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found a few intersting things in a deck of cards


Active member
I was checkin out a deck of cards and noticed a few interesting things.....first one is the "suicide king"....what king is gonna commit suicide? that doesnt make sense, mo.....look at the king of hearts aka "suicide king", there are 4 arms in that pic,...no other card has 4 arms....looks like he was murdered....second is the one eyed jack....put them back together and were missin a jack, it seems the jack became "two faced" and killed the king, mo.....the joker is wearing the kings crown ...and i believe the most "known" or used brand is "Bicycle".....if you asked me i would say this is because the king was killed bicycle....i mean the king was killed "by'a sickle"....i know there are more but those are just some of the strange things i found when looking through the face cards...the cards kinda tell a story, mo..


You smoke more than just pot, huh?



Active member
You smoke more than just pot, huh?

lol...bro on all that i luv....i only eat lsd and mushrooms on rare occasions, aside of smoking weed .....i have done everything and then some in my heyday though....alot of this stuff is from back in the day ....now it just comes back randomly and when it does i keep track of it......when i was doin all the drugs i never wrote much down....but now i relish everything that comes back to mind....

one Q

hey Sellz... I believe you man. I know a magician guy and he's all about his cards. He does alot of stuff with just regular cards.... sidetracked... my point is I believe you.

You would enjoy a session of staring at a wall covered in WILD-STYLE graffiti. google image


Active member
I was checkin out a deck of cards and noticed a few interesting things.....first one is the "suicide king"....what king is gonna commit suicide? that doesnt make sense, mo.....look at the king of hearts aka "suicide king", there are 4 arms in that pic,...no other card has 4 arms....looks like he was murdered....second is the one eyed jack....put them back together and were missin a jack, it seems the jack became "two faced" and killed the king, mo.....the joker is wearing the kings crown ...and i believe the most "known" or used brand is "Bicycle".....if you asked me i would say this is because the king was killed bicycle....i mean the king was killed "by'a sickle"....i know there are more but those are just some of the strange things i found when looking through the face cards...the cards kinda tell a story, mo..

or maybe he was killed "by cycle"


Active member
You would enjoy a session of staring at a wall covered in WILD-STYLE graffiti. google image

or maybe he was killed "by cycle"
somethin happened....thats for sure....maybe by a joker on a by cycle by a sickle...tricky deck..:D

here is something to occupy your brain sellz for a while. see you next year... ;) http://60if.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=60ifclues&action=display&thread=1823

Oh yeah MissGD this is ...cant think of a word for it, almost eerie....wtf...thank you for the link

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