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Revival of the Ultimate Sativa Thread

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Yo Ganja Pasha,

I had 5 Jahwi's Joy going 12/12 from seed, and this one showed sex on day 21.

The others showed sex on day 22, 25, 27 and 32. Although the others showed sex rather quickly, the females flowered VERY slowly compaired to this one. I think I just got myself a fast pheno or something.

Good luck with your big girl. She's probably gonna take a full ½ year from seed to harvest :headbange


Thanks for the info jrw. Sadly I've got to shut my grow down over the next few days so I'm gonna have to chop down the Jahwi and Thai, they have months left to go. Gonna break my heart, but it has to be done.

Dr Seuss

My day 68 Zamal x SS




B has some small buds that are just burning and dying... These buds also have a decent amount of seeds in them. Would that because this?
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Elevator Man

Active member
That's interesting - both my Goldfinger plants (Malawi Gold X Flo) did that when I pollenated them - around five weeks after the pollen hit, the budleaves died off, and the calyxes went brown. I thought there was something wrong, but the seeds were perfect.


Pollinated bracts turn yellow and die off, I've seen this happen on plants at all stages of development, even on vegging plants that had put out the odd pistillate flower and been pollinated by some stray pollen. I've also seenn many cases of the odd dead, yellow bract among many on a bud when just the odd bract has been pollinated. It's quite normal and nowt to worry about!

Dr Seuss

I was hopping it was just the seeds forming that was causing the buds to die, whew!

The one that became really seeded is going to go to my first attempt at using bubble bags, so I'm pretty excited about that.


Active member
i am alwasy impressed with you sativa grower's

la mano negra man you are making some nice plants please keep up with such fine breeding
im very impressed with you my friend want to hear more of the red pistal haze project if possible?

dunno if i post before

im very very thankful ive planted all but 1 of these seeds every one is germinating perfectly this shots from last year this year im growing them again and i have one that is even more sativa then the phenotype in picture it is more sativa in shape size growth pattern and defantly is going to produce what i was hoping for

the orginal mom is very euphoric her sister i have is probley going to get me even higher(hoping) and yea it sexing as female easily wanting to make me high

i almost forgeting them man must pay respect to my girl. thanks for letting me use your space.

not as good as some of the people can take pictures but i try not sure how to make them come right size you might have to click on the pics for a close up
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Active member
yo pazverderadical how are you man, what is the swazi line is this a african????
look man i have some type of african in this and it leaf look similiar

the way the last to leaflets kick out back it show in few of my plants

i know this contain african genetics my friend made them and im very happy to grow them
i get these seeds in oregon

teach me man of the african strains my bud is alwasy purple/black coming from these seeds best smoke ever to me man and i am smoking every elite strain so far (og kush,trainwreck,sour diesel,trinity,g-13,juicy fruit, cali O,haze arjans and nevelles and oregon bred,blueberry,nyc diesel, mean green, i have a list of all the strains ive ever smoked and its very very very long and trust me these buds are the best)

sometimes it smells of dead animal or flesh during first 6 weeks and then turns a nice deep sweetness but still undertone of power

please share african genes and teach man


all praises are due to the Most High
hello oldtoker, thank you for the interest, although i have not much to teach about african plants to be honest;what i can tell you is that the seeds out of which the pictured plants grew from were bought from the boutique,
they are afropips, just got one pack of it, grew 6 of the 10 about a year ago and now grew the last four seeds, only two males and one female survived, they are to go out to a gorila spot to let them procreate, they are growing in the same latitude as colombia btw.

hey rasjano, i agree with raco, that corinto looks like the real deal, when the pressed high quality corinto bricks used to arrive here, the colour was light green all over, some white hairs, very few browns if none at all, no other colours were seen... i wished i had saved the seeds...

much peace
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Active member
i got my seeds from a breeder who only is working to create the greatest highs and tastes with yield being no where on the scale at all, these are meant for the people who grew them. im sure you know what i mean.
i was lucky enough to see the parent black/purple a super low yielding plant with whispy whispy airy branches it was black no doubt about it, it wasnt anything close to grand daddy, urple,all the names keep coming but it was defantly nothing from these lines it was a type of landrace.

these beans im growing are the efforts from him im really at a loss to what i have i got my beans because he was very kind, he would alwasy ask for the seeds back to continue his lines when i came to give them to him he decided i was more then worthy of growing them.

all he could say was it contained african genetics he said what part but i was very stoned when he told me and now its whisked away forever

what i do remmber was asking if it was with durban and he laughed and said no of course not.

i love this plant man
ive never got a male so far wich is a bummer.......
i did leave one going a couple weeks to long and it made a few male ball i take this and go and pollinate g13, trainwreckxjuicyfruit,diesel,blue diesel,thaitantic(this is only gona be sweet)

this year i plant all my last seeds except 1 or 2 from him and again no male's...............
i got 1 plant thats only veging for month and ahalf and is about 5 ft tall and making classic symterical christmas tree shape (NICE)

i love seeing everyones sativa's keep it going i update with some veg pics of the sativas later today

pazverderadical i bet the sun is nice down there uh? lucky guy. treating the plants right keeping it tropical yea?


I harvested the Hashplant tonight, dinno if the 4 days in total darkness made any difference, despite two weeks flush she hardly faded at all and was still pretty green, only the lower leaves had gone pale green. She was immensely sticky and I made a very nice ball of finger hash after trimming. I made two joints from it by rolling it into little works with a lil bit of tobacco and I am very pleased to report it;s very lemony and potent with a strong heady high, lovely. If this is any indication of the quality of the buds, I am gonna enjoy them very much. I have kept this cut and have a couple in veg and another one flowering that is 20 days behind.

Here's my remaining Thai lady, she is 114 days old, which is over 16 weeks, in full flowering finally and looking so good I can't possibly cull her. I've found space for her in the corner of my wardrobe and she fits perfectly. No idea how much longer she is gonna take, but I reckon another 16 weeks will be about right, maybe even longer! She has slight overfert from salt buildup in her medium, she is a huge plant for a 1.5 litre pot and her stem is immensely thick for an indoor plant, as thick as my thumb.

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Elevator Man

Active member
Now that's more like it! I was hoping to see that soon - looks lovely. My H.O.G.s will be worthy of a picture or two shortly - just doing some severe LST to keep 'em down...


I told ya it was a hedge didn't I!

The Jahwi's Joy also looks good, but not so large, been pruned and trained similarly though, she is 108 days old and I'm not sure she is flowering yet, she is producing a few pistils though.

I now have two rooted Purple Afghan male clones so I'm gonna flower one of them under a 20w CFL and collect it's pollen and dab it on the Thai, so that even if I don't manage to fully mature the Thai I will have preserved at least part of it's genes. The two Thai clones are still in my bubbler, fingers crossed they root! If so, I'll get them to you ASAP so you can work with one and put the other in the library for preservation!


Herbal relaxation...
Ganja Pasha: Vee-ry nice Thai plant you go there mate :yes: If possible, you shouldnt cull her, she looks like she could really produce! There was talk on another thread that thai plants dont yield that much.. Every single authentic thai line I have seen grown outdoors to full maturity has produced good, or even huge yield. I think it´s because unsuitable enviroment more likely and not really understanding the needs of a plant..

Oldtoker: There is great variation among South African, Swazi, Transkei, Lesotho etc. cannabis strainline´s, depending are they growing wild, or cultivated & selected :2cents:

Here´s a pic of my Swazi Rooibard mum & cutting from her that was flowered after rooting..


As you can see, I loose the maincola:(


I have thinked doing little sog with this particular Swazi because of her singlecola characteristic, I have to take new pics today, or tomorrow to really show guys. I love the carrot aromas in her and cannot wait sampling her :yummy:

Hempy: Your thai looks so elegant :yes: Shall we call her true lady, eh? :D


Cheers, herb, no way am I gonna kill this Thai off, 15 bloody years I've been trying to find a good pure Thai that would flower properly and not hermie, I've grown loads of Thai bagseeds over the years and had all kinds of hermies and wierd plants, the ones that produced always seemed to be hybrids, the purer looking ones usually turned hermie or would switch back into veg at random during flowering, but this one seems to have real potential to really work indoors, from clone she might be quite manageable.


We talkin THai.........

We talkin THai.........

Here ya go....indoors now under 1000w!

Oh boy i hope they finish ok.....yeeeeeikes!
My studio is fully PACKED with rock MONSTERS!!
Look to the far right in this pic,the thai plants..

Left side is Leda Uno mmmmmm mmmmmm lemony sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!
One in the middle is a LARGE LATE AFGHAN i made long ago......
FULL........ON...........SATIVA GROW FOLKS......NUTZ i know!


Looks good Lou, my kinda lash-up job - plants sat on deck chairs and buckets, just what I woulda done!

At least you have plenty of height to work with, I wish I'd been able to let me Thai grow untrained as I think she would have looked beautiful, instead of all scrunched up and tied down.
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