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Four States Considering Marijuana Legalization

In Australia we just had our first Pro-Cannabis legalisation on a mainstream television news show!!!!!!

History is being made!

Unfortunately we had some douchebag on there saying how "each family will be allowed to grow 5 plants"

He can fucking suck my 5 plants.



I'm like RetroGrow, I been waiting 40 years too. I'd love to have 25 sq.ft., long as they didn't regulate height or cu. ft. I've got less than 20 sq. ft. now (2 spaces, one 7' tall), and produce a good quantity of weed out of it. I just want it legalized, or alternatively, I use it medicinally and would be happy with that!

Maybe 2010 is the year folks.



yeah 5 x 5 is the worst ever, unless someone doesnt have the 5 x 5 and i can do there's and go 10 x 10 ect. that would be cool b/c then you are talking about collectives and cooperatives where you might see collective farms with each slot allocated to individuals.

or you could sign up with whatever name phillip morris is giving to their cannabis ciggs when legal and they will put your plot on a super giant ag monsanto production farm and you will recieve your weed pre rolled of coarse


This is a true dream come true once they finally stop the bullshit war on marijuana.

I am with you skip and other supporters lets get this done!


plant pimp
Soon enough and it will be legal.....Out here on the west coast it feels like it already is. Cops don`t bother us smokers! They are more concerned with the cocaine,xtacy and anything chemically made. This news is great!!!! 2k10 will be the year of the dollar for sure!


I am looking forward to seeing by what happens with this.

Washington State and California have I think the best chances, but I think Washington is rurally conservative, so that may prove an issue.



I love my life
I would just like to say people need to make sure and at least VOTE if these are coming up in your state! I was in Nevada where they voted for legalization and it narrowly lost and I had many friends who smoked who did not vote........

Get off your lazy asses and vote if you can (and aren't) people!

You may have been in NV but that vote you talked about was no where near close.

Why would anyone care to go and vote to make breathing legal? If they outlawed being a jew or breathing would we kill ourselves? NON PARTICIPATION in their officially sanctioned self-debasement and OVERGROWING the world is the only answer.

They can shove their 25square feet straight up their ass. If you want to use 2500square feet of your 2500square foot property that is your fucking business, not your impotent fucking neighbors or the criminal looting governments.

Peace, :joint:

PS. Non prohibition is the only possible outcome for naturally occurring events. Weed and volcanic eruptions will be around long after our sorry species is gone.


Great news. I've said it before, I think we're going to need a huge, HUGE education and de-programming of the masses to gain support for legalization.

Thats why I have the documentary, The Union - The business on getting high, in my sig. I think it does a great job of educating.


I can see myself now,,,"Im gonna find a Vegatable stand" you know the ones you see on the side of the road. Have some of my best strains... And sit up right next too um....lmao.

But in all serious Ladies & Gentleman, "The Ball Is In Play"...


This is pretty good news, I'm just afraid that we're gonna end up with a bunch of retarded compromise bills (like the Oaksterdam prop. in Cali... 5x5 grow area and 1 oz per person? What the shit, that's not legalization it's decriminalization!) on our hands...


ICMag Donor
Sweet news, thanks for posting it up for everyone Skip!

Everyone knows that even if they do restrict us to 5 x 5 that won't last for long, who's going to abide by that... It would be nearly impossible unless you were out there with hedge trimmers cutting the "grass" twice a week making sure it wasn't more than 5 feet wide... Give me a break you could get much larger than 5 x5 with one single plant... What would be the benefit of that rule anyways.... Its like prohibiting alcohol sales on Sunday...

Our day is coming! Keep fighting, I need to get my state on the ball...



Article comment

Article comment

Millions of hardworking honest Americans will become citizens again, instead of being treated like criminals and resenting it intensely. They'll be a lot more willing to cooperate with the police and the IRS, which largely relies on voluntary compliance, and a lot more able to contribute to the community if you stop taking so much of their money and giving it to the drug gangs. If you don't know by now that millions of good hardworking people use cannabis, you haven't been paying attention.
If you think cannabis should be illegal, how about explaining what about cannabis there is that could ever make it anywhere as dangerous as killer alcohol, which kills and maims so many users and innocent alike?
Legalize it!​
<table class="tborder" id="reply3007436" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="alt1" valign="top">
"There's no upside to it in any manner other than for those people who want to smoke pot," said Travis Kuykendall, head of the West Texas High Intensity Drug-Trafficking Area office in El Paso, Texas. "There's nothing for society in it, there's nothing good for the country in it, there's nothing for the good of the economy in it."
is this guy serious? i want to slap the living shit out of this ignoramus.
nothing good for society?
what about all the non-violent drug offenders that would be let go out of prison. freeing up resources for people who actually commit crimes?
what about the time and money saved by LEO, and other government officials?
what about the unimaginable tax revenue?
what about preventing hundred of thousands of americans from going to jail, or from being fearful of their oppresive government?
maybe more americans would respect government officials and LEO ?
what about the hemp industry?
how does making our country completely self-reliant for our energy needs not help the economy?
what about the millions of acres of forests that could be saved by producing hemp?>
what about stopping the murderous drug cartels in their tracks? does that not sound good to you?
what about all the millions of americans who could be weaned off of wasteful and dangerous prescription drugs by using safe and natural medicine instead?
how dare you travis! you are everything that is wrong with america. burn in hell.
any way you look at it, jobs are created if your growing cannabis...or selling it.
last time i checked, jobs are good for the economy...

Ron Brooks, president of the National Narcotics Officers' Associations' Coalition, said that he feared that, if legalized, marijuana would contribute to more highway accidents and deaths, as well as a potential increase in health care costs for those who smoke it.
considering that use wont go up from legalization i dont see how there will be more accidents.....if someone wants to smoke weed, they're already doing it.
how could healthcare costs go up? i would say they would go DOWN considering how many people could stop using Rx drugs...
State lawmakers, he said, need to ask themselves "if they believe we really will make all that revenue, and even if we did, will it be worth the suffering, the loss of opportunities, the chronic illness or death that would occur?"
Wouldnt there be people dying and suffering right now if that were true?

*looks around* i dont see anyone dying!?! what are you talking about?
you need to lay off the booze lush....
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