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Frank's Finale

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
this is gonna be a thread for my last grow.

i had 3 yr "plan" for growing when i started.
the 3 yrs will end as november does.
greed kills in this game, im not going out like that.
my grow, my terms, or its my ASS!

so i figured i'd have a "farewell tour" so to speak.
this run will be a light one, but ill try to keep it as updated as possible.
i've had a blast here w/ my many friends here at icmag.
but we all know that all good things must come to an end.

there are bigger things in my life right now, so i must do whats right for my family, not my pipe.
i've had a whale of a time growing, ive learned alot, taught alot, given where i could and hopefully you guys appreciated my time here as much as i did.

this place rocks, as does all of you!



IcMag Resident Comic Relief
ut ohe! man that is sad to hear frank, sad to see you go but you gotta do what you gotta do, specially since you got the little one now. glad i got to be a part of things around here and thanks for keepin us entertained. you done all together or you still gonna keep poppa a little cab going for himself? im sure i speak for everyone, dont go into the light! and make sure your around once and a while to keep us all in line!

pullin up a chair for this one.. you better impress us and go out in style! :violin: :dueling: :badday:
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Active member
I hear ya there frank,either people are total f ups with the business,or they just dont take it serious.Better to be safe than sorry.


A man with a plan...lookin forward to the show.

I like your style Frank.


Sad to see you go without gettin to grow bliss :(

Well this should be a good one and I hope things with family stay good and strong!

Its been great having you around I hope youll still chill in chat :)

Lune TNS

Jeeze frank... wasnt expecting to hear that but ya gotta roll with the punches... will grab a seat for this one, Im sure itll be a great show...


Sad day in the news of IC'ers... Frank "The Tank" throwing in the towel... :violin:


What strain is this? It looks Killer!
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Karma Withakay

Your personality, style, and helpfulness will be sorely missed by many around here.

I'm saddened to see you go, but at the same time it's refreshing to see you making the change for all the right reasons.

cocktail frank said:
greed kills in this game, im not going out like that.
my grow, my terms, or its my ASS!
but we all know that all good things must come to an end.
Words to remember...

I'll also never forget that other quote about the one hitter quitter that kills 25 people! :biglaugh:

Take care, and hope to cross paths again in the future. :wave:


Ahh man, just as I fall in love you break my heart :badday:

I wish you the best sir, can only hope that someday our paths cross and I get to fire one up with ya. Be good and I wish you the best in everything you do.

I'll certainly keep myself glued to the finale.

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natural medicator
sorry to hear you're gettin out, but its good to have a solid plan and stick to it like that. much respect.

hope you'll be around to give tips once in a while, especially with electrical stuff.

now that i've said that...........i'll be pullin up a comfortable chair and a few joints to share if you don't mind :rasta:

should be a kickass show!

Old Soul

Active member
Wow, that is sad news. You will be greatly missed. The best wishes to your family and in your life. Hope you keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
frank you used up all your karma on this name-

why not go out with a bang?

only makes sense

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Registered Medical Patient
Sorry to hear that Frank...I know u have contributed alot here on IC...Ive always lurked in ur threads, but never posted...Im gonna pull up a seat for the farewell thread!!!!GOod luck man....Peace

- Z


So sad, but sounds like you gotta plan(good thing). Definitely gonna miss your work, and your threads/comments. Stay happy/healthy/green/safe!! Ride on, ride on!!


Best wishes to you and yours compadre. May all your ventures be "fruitful" and may life not beat you down too much. ;) It's been a pleasure, I tip my hat to you sir. ~SB~


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
mmmh thats not such good news....but i'm in for ya last ride as it where.....:smile:
IC is gonne lose a very good grower ...but i know life can trow curveballs at ya....Nway i tagged it ....lets get started and go out with a BANG !!


Active member

pulls up a chair, sits down slowly...
rubs chin ------- stares off into the distance for a while in a hazey contemplation..
what a long strange trip its been, eh

everyone seems so jumpy since the latest events around here, but i think its just a case of the noia' that shit is very catching it seems (peace y, jip, raist?). i thought i was paranoid guys (please let me know if i should be btw)

i do remember you mentioning this was a temporary thing. you have to do what you have to do. a small personal cab never hurt anyone tho ;)

dont leave me hanging tho yo, pm me and keep me updated ... save me an ssh, and a white while ur at it, lol ;)

and remember, every ending is just a new beginning ..

change isn't always bad.
