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For you soil guys



Just want to see how this takes off and would like to see if there is an interest in it. I have been talking in the Show Your auto thread about party cups and their yields. They were talking about how small of a yield comes out of them as well as why people waste the time.

This got me thinking, id love to do a challenge with this just to see what i can get out of a 16oz party cup. Id like to have a few others out there join in on this to see what we can produce.

If there is an interest i will set a thread up on it for all participants in the challenge. That way there is one central place to locate the run as well as to talk about any issues that arise. I will be starting a new batch of seeds in less than 2 weeks due to a trip out of town so this should give enough time for you guys to mull this over and let me know what you think....


the END

I love experiments and challenges, unfortunately don't have enough beans to play with! maybe later...way later ><
will tag along to see how it goes though of course. :D


I love experiments and challenges, unfortunately don't have enough beans to play with! maybe later...way later ><
will tag along to see how it goes though of course. :D

Thats cool man this learning is what its all about. That is my goal as well as to see some growing skills

sure, im in. Got some auto blue berry seeds left

awesome, i have several jems left and about 4 other prototype strains, about 60 seeds in all i think

Not big yielders at all. I did yield 4 grams off one beer cup though.

Not to bad of a yield. Im gonna try to get at least 7 out of mine. If there is more than that i am good with it.


Looking at the calendar im gonna be shooting for a start germ date of 07/12/2010. I think that first week will be the start week for the contest. This is the first monday after i get back from my trip


ok, i am in.. We need to set some guide lines. Best 1 cup of 10? Are we talking peat based medium or can we put in coco :D Maybe that should be sorted. The only thing we won't know is how "dry" everyones entry is, in the end. Maybe also set a dry time for entries so we have some kind of "fair" playing feild.

My entry is going to be Auto assasin. I got some big dudes in beer cups with that strain. I would assume the same for the females.


o, btw it doesnt in what you plant you plant in right? in a cup, or pot? as long as 16oz of water can fit in max. right?


ok, i am in.. We need to set some guide lines. Best 1 cup of 10? Are we talking peat based medium or can we put in coco :D Maybe that should be sorted. The only thing we won't know is how "dry" everyones entry is, in the end. Maybe also set a dry time for entries so we have some kind of "fair" playing feild.

My entry is going to be Auto assasin. I got some big dudes in beer cups with that strain. I would assume the same for the females.

Awesome glad to have you along BH. I agree with you there needs to be some guide lines to it a guide so to speak would be good. I agree that there needs to be a set dry time, as this could seriously impact final weights. medium can be of your choice coco, or peat if you like anything but hydro. We can do best one cup out of 10 if you would like but ill probably only start 5 for this comp untill i can get my seed stock back to a good number.

I will be doing this along side of a normal grow as i have some prototypes to run this time.

o, btw it doesnt in what you plant you plant in right? in a cup, or pot? as long as 16oz of water can fit in max. right?

I would normally say yes to this but i know that hydro can out grow soil every time pretty much. So i think the extent of it will either be a soil or soil-less medium such as coco or peat.


ye, but i dont do hydro. I am giant noob, not even gone use nutes. Just plain old normal soil.
my tactic is to put 16oz. of soil into a long pcv pipe.


When i saw that original thread, my first though (while stoned) was, I should try that!!while I would normally only do 3gallon and up, I was intrigued to what you could produce.

I'm totally in.

Lets set the rules, the dates, and roll with it!

Will it be a 'no transplant' rule? You could theoretically transplant into the same cup, doing an 'extreme raised transplant' after trimming the root ball.. or is that OK?

We'd also have to make the rule that the roots have to remain inside the cup, so no planting smart pots, etc..outdoors where roots will go down into the soil through container..etc..


ye, but i dont do hydro. I am giant noob, not even gone use nutes. Just plain old normal soil.
my tactic is to put 16oz. of soil into a long pcv pipe.

Ahh i see what you are saying here, it kinda defeats the purpose though. I want to see what can be pulled from a party cup. The long PVC could give slight advantage, not much but some. the tap roots from an auto flower tend to go deep and then shoot out "feelers" from the main root. So technically you would be giving the main tap root a longer run where as the hight of a 16oz cup is uniformed.

When i saw that original thread, my first though (while stoned) was, I should try that!!while I would normally only do 3gallon and up, I was intrigued to what you could produce.

I'm totally in.

Lets set the rules, the dates, and roll with it!

Will it be a 'no transplant' rule? You could theoretically transplant into the same cup, doing an 'extreme raised transplant' after trimming the root ball.. or is that OK?

We'd also have to make the rule that the roots have to remain inside the cup, so no planting smart pots, etc..outdoors where roots will go down into the soil through container..etc..

great to have ya along! I agree there will be a no transplanting rule as well as no smart cups.

this is the whole point of this thread to get ideas and set standards that way when i set the start date i can have a set list of rules to go by out of all the suggestions.


ahh crap, i alreaddy went looking for a pcv pipe :D.

but if the rules will be, use a normal cup, then i guess i will have to follow the rules.


ahh crap, i alreaddy went looking for a pcv pipe :D.

but if the rules will be, use a normal cup, then i guess i will have to follow the rules.

lol i hear ya man and didnt mean to burst your bubble. Just want to have this nice and uniformed.


but.. but. but.. i'll never stand a chance now !! :D i suck at this haha

but ill try my chances! ill give 26hours a day light regime... that will do the trick. hahaha


ok, well, I'm good with it..

I guess the start date doesn't matter too much, as some will be running strains that take 80 days like an easyryder, and some will finish in 65..

I'll be doing sour60.

I'll sprout in paper towel, plant direct into 16oz 'beer' cup.

Mine will be organic mixed in with a room somewhere under 2kw.:)

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