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Food Porn...

Dr. Purpur

Custom Haze crosses
Its been awhile since I've been to Haiku. I lived on Maui (seeking the bud) in 1977 and returned a couple times there after. In 77 I lived in Lahaina, worked at the ships wheel, and put on Luau at Whalers market place on weekends. It was a lot of fun. I received one on one training from the owner /Chef at the French restaurant next door, and was also taken "under wing" by the Italian restaurant in the same complex. 1977 was the summer of fun. Rock stars in the restaurant, and the best weed, food, and drink available at the time. What a summer!


Blah blah blah.
Go have a fucking salad or something. We just dont want to hear about how it makes you feel better than everyone else.

grab yourself a fucking chunk of raw meat and sit on it like a neanderthal!!! omg
and maybe read what was written ;) the post above you was about ways to find out
what kind of nutrients human really need. it is being used in trying to think over
how to produce a food replicator, i love that idea!!!

here is a link on how Nestlé plans to do so


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
Dude! Those fuckers are still RAW! That's just nasty!

you are tripping... that was perfectly cooked... right between medium rare and rare. if you cook your tenderloin beyond medium rare, then you ruin a good piece of meat and might as well eat a cheap hamburger.


this is something which i hope many love, i do
just had some the last couple days

Maccaroni and Cheese Sauce



Active member
Could NOT have had a better 1st picture in this FOOD PORN thread than that Perrrfectly cooked Tenderloin. RAW,,,, WTF????


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Happy almost 4th of July Carnivores!!!

Happy almost 4th of July Carnivores!!!

grab yourself a fucking chunk of raw meat and sit on it like a neanderthal!!! omg
and maybe read what was written ;) the post above you was about ways to find out
what kind of nutrients human really need. it is being used in trying to think over
how to produce a food replicator, i love that idea!!!

here is a link on how Nestlé plans to do so

Asche, is this neanderthal enough for ya!

By the way, you can have your multinational agribusiness conglomerate space food substitute products too.

Cuein' up some local small farm raised Boston Butts for tomorrow...

"Salad is the path to the dark side.
Salad leads to vegetables.
Vegetables lead to Carrots.
Carrots lead to suffering......"

Harley Morenstein - Epic Meal Time


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Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Last nights feed consisted of freshly caught off the beach in my back yard Striped bass, tomatoes drizzled with some excellent Spanish olive oil, caramelized onions ,spinach from our garden and string beans sauteed with slivered almonds.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Venison harvested post-Neanderthal style with a bow and arrow.

I even cooked some ribs Neanderthal style. We nibbled around the arrow hole.


Active member
Capt. Ahab, do you grind most those cuts, or what? I've never done it B4, but those shanks get Me thinking Lamb shanks. So I naturally start thinking Venison shanks done like that could ROCK Throw some nice Morrels, Chantrells, Shitakies,,, Hell just any wild mushroom to finish, maybe the last 10min in oven. Man deer season is WAY to far off. now im gonna have to ask a Friend to raid His freezer.lol
It's good to have friends Who'll let Ya raid Their freezer too.lol



Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Hey Twisted, Starting from the top left going clock -wise we have shanks, then tenderloins and backstraps,then the two boned out rear quarters and finally a container of chunks from the carcass and front shoulders that got ground into burger and also used for sausage. I further separate and trim the muscle masses out of the hind quarters to make steaks and roasts.
The shanks are awesome. Prepped as you said like lamb shanks. I actually gave most of the meat pictured to a family down the road who ran into hard times. That isnt to say my freezer isnt/wasnt full at the end of the season.:biggrin:
Id be happy to share with you too, if you hit me up.
And yes, deer season is too far away for me too. I dont mind fishin' season this time of year but fishing is just something to do when it isnt hunting season, as far as Im concerned.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Ive posted these before in another thread but the hunting thread got deleted due to someone's intolerant hyper sensitivities.
Sausage ready for the smoker. I make a Polish style, a sweet apple/herb and a Boerewors style recipe I picked up in Africa.

In the smoker.


well too much meat on one place for my taste :)
here is something to loosen up the color :tiphat:



people oughta eat more deer, rabbit, goat and wild boar(also can be hunted from helicopters).roasted wild boar stuffed in jalapenos and wrapped in bacon... off the chain. my other complaint with vegan/vegetarianism is that I will grub down, and low and behold set your watch to it I will be hungry again in 30 minutes..."did we eat" "oh ya". but I will admit after eating an ayurvedic vegan meal my body rejoices and I feel great, but that's probably because I have satisfied all of my body's nutrient requirement for a day in one meal.


you sound like a spam box lol, somehow i have the feeling you keep writing the same posts :D