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What if we all sent similar emails? Wonder what would happen then? K+ for you Hazy Lady; you sure you're not a dude, this takes balls. ;-)


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Dead on White Meat. Glass retailers and manufacturers don't endorse medical cannabis, so what's the big deal if a US nute company doesn't? It's no different than going in your hydro store and getting ballasts for tomatoes.

It's protecting your assets man. They know who's using these products and what they're being used for. Move on or start your own US based nutrient company that advertise as being cannabis specific. I'm not a fan of Fox Farm anyways, so fuck it.

Get to the real problem at hand, the Feds.


Listen to me jerky
Get to the real problem at hand, the Feds.

Bingo! We have a winner. Don, tell him what he's won.........

(While waiting for Don)

There are many companies out there that have to do this type of thing. Hell I doubt I've ever used the disk burner on my computer to copy any real info. When a buddy gets a cd and I want a copy.......What kind of answer do you think you would get if you wrote Dell asking them to help you make a copy of the latest season of (insert show here)?

I have a buddy that was working on his motorcycles exhaust and he put a "race only" one on his bike. Now obliviously the manufacturer knows all the exhausts they make aren't used only on the race track. Can they admit that? No, or else they would have the EPA all up in their junk.

I'm not saying FF is doing a good thing, but it's unfortunately necessary. If that is the "price" we have to pay (along with the monetary price) for soil with bugs in it so be it.

(I used to be a fan of their soil until I had a bunch of little unexpected travelers show up in a few bags. I don't use their stuff any more.)

Don must have been on a smoke brake, so I guess you don't get sqwat.


I don't agree. Maybe the advertisements target them, but I've never learned anything (about growing marijuana) from that magazine. I was actually just reading "The Dynamic Nature of Water" and "Dancing with the Devil" and they both only provided 'general' information about heat and water. Why would you say its produced for weed growers?? I think everyone should read that magazine and grow some plants, even if they need to "think 'higher' and start a roof top garden"...

Maybe I am cynical--but I always assumed that the hydro stores' clientele are 99% people growing weed? The cost would be astrononmical per pound to grow your own tomatoes like we do. One could just get organic tomatoes from Whole Foods for cheaper.

I always felt that Max Yield was doing the legit thing so they can benefit from having real scientists instead of Joe Stoner write articles on soil and water, and organics, etc. Compare their quality to that of HT and CC and you'll see what I mean, so much bad info in those mags. You can tell a lot about a tv show by it's advertisers; and the adverstisers in a magazine speaks volumes as to it's readership. Of course, it's just my $.02...I have been wrong before.


Registered Non-Conformist
Hoosier, your ideas about Medical Marijuana are simply OPINIONS, nothing more.... Lacking the experience in how things are in CA, you spout negatives....

And Yes, (drumroll, please) Lord Rez has spoken once again... Getting that angry edge back to his posts, like the bad old days, I see... No room for discussion - BFD..... Sycophants are stoked..... Others move on to the next attitude-filled post....

I find the Three Part FF Solubles to be VERY helpful...

The Soil, not so much, as FF has had trouble keeping up with demand the last couple years... That is my only bitch with FF: Sometimes, during the busy parts of the year, the soil smells too fresh, not enough composting time given.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hoosier, your ideas about Medical Marijuana are simply OPINIONS, nothing more.... Lacking the experience in how things are in CA, you spout negatives...
Even if you live smack dab in the middle of California, there is no way your findings are any different than mine. You too must rely on opinion, as I kinda doubt folks are phoning you and letting you know what's up with their situation.

The only negative I had was for the game that has to be played. And it is a game.


I think FF is just covering its ass. If they were known to intentionally become the backbone of the homegrown cannabis industry they could wind up like Tommy Chong.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I like when people let their political leanings be known. It allows me to know who to ignore.

LOL...well, that is fine and good, IMO. Be thankful you have that right.
But, it does indeed show how obtuse your perception of things must be.
Simply no room for hearing opposing arguments, is there?
Just try to keep in mind that the word ignore and ignorance are related.


so back on topic, i am using the fox farms happy frog soil and so far so good.


Uh huh.

I can make a mix from professional ingredients (rather than the #2 peat moss that FFOF uses) for 1/3 the price.

For Fox Farm Fertilizer we 'old people' are their death knell. Mediocre ingredients coupled with crappy marketing is probably enough for the 'boys needing toys' but their product line has absolutely NOTHING to do with legitimate horticultural enterprises.



Took the words outta my mouth


Active member
I have a few FF lights that run awesome, but i am down to stop buying FF products. Whats a good alternative? Im in the market for a few 600s.


i have a feeling cnbc has brought alot of you to us here at icmag.

NONE of the major companies are going to provide info or products to people who are using the products for ILLEGAL activities. its a great way for them to get shut down. majority of the products are used for marijuana but when will you cnbc people learn, the shit is no legal, its being tolerated and legitimate companies openly advocating it will do nothing but get them in trouble and have financial implications (sponsors or respectable research companies pulling funding)

so please enough with your idiotic posts about boycotting these companies. continue on with advanced nutrients and theyre kushie kushs, bud candys and whatever else it is that makes your buds better then the companies who have been there for us for many years....


Active member
ICMag Donor
i am down to stop buying FF products

I also think you are mistaken on companies...but nevertheless, let's hope that the company you work for does not get boycotted based simply the opinion of a few stoners on a website, who really don't grasp the real reason behind FF's move in the first place.

I absolutely hate when people throw stones at good business' without warranted reason.

The reason they take the stance they do, is exactly the same reason a head shop will throw you out immediately after you open your pie hole and say anything remotely to do with illegal pot. Say bong, and you are history. Boycott the head shop for it?
Wise up people.

As I typed this and went back to proofread, I see that Omerta absolutely gets it.
I wouldn't boycott FF for pulling their product from the shelves in a dispensary/club/whatever, I would do it because I don't care for their products. Why sell me soil as a complete potting soil that isn't limed and doesn't have enough perlite to keep it from compacting :(?

I may try some of the solubles at some point (I paid for them before I knew better...), but the liquid nutes and FFOF are just going to sit there.
I also think you are mistaken on companies...but nevertheless, let's hope that the company you work for does not get boycotted based simply the opinion of a few stoners on a website, who really don't grasp the real reason behind FF's move in the first place.

I absolutely hate when people throw stones at good business' without warranted reason.

The reason they take the stance they do, is exactly the same reason a head shop will throw you out immediately after you open your pie hole and say anything remotely to do with illegal pot. Say bong, and you are history. Boycott the head shop for it?
Wise up people.

As I typed this and went back to proofread, I see that Omerta absolutely gets it.

Come now Hoosier..... I hope you don't really believe this because if you do you are assuming a lot! I understand why they are pulling products from the store located next to the dispensary, but I do not agree with what they are doing.

I'm fully aware of the interstate commerce clause and how it makes this an issue for us even though our state has voted to make MMJ legal. I understand federal supremacy trumps our laws as long as Congress keeps MJ as schedule I. I am much more informed then what I quote you saying in bold...


i get it cause i know the laws. my friend who has a hydroshop for the last ten years has a big fucking sign says if you mention ANYTHING considered illegal we will not serve you in any way and you will be asked to leave.

its creating/providing a product with intent for that product to be used to produce or do something illegal. which in itself is illegal, its like being an accomplice for all you out there who arent too good with comprehension.

all of these companies know what theyre product is mostly used for, they cant say it outright but they know and when your talking to them you dont need to spell it out or they will most likely end the conversation. i saw ALOT of this at the hydro expo, bunch of people who you think would know better didnt.

this applies to companies who make products in canada and elsewhere, mike from advanced puts the company out there, made alot of money from people who think its cool they offer support outright for marijuana but when the government decides mikes gettin his balls chopped off like emery for being too loud all that extra money means nothing.