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Forcing solutions. What brands are they?

Classic Seeds

try turning your light to 12 hours on it works for me its the natural order of things with pot the days get shorter and the buds start to pop all this crap people are hocking on the uniformed public are a crime a good balanced bloom fertilizer should have every thing your plant needs to flower you know you are talking about a plant that is a wild weed all over this planet you give it some reasonable soil and care and if you have good genetics you get good weed the rest of it for my money is just some ass clown trying to pick your pocket with a bunch of mombo jumbo and snake oil juice kelp has every micro nutriant and mineral know to support life in a plant that along with good ph and soil with good aireation are going to give you bigger buds than any salts or mono elimates in a can or bottle you can play with nature or you can fight it with all these silly additives i see in the mags the best weed is always organic or simple chemical fertilizers used properly and a good leaching 2 weeks before you harvest and plain water for that 2 weeks after the leaching

Classic Seeds

p.s. the only reason people use sugar is to add weight but the pot burns harsh and tastes like alfalfa i'll sacrafice a 10 to 15 % weight gain for taste anyday of the week same with molasses more weight crappy taste and it at least has minerals with sucrose but the fact remains plants develope their own sugars from photothenezing energy from the differnt light bands that they use to convert water and nutriant to cellular growth and sugar is not a good additive unless you are some commercial grower who only cares about the amount of the count, quailityis a lot more important than weight,i do like sugar in my pot cookies and brownes just not in my containers

Classic Seeds

oh and a little science sucrose is pure carbohdrate glucose is sucrose or fruitose {a plant derived sugar]that has been thru the stomach and polipeptides have coverted it to glycogene for obsobsion thru the intestone so surcrose can convert to alcohol in the presence of water and yeast same with fruitose they call it wine and brandy but never in a million years will either convert to glucose in the ground yea my spelling sucks it been a lot of years since i went to college but nutrition and plant biology were taught there in the dark ages before the computor and we actualy had to read and remember no pop notes or computors and carbohydrates are not good plant food

Classic Seeds

who ever emailed my box i will not bite. im a little to high and trying to spell and punkuate is always a problem for me love that spell thing on my email box ,wish they had it hear. guess im just speaking in ubudics ,guess im just used to talking on the phone .criticism noted... but my fingers do not keep up with my mind maybe in a few more years of practicis i can type and smoke bubble gum . but i am still trying to figure out what all these pesky side buttons do and typing with one finger i can not look at screen so i just let it pop out grammar be hanged and i got know idea where one thought starts and a nother one ends when im pecking away never did type in my life till just about a year ago and i can use 2 fingers some times but i must be a closet dislectic because things get reversed half the time aloha
There is no subsitute for the textbook

A very big thank you to everyone for taking the time to post here. I have to read more on how a plant works.

Any textbooks anyone can recommend on the subject, or are they all just the same?

high road

please explain how photosynthesis 'bottlenecks' as I'm not following the reasoning here.

I've also never heard of anyone growing any other crop adding sugar to their nutrient regime. The placebo effect is very strong amongst pot growers...

and multiple anecdotes don't count as a data set.

photosynthesis is bottlenecked in indoor grow environments because of all the limiting factors...light, co2, perfect conditions, etc...

Plants grown outdoors in perfect environments where there is more than enough co2 and light and organic matter and soil food web to convert organic matter into nutrition for plants, reach their potential as far as growth rates and yield.

Plants grown indoors, even in stellar grow rooms, rarely if ever have all the prerequisites they need to photosynthesize to their full genetic potential. The bottlenecks are everywhere, but the biggest culprits are light, co2, ambient air conditions, the grower, etc....

When plants aren't given perfect conditions in which to grow they are limited in their ability to photosynthesize, thus they have a limited supply of the energies supplied through the photosynthesis process.....SUGARS. Supplementing sugars/carbs in a perfect outdoor environment wont do much. But supplementing in the right amounts when conditions are limited indoors can supply extra photosynthetic energies to a plant as if it were grown under perfect conditions.

I've met hundreds of growers, I have seen many many grow rooms, there isn't one that I have seen that can replicate the 'perfect environment', that is why carb supplementation can be so beneficial in pulling everything out of your genetics.

It only adds weight if your genetics have the potential for weight, it's just giving them all the energy as if they were photosynthesizing at full potential, so the extra weight you might have noticed is because you have a bottleneck in your garden that was lifted because of the extra access to energy.