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For the love of money.....Modern women...

Ted Roach

Ted, you're gonna find a good girl to iron your shirts one day. chin up.

Look for them in church, go to intellectual places like museums etc. That's where the good girls are. The Ho's are in the clubs... You would like a visit to the state of Utah, lots and lots of good girls there...

Oh cheers babe - that's the nicest thing someone has said to me in a while! :D

Not sure about church though - I aint been to one of them in a long time...museums though...that's not a bad idea.

Maybe I'll visit Utah one day.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Lola is right Ted.... you will find a prize. Museums are a good idea. Just make sure she smokes pot and loves you to death. :tongue:


Resident pissy old man
So many young people today are needy. Many are emotional wrecks that "have" to have a relationship in order to be complete. They need someone to "lean on" constantly. If you get into a relationship with one of them, your whole life will be spent trying to "fulfill" them.

If I were crazy enough to ever have another relationship(after a 36 year failed marriage), I would look for a woman who is already "complete". In other words, a woman who didn't "need" me. I would want a woman who can stand on her own 2 feet and is just as happy living by herself.

Looks are pretty unimportant. Physical type is more so. You want a woman who takes care of herself so that you don't have to spend big bucks "rehabilitating" her over time. Accept her just as she is and hope she is the kind of woman who will accept(and love) you just as you are. Too many folks get married to a "fixer-upper" in hopes that they can change that person into the one they truly want. A relationship is a series of compromises. Remember you are not a Whopper. Choose a woman who will give you a square deal and not insist on everything being her way.

Now the bad part! if I found this ideal woman, why would she want me? I am not that great a bargain. Now you all know why I am single.


well gosh...i'm glad i'm pretty and smart then! lol.
thankfully i found a great guy who is secure enough with himself to handle a woman who is very independent, makes as much $ as her man, and has her own interests separate of his. its a respectful relationship. oh and he gets laid almost everyday...gotta keep the love alive baby!
i think that's the biggest mistake woman make...they use their pussies as a bargining chip...play games and act like little douchebags when they don't get their way....then they whine and moan about how there's no good men and they just get used for sex....boohoo bobbleheads.
when you marry just for money...you work for it. what a shitty job. i'd much rather make my own $ and genuinely love the person i'm with!


Active member
what a stupid study, they compared a bentley to a ford fiesta??? what the fuck, thats like showing a KKK member a black chick and then jessica simpson, i wonder who hes gonna wanna fuck???

they should have shown men in regular high class cars like mercedes benzes or lexus sedans, and compared those pics to cars like chevy cobalts and toyota corollas.
I think it was Mac Dre who said "she don't wanna fuck you, she wanna fuck yo car"

Wealth and status are key indications that a mate can provide for a newborn...


You would like a visit to the state of Utah, lots and lots of good girls there...

LOL, Mormon chicks are some of the biggest sluts.
I grew up in Western Colorado and they were always the ones getting in the most trouble.


Why do women judge other women as sluts that have what should be considered a healthy sexual appetite?
You should start a thread about your serious life question in the women's forum.
Men can be sluts as well dude.
Do you see it as a negative term?


Active member
are you serious mormon girls are sluts?? man a hot morman chick was at my door last month i wonder if i coulda gamed her.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Men who drive expensive cars really are more attractive to women, according to a study by university researchers.

Well Duh.

I drive really nice cars, but they are not flashy, so girls do not notice them. Where as a girl sees a Cadillac, a gear head sees the fastest production sedan available.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
good looks and personality, trumps cars and cash any day..i'm living proof of that!!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Having taken three women hostage before getting a marriage right, I hesitate to offer this tongue in cheek observation from a retired professional manager of people.

Before deciding how women’s needs and drives differ from men’s, may I suggest that we draw from the work done in humanistic psychology and agree that human kind seeks to fulfill the physiological requirements of existence as the base underlying need.

After meeting the physiological requirements of existence, humanity seeks self esteem and esteem of others to achieve self actualization.

Women taken as a bell curve average clearly do have a different perspective than men, as is required to balance overall mankind. Women even predominantly use the opposite hemisphere of their brain than men.

For instance, on average women are more security conscious and the anchor in a relationship. Men on average are risk takers looking for excitement and change.

On average men created civilization, and on average women are the drive behind it and the reason it is still around.

Now before folks on both sides descend on me with both feet, please note that I am talking population averages. In truth there are very few folks at either extreme, with everyone else falling somewhere in the middle.

Apparent gender is not an indicator of preference, because it appears that gender also falls on a continuum and at the extremes are extreme maleness and femaleness, but the rest of us folks fall somewhere in the middle.

In fact at the middle some people are even born in one gender’s body, with sexual attraction to that same gender and yet a third way at looking at life. Mostly because on average, men predominantly use the left hemisphere of their brain and women use the right.

Here is where it gets more complicated though, because some of our most brilliant people are close to the middle and using both hemispheres about equally, regardless whether their sexual preferences are hetero or homo.

So back to the question of whether women are disproportionately drawn to wealth and power.

If we are talking about averages, then I would say the jury has long been in and because women are nest builders and home makers they definitely pay attention to a potential mate’s ability to provide the physiological requirements of existence.

How about a little extra fluff in the nest and more excitement in our lives? Damn straight.

How about the best mansion, best grounds, best vehicle, best plane, best yacht, etc? Damn straight, but not on average. It takes someone at the extreme to want all that.

I have been married this last time 25 years after starting over from scratch twice. I dated her 12 years before marrying her and during that time we both played the field. I married her because she was my best friend and I’m pretty clear that although she enjoys a soft fluffy nest, she didn’t marry me for my good looks, charm, or money.

She would not have married me however if I were unattractive to her with a nasty temperament and broke. She found me sexually attractive, thought I had a pleasing temperament and personality (on balance), plus had no concerns about having to support me as, my financial prowess was a known quantity.

Did it hurt that I had classical cars, a blue water yacht, and a plane. Probably not, but after marrying me she didn’t push it, but it was clear that she didn’t care for sailing and small planes.

After seeing The Perfect Storm, she told me that she would fly to meet me anywhere in the world but she wasn’t sailing there with me on a 36’ pea shell. Since sailing is no fun without my best friend, I gave up my dreams of circling the globe and eventually sold the boat.

Old age and medical certificates took care of the pilot’s license and I got tired of cracked finger tips and lying on my back working on classical cars, so I stopped restoring them and suggested that Gray Fox pick out the car of her choice.

She could have had anything reasonable that she wanted but in 2008, she picked a powder puff pearlized white metallic 1992 Buick Rivera with 13,500 miles on it and covets it above any of the Jaguar’s or Mercedes that we got rid of.

That bring us to what does attract our drives for a mate and might I suggest that it is the sum total of our innate drives and past experience, which are all different and is why we men folks haven’t killed each other off over the same woman by now.

Scientific data is also pretty clear that those drives and preferences are determined at a subconscious level; whether we think we thought it out logically or not.

I think the answer to your question is another question.

Which woman?

Why do women judge other women as sluts that have what should be considered a healthy sexual appetite?

Because it devalues a womans main assest.

I had a g/f a lot younger than me for a few months, fun while it lasted but no such thing as a free jump.

She was 26 going on 14. You know the way that 13/14 year old girls like to show off the fact that they now have breasts and also roll up their school skirts? Well she never lost that. Had bras that pushed the boobies out and tops that were about a millimetre off the nipple. Skirts very short and they were cheap so rode up at the back. High heels as well so it stuck her bum out and you could see her nickers as she walked. That was how she dressed for taking the kids to school!

And she couldn't understand why nearly all the women in the street hated her.

ime women are ok with other women having a healthy sexual appetite but the rules must be followed, ie. they must pretend that they are not like that at all.


gray wolf that was a very interesting perspective on this question and very methodical and probably right on the money.

i have struggled most my life trying to figure women out but in the end it was fruitless because they are all so different that its hard to find one that i was interested in longer than say 6 months (sometimes shorter or longer) at a time with out some type of reoccurring issue that would turn me off it just seamed like my taste in women was some what changing over time proportionally to how much time i was spending with them. and at this point in the game i think i have found that i would rather just have them as friends than anything to serious yet from the women perspective it seams like the longer i was hanging out with them the more they wanted it to be serious or took it seriously (to some extent this would ruin the fun in hanging out with them or being around them because i am not ready for something serious).

i don't know if men are genetically programed this way (same applied to females and their longing for serious relationships) or if this is just an isolated incident but its just the general perspective i am getting of my female friends and the way i was seeing the relationship heading.

i have yet to find "that" woman who will fill my cup so to speak but in the process i have made plenty of female friends and have had plenty of fun experiences without the need of extravagance or lots of material possessions and with the added benefit of not running into any gold diggers or women with a personality flaw that revolves around money (and if i do come into some money some point in my life i wont use it as bait to attract woman because those are not the types of woman i want to attract).different strokes for different folks

i think to allot of women money is a necessity at a level of having the necessities but what that particular woman values as a necessity is what will drive her to want that in a male who can provide those things (i.e nice cars and plenty of shopping money for the uptown girl types) their needs are just different from woman to woman so you can't really generalized in till you have a good basis of what there personality is but you can look at it from the perspective of an anthropologist who studies human behavior that can draw conclusions to most modern women are more materialistic than women of the past and see how technology or connectivity has driven them to become generally more materialistic.