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Foothold on Reality...Barely

ST: thanks man, we'll see how shit goes once I finally find a fefe out of one of these tubs... so far I'm 0-2 and this last BE I have is showing signs of male traits (extensive stretching, no preflowers and possibly some balls developing) I'll let it run a bit longer just to make sure, but I have my doubts.

Felix: LOL, yeah, the old pumps work fine, but I figured "why not?"

L~B: what's up mang :D hang around, this shit should be interesting
killed the last B.E. I had, it showed me some sack and I showed it the scissors... I learned a little bit about that plant so I'm hoping for a fefe next time I drop one of those beans. I have 1 original lady left in water out of 4 (Berkely x BlueBubble) but she's looking fantastic....


her roots


:friends: I didn't see any pistils but I didn't see any sacks either... she's growing rather bushy and stout, which I would associate with a female... I guess we'll just have to wait and see :D


so thats Berkley huh?
looks fanfuckingtastic, Farmer!
glad you stayed with it!
that is indeed the berkely... it's actually the runt of the pack if you remember from earlier... let's just hope it's a lil lady :D I went and bought another (4) 100w cfls to try and penetrate through all of those monster fan leaves.

on a side note... for those of you who don't know... this is how we roll down south:nanana:

awww shit...get cha towels ready, it's about to go down...



the lonely island ftw
ok, so I did some pruning and supercropping, I started supercropping about 2 days ago, I did 3 secondary stems, within a day the stems were standing back up, today they've almost hardened. With that being said, we're gonna see exactly what this plant can do. for those of you who are squeamish, you might not wanna look at the following pics :nanana:

before prune:


after prune:


what I have done here is removed about 95% of the foliage and gone ahead and supercropped every stem...

"wtf would you do that for FhF?!?"

good question.

1st off, this plant is so dense that the persperation from the plant was actually pooling up on some of the fan leaves... I discovered this during adjusting the plant one day. I stuck a fan in the plant (literally) to fix this, but I had to cut a few leaves because of the standing water. Fan leaves are usually blocking all of your secondary stems from getting the same amount of light as your main stem(s), removing them gets the light to them so they can develop along with the rest of the plant. (I consider any stem other than the main stem(s) secondary).

by pruning this way I'm also promoting more root growth, without the leaves the plant will revert the energy into the roots.... more roots = larger yield. I'll take some pics and measurements of the root mass as it is and then we'll check it in about 4 days and see what kind of difference there is :D

here's some pics of the fans I cut off first:

these are the main stem fans, for size reference that's a qt. of GH micro... the spotting on the leaves is from me pulling pots too fast and splashing nute solution on the leaves from the roots


ok, I just measured the roots length, 22 inches... almost 2 ft... wow. and I took a pic since this is more of a visible comparison rather than an actual calculated mass differential

I've heard tales of leaves that measure a ft acoss, although I've never seen one myself. I'm pretty sure these are some of the largest I've seen personally
FLG! sup mang :D

"you must spread..."

preciate the link, I'll throw my lil guy up in there strictly because of the size of the plant it came from... it measures in at 7" tall right now
the SCxBB babies roots... :D

I started the smaller one out in soil but after moving everything around I decided to run it hydro as well... rinsed the roots, stuck it in a fresh rapid rooter and let it go.


the one that has been in hydro from the start


look how they've grown back on themselves... I know it's blurry, but I'm not moving all the shit around again right now... sorry bout yer bad luck. :nanana:
hell yeah man! please do! Thanks for making it available too :D

she smells like coffee right now in veg and her little sister in flower has no odor whatsoever until you touch her... both plants in flower seem to be that way


ICMag Donor
not sure how to get pics from my old gallery to this thread. I have alot of pics of berkely in that old gallery. Just search by name and you can find them. Finishtime for her was @56 hydro and 63 soil. If its a berkely phenotype it should reek the whole place out by the 6th week of flower. Some real strong meds too! I hope you find a good one FF. Good luck

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