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For those growers who have been "inside"


Just curious whats it like after getting busted, and having to do time, whats it like for growers on the inside? This goes for both Canadian and American jails, I know there is a big difference....


it sucks, as long as you are able to stand up for yourself and don't ever get into debt for ANYTHING it's the same as anything else,all in what you make of it. Be prepared to lose everything you have as far as material possesions and you will REALLY know who loves you by the time you get out. If your not single and your sig. other has a sex drive at all kiss them goodbye too. Time kind of comes to a standstill inside,the day in day out routine never changes while outside life goes on as always. Try and remember that as your "friends" fall by the wayside and stop taking your calls or writing back. I thought visitation was the worst, very hard to watch the ones you love go through the process. You can make some good come out of it,truly is a reality check right on the chin though.


My little pony.. my little pony
#1 complaint I hear from those inside is sheer boredom. Sucks double if your halfway smart. Cant play bridge when all the cards are being used for go fish.


So basically if you stand up for yourself and can keep yourself occupied you can get through. In Canada we dont have nearly the jail time of you poor american growers, most Canadians will get house arrest, I've been told by security mod's. I couldnt imagine facing 10years + for beign a grower in the states, its scary!!

I'm just trying to get some insight into the jails, and what its like on the 'inside' and to stay safe if put into jail, dont want to have to worry about things...(I think the show "Oz" put some ideas in my head...)


My little pony.. my little pony
What? That maybe if you had one of those gravity defying wheelchairs that addabesi would leave you alone? Theres plenty of books on being on the inside that offer a less holloywood version of prison.


New member
that would depend on location and individual. some have no probs others do. i have never been busted for pot but i have done a few rounds with the courts/jails .i beat both big cases and learned my lesson. if you got heart and dont let nobody fuck with ya and stay out of bullshit you shouldnt have a problem. if your a pussy well hope you aint got nothing they want. jail can be a culture shock to some


It does not matter how long your sentence is. There are only 2 days: The day you go in and the day you get out.


New member
well i saw people being beat up for their sneakers and commissary . if ya got bullied in the schoolyard you prob wont do well in jail


Active member
Ive never been in but my cuz and my pops have.... both said first guy that steps to you, big or not just punch him right in the mouth and try to make it mean somethint he first time, you wanna make it clear if they fuck with you, even if you get beat up, you'll come back for more and more until they leave you alone...

Do canadian prisons still have stamped metal food trays? Cali prisons dont they got injection molded plastic food trays that weigh nothing and have fat edges.

It used to be a steel food tray edge-on to the face would get someones attention...

Remember a rolled up magazine, some shoestring and white glue are your best friends :)

Roll up a magazine, wrap it TIGHT with the string and glue it all together, if you got no glue use toothpaste and soap....

When done right you get quite the billy club :)


P.S. Don't go in with any kinda shoes "black" people would wear, like Reeboks, Nikes, etc...if you got crappy shoes they won't care... oh and don't ever give up your food or commisary unless you don't want it again. And no favors given or taken...


I was busted by sheer happenstance......bad luck or whatever.....
only did two days..... words are insufficient to begin to describe the tedium.

I got in trouble because I did not change the locks on my rented apartment....stupid oversight.....I was fine at this location for about three years, and then the Fire Dept decided to do a fire code inspection on each and every unit......
Spent a lot of money on very aggressive attorney and had charges never filed....
Since then I've been MUCH more careful!!......this was about 13 years ago.

I can't imagine what serious time would be like


Any type of jail time SUCKS!!!!! I did 4 days in county for my second DUI and was climbing the wall after 10 minutes. Freedom is something I will never take lightly since that experience. To me it was a total waste of time, but like they say if you do the crime be willing to do the time.

Prison is a much different situation. A lot of youngsters in there looking to make a name for themselves, that is where a lot of the problems start.

I now about prison from a lot of close family members and friends who have done several runs in state and federal prison. If you keep to yourself and don't take anyone's shit you will do alright. I myself am not into having someone tell me when to get up, when to eat and when to go to sleep.

I have a friend in Folsom right now that says " all I need is my Harley and I could stay here for the rest of my life". Not my cup of tea. I guess some people enjoy it , not me.

Stay safe


GCG, I hear time sucks I have done time and would not wish it on my worst emeny but as they say "you play the game you got to pay the price". be safe FilthyFew


FithyFew you are 100% right, But that is the problem with 95% of the people in jail right now. THey are picking on me all I did was cook 5 pounds of meth and sale it to the cops why are they singling me out? Most people in jail don't own up to what they have done and they don't see that they have done something wrong.

My younger brother for example ( God rest his soul) was always bitching about the cops picking on him. Gee let's see one time he was drinking on a beach and had a gun in his belt. The cops came to give him a ticket for drinking on the beach and saw his gun. Then when he was released they pulled him and his buddy over and searched the car and found $10,000 in cash and the recipe for cooking crank, but as he said " I didn't do anything wrong they are picking on me".

Moral to the story " don't do anything you are not prepared to get locked up for"

Sorry my rant is done now


GCG, Amen to that I have no problem with doing time for a crime and at this time growing MJ in these here United States is against the law I do not care what the state you live in says and the DEA does not care ethier.For now that just is how it is I love when folks say "all I was doing was going here or there and they bust me for DUI" if you drinking and drive your car that can happen. Be safe and stay fre FilthyFew


New member
i could sleep 4 days LOL. crank will cause probs even if you dont do it and just hang with people that do. i wont deal with tweakers .if ya do you get what you deserve. the dumber you are the easier it is for em to catch ya. thank god i learned early


I dont think anyone WANTS to go, but its nice to have a heads up incase the situation does arrive....

*edited to add that I dont hang out with tweakers, or have ANYTHING remotely to do with the stuff...
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:wave: Hey Lugen I don't hang with tweakers anymore either. My problem is that they are related to me. So what can I do?

Stay safe

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