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Florida Growers Thread

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party time at the trop...we got vanilla ice playing after the Rays win...ahahahaha...sumbitch is still alive and bein a playah


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Nice work Ghostwolf! I am always amazed at the ingenuity of PC grows and your U-turn bush is a prime example.

If you haven't grown AI you are in for a treat. I found it easy to grow in a micro SOG but at first I was bummed with my yield.....until I smoked it that is.

It was more than couchlock stone.....it was bedsore stone. The synapses between brain and muscle tissue was reduced to 56K transmissions. My speech was a mere monosyllabic drone of nonsense. This weed intensified gravity and turned the fabric of space time into pudding.

It was great....if you like pudding.
Sounds great THS. This is my first AI and what ever it is male or female I can use it. But after what you said I'm hopping it's a girl. The bush was held down with paper clips and was topped to keep it from getting into the lights. I turned the buds toward the light so I wouldn't have to turn the plant around in the case. I'm getting ready to do SOG in the pc case, so maybe I'll do that. :)


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
GW, nice job on the pc grow. AI, ive never tasted it but its on my list once i get the courage to order quality genetics.

i might have WW in my closet in the near future. i hooked up a long time family friend and my old supplier of meds with some clones and he asked if ive heard of WW and that he is going to get some cuts for me. hes growing outdoors & he cant keep any plants at home so he gets his cuts from me so if i have good potent plants then he will have good potent clones.

wish me luck
Thanks SSH, this is my first go with AI. the WW sounds great I may get one of those myself, good luck with yours.
I just got home from a morning surf and found my Maxi-bloom had arrived! No more concocting superfluous nutrient regimes, precipitate issues or wasted money literally going down the drain. With a nute schedule this easy I may even run a perpetual SOG again.

Thanks evl, dongle and of course Lucas!

Good choice. I took their advice about 5 months ago and have been blown away with it. MaxiBloom and Floralicious Plus. Nothing else needed.

Good luck amigo. :rasta:


Thanks SlowCalaToker. I was thinking about picking up some Floralicious Plus but was curious of its NPK value. Does it alter the Lucas formula?


flavor of the day here in the swamp folks...cali-o


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doing fine brother...too damn hot for this old man...nope, waiting for the AE to find it's way to my swamp...this is old school cali-o...been in jars for a damn long time...stuff has cured and gotten so smoothe ya can't believe it's in the volcano...


Active member
Good to hear.....you kiddin me!Too HOT for anyone!Had ta pull in the kids cause they looked like they had cherry's on top dey neck!

Ole school huh?As in like??

Me an pops had some giggles yesterday.....was chattin bout warning shots and cows.


that cow is still in the hole out back and he dont look like he's goin anywhere soon...thats what ya get for trespassin in the swamp...


my slingshot has a 20 shot clip and a trigger...wanna come see it work late tonight...that is if the pooch don't get ya first


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Ghostwolf....you gotta get the coolest pic of the week award for that horseshoe plant. That is some really good growin. Love it!!

Had me thinking that you must have put a little arbour in there to train it.

Well done m8.
Sorry I haven't replied KK, I've been out a bit. I used a rubber band and lot of paperclips. I even broke the main top stems of the two double tops, and wire wrapped them around two the direction I wanted and they grew right into it. Then I had all the buds facing the light at same time. The way I did it really came about because it was to tall and right into the lights so one thing led to another and you see how it ended up.

komrade komura

Active member
Major upgrade to da cab this weekend

Major upgrade to da cab this weekend

Phucking new cool tube light arrived with broken glass! Old one is already out the door. Philanthropy only works AFTER receiving the replacement and checking for broken glass....hahaha.

Trying acoustic ducting...failure. It is only good if you have plenty of space, it won't bend in a small enough space for me. Besides, the Ruck fan is gonna make noise ducting or not. Time to revert back to normal ducting.

Was a CFL only grower for quite a while. Great for personal smoke, but not much else. Because of my history and general satisfaction with CFL, I run 250CFL alongside 250 HPS.

Oh well....time to get back to the grind. Gotta close the doors in about an hour and see what temp it hits.

While you sleep, know that the komrade is hard at work across the pond to keep you safe from communists, republicans and other well-meaning fascists.

Pics from 10 minute ago:


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beautiful day

beautiful day

I watched a show last night called addicted on the history channel. It was a show about when weed became ill. in the 1930's. Check this, the first guy to be charge with possesion after the bill passed recieved 4 years. WOW. It also talked about how the mayor of New York did a 4 year study on weed, and come to find out the scientist said that it was not addicting, it did not contribute to violent crimes ect. Wish I could tell more but I have to go. Anyways look for it on the channel, this is something I think all of you guys and girls would want to see. At the end of the show I think one of the scientist said that it is now legal in 11 states for patients that are ill, and said that marijane is more important to patients that need it, rather than it being a harm to our country....... Some of the best stuff I have ever seen on t.v.
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