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For those growers who have been "inside"

RingoStar said:
.....You have no clue what racism is.
I beg to differ. Firstly, Im not a racist and dont get me wrong,..Im not trying to be impolite...But
Everytime something goes wrong with MOST african americans,...its the old slavery shit all over again, and the whiteman did it to me(even when the judge was fucking black..).How is that not knowing what racism is?We get stereotyped alot more than african americans for shit we didnt even have a hand in.
I cant even go down and get help from the government anymore unless Im a minority(which ironically includes everyone BUT caucasians it seems)We get racism precisely.
African americans have way more rights than the typical whiteman anywhere in the world because of that slavery shit .
I didnt, nor did anyone Ive ever known(nor anyone alive on the fucking planet either) have anything to do with slavery.
My god, that was hundreds of years ago,put to use by the most sadistic and uneducated fuckers in all of history, IMO.
And as far as I can see it....the way MOST african americans talk to each other is just keeping racism going stronger than ever. Makes me sick just to hear that fucking "n"word in ANY form.
In my opinion... when africans/nigerians were being rounded up like cattle, they should have stood together as modern african americans do today, and they could have avoided the whole thing. Surely southern slave traders would have been outnumbered, outsmarted and overpowered ,had that been the case. After all they couldnt even pronounce the word "Nigerians" ,the morons!

But thats just my opinion. I wasnt there, so I dont really know how things unfolded.

Racism has many, many forms. Thats just a sad,sad part of this world that we ALL must deal with in our own way.
And when you go to prison you'll see alot of it all day long(In the southern US ~85% black, and about 7 % white in the prison population) Mostly dished out by the majority
I hope I havent offended anyone by this posting. And if I have --->..... :woohoo:

Just kidding
All I want to say is this..."BLACK PEOPLE".....do you guys know what that means?
it means DEAD...DEAD PEOPLE....BLACKED OUT....KILLED...CROSSED OUT...WRITTEN OUT...just plain DEAD...."BLACK PEOPLE" have been just that..BLACKED OUT...so for you to even begin to try to understand their feelings, logic brain, instincts, or so on...you need to understand who these people are...which is a HUGE task, seeing as THEY DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THEY ARE!!!....when so called "Black people" were made, invented, classified, whatever you want to call it....It is important to remember that this name, "BLACK" was the classification given to SLAVES by their OWNERS....it's like getting a bunch of rotweilers, pit bulls, german shepards, what have you, and saying to them...you all will be called "hairy sharp teeth" ....when in fact they are rotweilers, pit bulls and german shepard....

So the name "BLACK" was given to the slaves....who in fact came from EVERYWHERE...wherever they were STOLEN FROM...."BLACK PEOPLE" couldnt, wouldnt, put up a unified front against their captors, because they werent "BLACK PEOPLE" they were the the people of SUDAN, watching their neighbors/ENEMIES getting stolen,snatched,whatever...and then they were seen no more....to them..
IT MUST HAVE BEEN A BLESSING FROM THEIR GODS THAT THEIR ENEMIES WERE GETTING STOLEN AWAY IN THE NIGHT....more crops,animals for food, land and so forth....there was no "BLACK PEOPLE OF AFRICA"...there were kingdoms next to kingdoms next to kingdoms that had been in place for MILLIONS of years...so when JOHN P. WHITEMAN came to king MUBUTU and ASKED FOR PERMISSION to kidnapp their rival neighbors ...they happily accepted the terms..it wasnt till later when JOHN P. WHITEMAN betrayed king MUBUTU and turned his musket on him that he saw the errors of his ways....how could king MUBUTU forsee the EVILS that were being done to his people...they werent even his people....

and thus becomes the master plan to create a new "RACE" so to speak. a "BLACK RACE"....made up of all the people who have been systematically kidnapped into slavery...beaten out of their languge...beaten out of their history...beaten out of their liniage...and kept ignorant and illiterate by LAW.....it was illigal to know how to fucking read....no knowledge of self = death....thus "BLACK PEOPLE"...the dead people...there so dead they dont even know who they are...all they know is they may...or may not...have a link with the continent of AFRICA..."BLACK PEOPLES" history is this....they were SLAVES that came from somewhere....they got brought here...they worked they died they got beat they built this country...less then 200 years ago...let me repeat that...less then 200 years ago, they were freed....and kept LEGALLY DUMB, and repressed and got terrorized by their white captors who had enslaved them...and then when they died ther children picked up their mask and torch....for another 100 years untill the 60's.... 40 years ago....let me repeat that....40 years ago....untill the "CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT".....we all know how that ended.....we just havent figured out why....look at the mental state of "BLACK" people...."BLACK" "DEAD"...and dont care because they have been dead for years...spirit crushed...loss of self...killing eachother in the streets looking for answers...but to what question...most dont even know...the question is "WHO AM I"

Black people have enough work to do on their own as far as establishing an identity...when "ignorant white man's" worst fear is a 7 foot black man standing over him wanting some of his "sweet white ass" it makes me think "what really is in the white mas psyche" weather consciencely or subconsciencely and what can we do to first off address and have it be recognized....and further to combat it...because after all isnt this the source of the problem to begin with?...the white mans fear and overzealousness to destroy/conquer/kill/what have you..anything he deems more powerfull or a threat to him?...isnt this what happend when he "BLACKED OUT THE RACES"...not a race..but RACES of people...WHY? why do you feel so threatend?

ok last but not least...I want you to look at anyother "RACE" of people...their "race" is difined by the land they are indiginous to correct? "GERMANS" "ALBANIANS" "SERBIANS"...etc...
but where's "BLACK PEOPLE"?...never heard of that country....maybe.
..Kenyan's...Sudanise...Nigerian...Morrocan...Egyptian...etc.....AFRICAN? mmmm nope..have you ever tried to call an "AFRICAN" an "AFRICAN"...I mean someone really from AFRICA....guess what?...they get really offended and quickley correct you with a response like..."Im ETHIOPIAN" or "Im from Libya"..."AFRICAN AMERICAN"...well lets put it like this...legally that classification is not enough to qualify them as a single race for reparations based on american law...you do the math...but if any 1 people needed it most, I would have to say the "BLACKED" out people living in north america do...look at their situation as a whole...of course you have your rich black...you also have your poor white...but were looking in general here...who as a "people" if you want to call it that...are the most wealthy?..."black people" are broke as a people...so broke in fact that they rob steal and kill each other just to eat while you sip lattes and discuss how taboo it is feel guilty for something your ancestors did... and in turn...should black people still be paying for what there ancestors did to get them over here in the first place?....no and neither should you...what you should do is RECOGNIZE the issues and that YES, something very bad happend...NO your not responsible....and no your not being blamed for it....the reason black poeple are so angry with you is whats going on now...today..to them and their children...maybe not by you but by your peers and their ignorance....and you ignoring it is the number one problem...it wont get better...it will get worse..more and more people will not care to learn the truths...thus they wont even look at the facts..they will just make more of a division between US and THEM and it will be a horrible place for our children...we are going in reverse thinking like this and it is a recipe for disaster..." I dont understand them, they dont understand me" is so WRONG...people are just people....they are the same no matter how they look...theres stand up guys and gals....and theres slimey evils as well...no matter white or black....red yellow brown blue orange.....think about your mental mindstate when you say these things...think about what drives you to make a bigeted statment?....what lies beneath?...is it fear? and why? what really do you have to be afraid of? black people dont have super powers you know...

I should have stayed away from this post...
just wanted to give you an insight into these "Black Peoples" minds and you can see why they are in such a state....what effect do you think that would have on a people?....they dont even realize it....also, did you know "Black People are the only people in history to have been enslaved and when set free did not return home?....o yeah bet you forgot just as they did after all those hundreds of years they were "BLACKED" just where home was huh?....moral of the story...." IF your so quick to judge another people you should look at you own....who's the animal?...it would seem the shoe is on the other foot...that is why you dont judge...you HELP....YOU HELP....YOU HELP...." thats the moral....we TOGETHER can end SUFFERING....not continue to perpetuate it with judgement....peace all.....if your wondering about me just ask...o yea I chimed in on this thread because I was incarcerated from age 16 to 19 and I thought I would contribute....but this thread got way nasty and it didnt feel good...thats the first time I got upset and emotional on this site....I love this site...please dont even come here with negative BS....thats not what this is about...that not what herb is about, thats not what gardening is about....peace brothers and sisters of EARTH....I LOVE YOU ALL


Active member
dj digigrow said:
Racist Ignorant fuck!......

Yah blow me, I'm far from racist... Its just a fact of life, if you got the new "hot" shoes that someone wants they'll take em. Especially if they are expensive Reeboks or Nikes...

Get some Converse or something low key :)



Active member
dj digigrow said:
Overall, I still feel it was RACIST to associate NIKE and ADDIAS with BLACKS...... that was my argument..

Man I used to spend a LOT of time with the ECC 89th St. Crips... Not ONE of those guys ever wore DC Shoes, or Converse or Vans or Etnes or anything like that.

They all work Adidas or Reboks or Nikes... I wasn't being racist, just being real man.

I don't see a lot of black or mexican dudes rocking skate shoes... Just my observation.

And I got no issues with "black" people, when they come at me with respect and mutual understanding we're all good. I respect them if they respect me. Ive had more than one dinner at my crip buddies mom's houses. Ive also spent a lot of time in their club houses doing all sorta activities hahahaha.

I got my ghetto pass, street cred verified. I wasn't being racist just being real.

Don't get caught wearing high dollar shoes in prison, no matter what color you are, unless you wanna fight for them constantly. Just my opinion
