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found a few intersting things in a deck of cards


Active member
maybe the king was always the joker and only pretended to commit suicide...told his most loyal few to spread the word round the world and halled ass leaving them for dead to find there own way.....really it seems as if there was never suppose to be a king, we were spose to all be equall....maybe the king started hearing that people were waking up from the "funk" and well he split...maybe opened up a "casino" c as i no, jk... on the real though the cards always seem to win, meo.....quick strange thing about the casino, ever noticed those Blazing 777's (the 7's are on fire)....kinda strange when those numbers represent what they represent...mo


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
The king was just pawn. The joker offed the king. Nobody thought he was capable, because after all he was just a joker.


Active member
Brain cells, lol, for weeks when I first saw your user name I thought it was
"Brian sells" I was thinking, that's great Brian, but your not the only one, lol.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
hey BrainSellz, next thing you know you'll be wondering: "Am I breathing through my mouth or my nose."


Active member
Lol^.....when that happens i will definitely take just one more puff:D
Brain cells, lol, for weeks when I first saw your user name I thought it was
"Brian sells" I was thinking, that's great Brian, but your not the only one, lol.
lmfao....thats some phunny sh*t ddrew....."the MIND is the mONEy"

sac beh

How about there being 52 weeks in a year/cards in a deck, with the 13 cards per suit representing 13 twenty-eight day lunar months and adding up to 364 days?

Taking this a bit further...

The Mayan sacred calendar was composed of 20 day signs that repeated 13 times to complete the pregnancy cycle of 260 unique days from first missed menstruation to birth.

Then they had a solar calendar composed of 18 20-day months, with a final 5-day month to make a total 365 days.

When you combine the sacred calendar of 260 days with the solar calendar of 365 days to track longer periods of time, you get 52 years to complete the cycle.

So maybe they had something to do with that deck of cards you've got..


Active member
very interesting sac
and within this deck of cards it explains the king has been killed and your on your own....maybe until the alignment or enlightenment.....this world is tricky with lots of tricky people and if not careful you get played....mo....keep one eye out jack or keep one eye out for the jack....jack in the box jack and jill jack be nimble....jack jack jack..its all about jack....lots of similarities... there is a story within those face cards.....the jack of spades is holding the "infinate" symbol.....however it has a diamond shape lodged between the two circles which to me represents putting money before anything....look between the word "MONEY"...you see the word "one"....its between "my"....that word reflects exactly what money does...it causes people to get outside of them selves....the money is the false profits/prophets they warned us about.... jmpo.


a game for Royals and the Rich. Kings historically would take their own lives before letting an enemy take them, parade them shackled. just sayin'


Active member
with two one eyed jacks (maybe pirates) and a couple of jokers....i would say this one tells maybe a different storie...mo....someone pirated the deck:D....^waiving

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