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Flowering my Afghan Diesel


I hear ya mate ;) nice to sleep easy lol. You never said what was in that generic boost of yours... I'm definitely going back to slabs myself. Have been using compost for a bit now for the ease and flexibility but veg time and yield suck, well yield doesn't suck so much but I know it could be soooo much better using coco as before. Probably have one for after summer when it cools down again and my jars are running dry :)

that boost isn't actually the same, the cheapo one is green while the canna boost is black or dark brown. they also don't smell the same. but it's impossible to tell how it's working right now as the AD isn't perfectly dialed in yet, underfed them at a strategically important point this run and as a result the leaves were always a bit too light in color for the stage of the grow. in the end i'm inclined to go back to basics next run and not bother with any boost, that stuff isn't needed for good yields, but there again the canna boost does seem to speed up the ripening a bit. might be ideal for the next run where half the box will be growing SourAmnesia which is a minimum 10 week strain.

Stunning Gaiusmarius. Absolutely stunning. I am sorry that she did not make it to the Dam in time. :-((

you and i both man, would have been great to have my afghan diesel to share with you all. oh well maybe next time, eh.

Are those Coco bags that you grow in a one time thing, or do you reuse them for your next grow?

How many plants are there and how big is your space? How come you are not using maylar instead of a white wall. Would you not get better yield if there was maylar on the wall?

the coco slabs can be used 4 times easily, just use enzymes of one kind or another from the second time round. that's why i love the coco so much, you only have to lug it around 1 time a year :)

this space is 110cm by 220cm it has 40 plants growing under 2 x 600watt magnetic hps lamps.

to be quite honest i created this setup mostly with second hand stuff including the panda plastic on the walls. i just used the wall covering that i already had around.

i personally don't believe new Mylar will increase my yield greatly, i'm a great believer in dialing in and perfect conditions to increase yield. but i guess the Mylar is a few % more efficient at reflecting light then the black and white plastic.

Update - day 42 of 12/12

well as you can see in the pics we are slowly getting there, this AD is a damn fast strain, i bet it would already smoke well at day 49 of 12/12, but i like my stuff fully ripe so will let them go on till 8 weeks.

still runing the ec at 1.5 while i let the ph drift up a bit to 6.2 as the return ph is 4.4, lol.














Looking sweet mate! You think you could have tucked a few more of them into that space? Seems to be a few gaps from the overhead pic. I didn't realize this was an 8 weeker must have had my head in the sand lol. That's great, what side does this cut lean towards then? What the smell and taste like?



thanks man, although i am not expecting any great yield numbers lol.

Looking sweet mate! You think you could have tucked a few more of them into that space? Seems to be a few gaps from the overhead pic. I didn't realize this was an 8 weeker must have had my head in the sand lol. That's great, what side does this cut lean towards then? What the smell and taste like?

yes a few more would have fit no problem, either that or an extra day or 2 of veg would have done the trick to fill the whole space with bud sites.

this is the most indica leaning one from the bud structure, very tight compact hard buds. the smell and taste reminds me if real afghan pure indica with sour diesel in it. hence afghan diesel, maybe i should have called it sour afghan, but it's not as sour as some sour diesel. to me the name says it all Afghan diesel. yes this pheno is ready real fast, although i want to let them go as long as they want this round so it might be 9 weeks by the time i cut them.

still letting the new mums grow a bit before i make the next batch of clones. i will fill 1 half with soramnesia and the other half with cheese s1's and happy brother. trouble is happy brother and souranesia are still not sexed, so will probably just make as many clones as i can from each plant then pick out the males as they show, or maybe i'll stick one branch from each plant in the flowering space in cups of water till they tell me their sex.



They look like they will yield well all the same. The next run sounds like fun mate, very nice strains there... The cheese s1's that GHSco has come up with seem to be very like the real deal from the pics I have seen.... look forward to that one and seeing these afghan diesel fattening up on their way to the finish line.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
great read Gaius! ...little late for the action but just in time to c u flower these baby's till perfection..Nhow i'm along for the ride :)

rocket high

Active member
Nice work there Gaius

Im not a fan of coco but your Afgan Diesels have turned out really well in it .... i bet your looking forward to the harvest



They look like they will yield well all the same. The next run sounds like fun mate, very nice strains there... The cheese s1's that GHSco has come up with seem to be very like the real deal from the pics I have seen.... look forward to that one and seeing these afghan diesel fattening up on their way to the finish line.

to be honest the yield doesn't look great to me, i flowered a day or 2 early and underfed at the start. next time i run these i hope to get it just right. because the space is so small for 1200 watts, my colas need to be really fat to get what i consider good yields. but in the end i'm happy with what i get, just know things could be better.

i will not use any cannaboost next run, i am going back to a and b with nothing else for a run. i have a feeling the boost boosted them to faster ripening, i want the next run to take as long as it's supposed to take. all that crap is no needed anyway, some of my best yields were done with nothing but a and b.

yeah man i'm really looking forward to running the new batch of genetics. i have one Happy brother that is so small i will only be able to make 1 clone from it lol. same with 1 of my souramnesia.

Lookin' good, man...lookin' good.

thank ya kindly :bongsmi:

Delightful :D


great read Gaius! ...little late for the action but just in time to c u flower these baby's till perfection..Nhow i'm along for the ride :)

very nice to hear from ya again Core. i'm afraid perfection will have to go begging this run, lol. but it should be half way decent harvest non the less. at least the bud is top, that is actually more important to me. this self made cross is quite a treat to smoke and with boost its incredibly fast flowering. some people would be cutting them down now even though it's just gone 7 weeks of 12/12, either that or the heat has sped up the blooming process.

im liking the looks of it!

your too kind brother bonecarver, i'm sure you'd love the smoke too. :kos:

looking real nice in there..

i did my best, thanks but still some fine tuning to be done till i can flower this clone to perfection.

Nice work there Gaius

Im not a fan of coco but your Afgan Diesels have turned out really well in it .... i bet your looking forward to the harvest


if things are done right with coco you will be amazed how well it works, even just mixing some in with your guerrilla grow will make a visible difference to the vigor of the plants. i plan to add some to my outdoor soil mix next guerrilla season for sure.

thank you all for the kind words, new update soon. :wave:


no doubt at all mate! it looks top class :)

:) :kos: just got done smoking out a mate of mine and he's complaining that no matter how little he puts in his spliffs of the afghan diesel, it always fucks him up visibly, hehe.

:dance013:Looking good Gauis, i think your room will yield well.:ying: mack

let us hope so, but in the end it's all natures bounty, i am thankful with what i get. quality, fully ripe well flushed and well dried bud, is what i care about.


update day 50 of 12/12

as you will see they are ripening up well, still feeding at ec 1.5 ph is at 6.3 now, because the return ph went really low. some how i don't see them needing more then a week more, already seeing plenty of darker trich heads. once the current tank is used up i will go to flushing mode.

meanwhile i'm a bit behind with the new clones as i thought this run would take a bit longer then it has. anyway here my latest batch of pics.














Very nice GM, nothing but perfection from your grows. Happy growing :)