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Four States Considering Marijuana Legalization


Active member
The cannabis legalization movement is expanding in the US, and now four states have bills pending before their legislatures to legalize marijuana to varying extents.

California, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Washington State will consider legalizing marijuana in 2010. In addition, another two dozen states have bills ready to decriminalize possession of small amounts of cannabis or to legalize medical marijuana.

And on top of that, there are various citizen sponsored initiatives, especially in California to tax and regulate cannabis.

The momentum is finally in our favor, so 2010 may be a decisive year in the War against Marijuana Users and Growers. May we be victorious! :)

Tired of being treated like a CRIMINAL? Then LEGALIZE IT!



Very nice! New Hampshire surprises me, not totally but it is interesting to see them consider this so quick. Bravo!
Also, did you say 24 states considering decrim? That's half the country.

Let's hope this goes well :)


I hope 2010 tips the scales & its legalized properly in our lifetimes, i dont fancy another incarnation just to experience a world with legal herbs. Planning a move to BC either way

BTW in the UK it was decriminalized, then they found excuses to recriminalize it, fuck it pisses me off so much!


Feeling good is good enough.
I've been living down south for 3 years perfecting the craft...

Soon I'll return home!


Does anyone know which states make up the 24? There's never any info on my state, keepin fingers crossed!!!
"There's no upside to it in any manner other than for those people who want to smoke pot," said Travis Kuykendall, head of the West Texas High Intensity Drug-Trafficking Area office in El Paso, Texas. "There's nothing for society in it, there's nothing good for the country in it, there's nothing for the good of the economy in it."

Ron Brooks, president of the National Narcotics Officers' Associations' Coalition, said that he feared that, if legalized, marijuana would contribute to more highway accidents and deaths, as well as a potential increase in health care costs for those who smoke it.

State lawmakers, he said, need to ask themselves "if they believe we really will make all that revenue, and even if we did, will it be worth the suffering, the loss of opportunities, the chronic illness or death that would occur?"


That proposal would legalize possession of up to one ounce of marijuana for adults 21 and older. Residents could cultivate marijuana gardens up to 25 square feet. City and county governments would determine whether to permit and tax marijuana sales within their boundaries. And in Nevada earlier this month, backers of a move to legalize marijuana there filed paperwork creating an advocacy group aimed at qualifying an initiative for the 2012 election.

25sq ft. Man...I could really increase production with that.
I would just like to say people need to make sure and at least VOTE if these are coming up in your state! I was in Nevada where they voted for legalization and it narrowly lost and I had many friends who smoked who did not vote........

Get off your lazy asses and vote if you can (and aren't) people!


new hampshire???...now that's a surprise considering our fakin douche bag governor vetoed the medical mj bill after it passed the house and senate.(unfortunately 2 votes shy of overriding). i'd love to shove this up his pompous ass when it passes!

massachusetts?? didn't they already pass something last year making 1 oz and under just a $100 fine.
i love it!!!!! finally we are getting somewhere!