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Im goin to build a 2'wide X 17"long X 27"tall flower box, my ? is this box to small for a 150w HPS

My medium will be soil and im gonna try scrog this time


nah its good...just make sure you vent. I am running a 1k and my flower dimensions in my cab are.....width 17.5, height 30" floor to light, depth 27.5". you'll be just fine brotha :tiphat:


burnt out og'er
This thread really belongs in the micro grows forum, so I will move it there if you don't mind ?

Now, size vs the wattage really is dependent on having adequate intake and exhaust so that the box doesn't become an oven instead of a grow space. Plus you'll need to consider the height of the space between the scrog screen and the light and have enough clearance for the soil container below the screen including the gap between the top of soil to the screen. You'll also need to account for a muffin fan or something to exhaust the box. To me it sounds too short height wise, even though most micro folks make their own reflectors for their lights etc.

But hey, some of the micro grow folks actually grow a in things as small as a mid tower pc case


This thread really belongs in the micro grows forum, so I will move it there if you don't mind ?

Now, size vs the wattage really is dependent on having adequate intake and exhaust so that the box doesn't become an oven instead of a grow space. Plus you'll need to consider the height of the space between the scrog screen and the light and have enough clearance for the soil container below the screen including the gap between the top of soil to the screen. You'll also need to account for a muffin fan or something to exhaust the box. To me it sounds too short height wise, even though most micro folks make their own reflectors for their lights etc.

But hey, some of the micro grow folks actually grow a in things as small as a mid tower pc case

thats kool and also i didnt think about that thanks for reminding me I guess 28"w x 19"l x 30"T


Active member
Im goin to build a 2'wide X 17"long X 27"tall flower box, my ? is this box to small for a 150w HPS

The 2' wide... you'll find fluffier buds at the edges.... Just a wee bit far for a 150 to stretch the light that far. The 17 is perfect and the 27 will work, but will be a bit tight, depending on the strain you run.

Stay Safe! :tree: :D


Im goin to build a 2'wide X 17"long X 27"tall flower box, my ? is this box to small for a 150w HPS

My medium will be soil and im gonna try scrog this time
NO is the answer. Check out the 150wattHPS club for answers to any question you may have.


a picture is worth a thousand words...how bout a picture is worth 1000 watts



roughly 11cu/ft in the flower area
vented with about 1000cfm. works just great homie...and right below it i have my mother and clone area


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Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
Holy overkill batman, but props tho for doing it. You should get buds down to the dirt in that small area with that much wattage. Good luck


The 2' wide... you'll find fluffier buds at the edges.... Just a wee bit far for a 150 to stretch the light that far. The 17 is perfect and the 27 will work, but will be a bit tight, depending on the strain you run.

Stay Safe! :tree: :D

kool appreciate the advise and i'll be running purple lady from G13 labs and fluffy buds are cool but i want that compact filled with resin kind of buds

i know 150w is small but my guess is the smallest i can make my cabinet and fit everything the better chance i have of getting the buds i want.

and B-roni :bigeye: u have a hell of a set up i bet u get those king sized buds with that space


Holy overkill batman, but props tho for doing it. You should get buds down to the dirt in that small area with that much wattage. Good luck

thx fuzz. yeah bro...cab was designed to run 12 plants at a time...so thats why the 1k...gettin my mothers in place atm for a full run of iono yet...lol...but 12 plants in this baby should pull me a little under a pound....its really just temporary though till i can get money in place to do my new room up :) but the cab does work like a charm
and just to show yall it really is a 1k in that hood :laughing:


kool appreciate the advise and i'll be running purple lady from G13 labs and fluffy buds are cool but i want that compact filled with resin kind of buds

i know 150w is small but my guess is the smallest i can make my cabinet and fit everything the better chance i have of getting the buds i want.

and B-roni :bigeye: u have a hell of a set up i bet u get those king sized buds with that space

yeah buddy. 150 still gets nice fat colas yo...i used to grow with one too :)...biggest thing i can tell ya to keep it good in there is the ventilation. with a 150 as long as you dont have any other heat sources in the cab you should be fine exhausting with a 4" bathroom fan from depot for 12 bucks...nice big intakes :). interested to watch this go down bro


i know 150w is small but my guess is the smallest i can make my cabinet and fit everything the better chance i have of getting the buds i want.
Small but do a great job for personal use.
I usually harvest 115-130 grams dried bud from my 150. That's 4 O's give or take and lasts me until next harvest. :)

The most I ever harvested with a 150 was 141 grams dried. Almost 1gramperwatt.

Depending on strain growing, number of plants, how grown(lst,sog,scrog,soil,hydro) you can certainly harvest plenty of good bud with a 150.



Thanks for the advise everyone now im really looking forward to doing this i'll keep ya posted when i get this done

AcroPhobic 115-130gs now thats nice if i can pull that then it will definitely be enough for me and my wife,
i also known a lil something bout electricity and how it works i used to help my dad and brother wire houses and the light im using i can remove the ballast and place it on the outside that should help with the temps.


here is a pic of the kinda stuff you can look forward to with a 150

that cola above is the center plant in this pic under the 150
also notice..its a big open closet but...no fans...they dont get that hot bro
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damn B-roni thats some big ass colas wish i was your friend ha ha
but seriously thats tight off 150w
If you dont mind me asking what nutes do you use?

Im high off some of what i was told "master purps" its really trippy after 4 hits it feels like my mind is gone but im still here and im so aware of my body its crazy
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well brother...i just hit some sour d...yum yum...so back to cab talk...um...that grow was actually with miracle grow....years ago....these days i am using the full line of house&garden Aarde A&B products....best shit on the market if you ask me...and roots excelurator is a must even if you arent using the line.


and big mike from advanced nutrients even tells ya..... love it

btw...i do not recommend using miracle grow lol
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well brother...i just hit some sour d...yum yum...so back to cab talk...um...that grow was actually with miracle grow....years ago....these days i am using the full line of house&garden Aarde A&B products....best shit on the market if you ask me...and roots excelurator is a must even if you arent using the line.


and big mike from advanced nutrients even tells ya..... love it

btw...i do not recommend using miracle grow lol

kool thanks and as for the miracle grow it works for my shwag seeds but the good ones dont like it
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another ? for you all, are PPM's really that important if so i will buy a ppm meter and how do you adjust the PPM"s to the desired numbers

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