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Intellectual superiors



You ever get mind-fucked so hard that you angrily paced for a few hours, completely and utterly flustered? The incident in question did not result in a P0wing or embarrassment of myself personally. I was just an innocent bystander. The impact cannot be overstated, though. It makes me really embarrassed and ashamed just to be who I am and to see the world through the naive lens that I do. Neither as a result of comparing myself to others, either-that's how deep this fucker reached. It's all internal strife.

Makes you want to hide your head in the sand and keep playing in the kiddy pool.

Where is Stuart Smalley when you need him? Oh yeah, fuck, Congress.


Active member
This thread is not about me?
Hmmm, I saw the title and figured my name would at least be mentioned.


This thread is not about me?
Hmmm, I saw the title and figured my name would at least be mentioned.
Drew has said some pretty flaky shit about pot. He's a pretty brilliant guy, though. Pretty epic self promoter.
Alex Jones is pretty good at making me feel worthless. Youtube it.
In the name of stoner solidarity and the generally well intentioned vibe this place emits, I will simply state that my experience with Mr. Jones is different.


You ever get mind-fucked so hard that you angrily paced for a few hours, completely and utterly flustered? The incident in question did not result in a P0wing or embarrassment of myself personally. I was just an innocent bystander. The impact cannot be overstated, though. It makes me really embarrassed and ashamed just to be who I am and to see the world through the naive lens that I do. Neither as a result of comparing myself to others, either-that's how deep this fucker reached. It's all internal strife.

Makes you want to hide your head in the sand and keep playing in the kiddy pool.

Where is Stuart Smalley when you need him? Oh yeah, fuck, Congress.

OK...I'll bite.

You've been mind-fuckingly illuminated by some individual. You thoroughly described the cranial devastation, but you haven't let us know what the causal event/incident was.

Care to share?


OK...I'll bite.

You've been mind-fuckingly illuminated by some individual. You thoroughly described the cranial devastation, but you haven't let us know what the causal event/incident was.

Care to share?
I'd have thought this level of verbal beating would only be possible on fields of the highest importance-physics geek stuff, etc. Strangely, this raping took place within a pretty mundane developmental psychology discussion, eventually curtailing into a pretty shocking, horrifying, fact-based analysis of women and interpersonal relationships, most notably. Then I found out more about this fucker, who he is professionally, and it was just one big "wow" moment.

I'm not being intentionally obtuse for added effect, if it seems that way. It's just that it was a pretty thorough raping of the mind that crept into everything. I'm still in recovery mode.

Joe Hawkins

Active member
So you had an epiphany that women only really like cool dudes, So you try to mindfuck everyone else by not going into detail, are you a woman?


Active member
I'd have thought this level of verbal beating would only be possible on fields of the highest importance-physics geek stuff, etc. Strangely, this raping took place within a pretty mundane developmental psychology discussion,
So....... You're disturbed by this guy, or actually by the reality of what you heard him say?


My little pony.. my little pony
Step back bitches .. yer about to be mindfreaked!



If you think you are intellectually superior, then you will be able to convey that message rather easily should you feel the need, I see it here every day..

But if your a stoner who just dont give a f_ck.. then pass me the joint please :)

peace out

(With this post I hope to raise the postcount on this thread, therefore speeding up the time till the "whole story" is released..)
Was it a malicious mind fuck though? Cause if it was, he isn't intellectually superior, just has a better understanding of some subjects and uses them to FEEL superior.

A truly intellectually superior person will spoon feed you. And if he DOES want to feel superior, he'll do it in a subtle, patronizing way that your feeble mind will never catch on to!

Ah, the joys of being a borderline psychopath!

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