degrade others and put Muslims into an impossible double bind the same way that ISIS does. For ISIS, there are either Muslims who join them or there are Muslims who are inauthentic. Their argument is transparently self-serving and has no basis in any Islamic tradition. You anti-Muslim internet bullies, like the professional network of paid Islamophobic extortionists, operate on the same illogic: Muslims are either part of ISIS or they’re lying. A “moderate Muslim” is a secular one who doesn’t practice the faith and renounces the scripture and the law.
Less than 1/1000th of 1% of Muslims ever get involved in militarism. Given the history of the (Re)conquista, the Inquisition, the Crusades, colonization, and the Global War on Terror, which has itself killed 1.3 million innocent civilians, it would be a wonder how more Muslims aren’t militants. But it is not a wonder. It is not because, if you knew the first thing about Islam, which you don’t, you’d credit Muslims’ incredible faith for their perseverance and commitment to peace in the face of relentless, savage, demoralizing violence and hatred from charlatans and trolls like you, not to mention belligerent and pernicious foreign policies that increasingly resort to violence rather than work through diplomatic channels and other non-violent means to influence and incentivize.
You Read the Quran and You Think you Know Everything About Islam and Muslims?
The fact is you don’t know anything about either. You’re pathetic. Your hate consumes and blinds you.
Have some humility. Show some respect. You could read about the Islamic tradition for a hundred lifetimes and you wouldn’t be a fraction of the way through.
And even if you read every word, you still wouldn’t have enough information to begin to understand what is happening in the world today. Think about that.
If I were you, I’d apologize, and then I’d shut up and start reading.

moose eater

Exterminate the left? Want my address? You can start here, motherfucker.



I'm not the one who has read the Quran etc, but I'm sure you well get a reply from that person soon enough. I am a little curious though, if it would take 100 life times of studying to get a fraction of the way through the religion how have you amassed so much knowledge. Did the faith grant you immortality? For the record I'm against all religion. Regardless of what you say religion has always been the biggest source of conflict on this planet & the Muslim faith is far from exempt. Religion does nothing but hold us back as a race.

I would also add that if you had read this thead all the way through to this point you would have already seen that there have been numerous links, attachments & quotes added that dispute a lot of what you are saying. All this trouble over fiction
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Active member
Exterminate the left? Want my address? You can start here, motherfucker.

I did say don't get offended, but there ya go
I don't count sheep to get to sleep
I shoot Fabian socialist in me mind till i do

normally get to sleep pretty quick, wake up happy too

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moose eater

You propose killing groups en masse, but it's OK because you said, "Don't get offended"? Ummmm...Seriously?!

Your perceptions about cause and effect, and groups you choose to generalize, are as loosely constructed as your theories and hatred you use to mask your fear.

I made you an offer.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Muslims and Islam

"Don't judge the Muslims that you
know by Islam and don't judge
Islam by the Muslims that you know. "

Since we hear from so many critics who simply can't understand the distinction between Islam and Muslims, I thought it best to bring together in one place what I have said to so many others over the years.

Islam is an ideology - a set of ideas. It is not defined by what any Muslim wants it to be, but by what it is. No ideology is above critique - particularly one that explicitly seeks political and social dominance over every person on the planet. Neither is it entitled to human rights, which apply to individuals.

Muslims are individuals. I passionately believe that no Muslim should be harmed, harassed, stereotyped or treated any differently anywhere in the world solely on account of their status as a Muslim.

As an ideology, Islam is not necessarily entitled to equal respect and acceptance. Ideas do not carry equal moral weight. The feelings or number of those who believe does not make the idea true or good. Bad ideas should be challenged before they have bad consequences.

Islam is not simply a belief about God. Islam is a word that means: SUBMISSION. Islam is a set of rules that define a social hierarchy in which Muslims submit to Allah, women submit to men and all non-Muslims submit to Islamic rule.

Since we don't live in a Muslim country - where censorship, intimidation and brute force are shamelessly employed to protect Islam from intellectual analysis - we are still free to openly exercise our right to debate the merits of the Islamic value system against Western Liberalism...

Are men really superior to women as the Quran says? Are women intellectually inferior as Muhammad taught? Does propagating material that curses people of other religions amidst random calls to violence really make for a better social environment? Is it right to keep women as sex slaves merely because the Quran goes well out of its way to permit this practice in numerous places? Should atheists and homosexuals have to choose between the noose and an outward profession of faith in Allah?

Yes, there are Muslims who take issue with these aspects of Islamic theology, but that doesn't change what Islam is....

Don't confuse the ideology with the individual. Don't draw conclusions about Islam based on the Muslims that you know, be they terrorists or humanitarians.......

Islam must be understood on the basis of what it is, as presented objectively in the Quran, Hadith and Sira (biography of Muhammad).

By the same token, don't draw conclusions about the Muslims in your life based on the true nature of Islam. Like any other group, not all Muslims think alike. Even if there is no such thing as moderate Islam it does not mean that there are no Muslim moderates.

If years of dialogue have taught us anything, it is that, irrespective of their confidence, most Muslims have a superficial understanding of their religion. Some are secular, and very few made the choice to even be Muslim. As with all religion, there are widely varying degrees of seriousness with which the teachings of Islam are taken.

As Ayaan Hirsi Ali put it, "Muslims, as individuals, can choose how much of their religion they practice." For example, many Muslims in the West do not agree with amputating limbs over theft, even though it is plainly mandated in the Quran. Most simply choose to disregard (or explain away) that which conflicts with their moral preferences.

The Muslims that you know are not terrorists. More than likely, their interests in life are similar to yours and they have the same ambitions for their children. They should neither be shunned, mistreated, nor disrespected merely because of their religion. Their property should not be abused, and neither should copies of the book they consider sacred be vandalized.

Prejudging an individual by their group identity (or presumed group identity) is not only unethical, it is blatantly irrational, since group identity reveals nothing about a person. Every individual should be judged only by their own words and deeds.

My advice:

Treat the ideology with caution and candidness. Treat the Muslim with kindness, as an individual.

Don't judge Islam by the Muslims that you know, and don't judge the Muslims that you know by Islam.


Well-known member
I am a father of 3 children, 1 of them is Autistic. I am terrified at the world we leave. The eugenics used to virtually eradicate (children's lives) Down Syndrome, in parts of Scandinavia, and Europe. How long till they come for those that are already born. How can a society decide that a child who isn't perfectly healthy doesn't have value. These are the forgotten lives, that were never to be remembered but to be eliminated before they had a chance to exist. People claim gays, blacks, Jews, muslims, transgender etc. are the victims. At least they were given the right to be born and have a life.

Eugenics are American in origin.


Active member
You propose killing groups en masse, but it's OK because you said, "Don't get offended"? Ummmm...Seriously?!

Your perceptions about cause and effect, and groups you choose to generalize, are as loosely constructed as your theories and hatred you use to mask your fear.

I made you an offer.

Yeah ya did, i don't hate anyone by the way, i do hate islam tho
and the Catholic church, the Fabian socialists as well, because they are fucking evil sick institutions, bent on control of society and the wealth that comes with it, islam wants to kill all the infidels, the catholic's want ya bum and ya $, the Fabians want to change society and have some sort of bullshit utopia, with them running the show , the elitist fucks, what's not to hate about that ?.

i'm an infidel who likes his bum and his $ left alone thanks



There is only one solution to the islamic problem, total extermination of the death cult and all its followers, every last one of them, men woman and children, 1400 hundred years of muslim shit is enough i reckon

may as well sort out the left while we're at it
we could give them the old convert to being normal or die

don't be offended its what they want to do to us, lets get in first lol

now we come to the crux, i knew this thread would end up here sooner or later.

at least you are honest about what you want. but don't be surprised, if saying dont be offended, i just want to exterminate 1.7 billion human beings, no biggie, doesn't work, decent humans are not up for another mass murder and are offended by that kind of talk.


Active member
now we come to the crux, i knew this thread would end up here sooner or later.

at least you are honest about what you want. but don't be surprised, if saying dont be offended, i just want to exterminate 1.7 billion human beings, no biggie, doesn't work, decent humans are not up for another mass murder and are offended by that kind of talk.

I'm offended that the rest of humanity hasn't put a stop to the evil cult of islam long ago, might have saved millions of innocent lives,
islam has one goal, that is to convert or kill everyone that is not a muslim, no different to what i suggested, just no time wasted trying to convert the nonconvertible, the world would be a much better place.

The only time England and europe ever got along, was fighting the regular muslim invasions, ya got to wonder how many woman got taken and enslaved for life, how many men lost there lives fighting for survival, its only been going on for 1400 years.

When is enough enough, give it another 1400 years we will ALL be dead or muzzie's, as i said we should get in first,
think of all the woman and children that would be saved


now we come to the crux, i knew this thread would end up here sooner or later.

at least you are honest about what you want. but don't be surprised, if saying dont be offended, i just want to exterminate 1.7 billion human beings, no biggie, doesn't work, decent humans are not up for another mass murder and are offended by that kind of talk.

The thread encompasses views at all levels from all types of people, right & wrong. Don’t tar everyone with the same brush just because it suits your purpose & helps your argument.


The thread encompasses views at all levels from all types of people, right & wrong. Don’t tar everyone with the same brush just because it suits your purpose & helps your argument.

would be a fair point, but your views aren't much better, you just want to round them up in camps and deport them.better then genozide i guess, but it's the first step too.


would be a fair point, but your views aren't much better, you just want to round them up in camps and deport them.better then genozide i guess, but it's the first step too.

As you are no doubt aware I was trying to lower the tone of the conversation from the extermination of a group of people.
I was talking about ejecting a religion from the country as a way to bring someone of def-con 1.
It doesn’t do anyone on any side of the argument any favours to be discussing genocide as an option.

To be fair ejecting a religion that is essentially incompatible with the western country it is attempting to take control of is not really that terrible. It may sound harsh but lets just clarify here, the Muslim faith is all about converting people by any & all means possible. Be that as peacefully as outbreeding the indigenous population until they have majority control or by carrying out acts of terror. How many countries have been converted to the Muslim faith to date?

As pointed out in this thread the Muslim Brotherhood fought along side Hitler! The faith you are desperately trying to protect is not all sweetness & light. How do Muslims feel about Jewish people again? Sorry let me rephrase that how are Muslims taught to feel about Jewish people?
I’m pretty sure that the work books banned from the Muslim faith schools in Birmingham a couple of years ago taught young Muslim children to see the Jewish as no better than rats.
You may want to come down a rung on your high horse mate.

There’s a whole lot of talk of how Muslims are being wronged on a daily basis in the UK & how terrible white people are (like that’s not a racist generalisation).

To date how many Muslims have been killed in the UK due to terrorist attacks carried out by any indigenous religion, group or terrorist cell who are not Muslims?
To date how many under age Muslim girls have been raped by any indigenous religious groups?
Pretty sure the answer to both questions is zero.
Look at the numbers I’m pretty sure that the people your pointing your finger at are coming off significantly worse in this.

Muslims won’t engage in talks to address the issues highlighted in this thread. Every time the issue of child rape or terrorism is brought up the race card gets played.
If people of the Muslim faith won’t open up & try to help improve things in this country you are going to get a rise in the number of people making statements about genocide or deporting religious groups. By ignoring or denying issues you are literally stoking the fire!

What would happen to a non-Muslim in a Muslim country who was caught raping an underage Muslim girl or attempting to blow up Muslim people?
What do think would happen in that same country if non-Muslims kept on raping underage Muslim girls & kept on trying to blow up Muslim people? all be it only a small percentage of the non-Muslim population being responsible?
How well do you think it would go down in that situation if when the ruling Muslim majority tried to address the issue peacefully with the non-Muslim minority, they refused to address the issues & sought to rebut everything by calling the Muslim majority racists?
How do you think that would be dealt with in a Muslim country? There is a glaring disparity going on & it is not the one you are making it out to be.
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