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Florida Growers Thread

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komrade komura

Active member
The place for LED in a grow

The place for LED in a grow

been thinking lately with the subject of 'under the radar' being reminded to us by recent events.

Power consumption, hot lights and stinky plants are our technical enemies among many enemies, including behavioural.


Mothers & Clones--> CFL T5s

Veg --> LED

1st Month of Flower--> LED

2nd Month of Flower --> HPS

I think this could be a sweet and very low temp perpetual under the proper setup.

Set a long term goal of 1.5g/w with a lot of work and the right choices.

EASY? NO WAY? (Pre-default value is NO WAY)

I've read the flame wars on LEDs, but it is always about replacement of another type of light completely, not using during a stage in the lifecycle.

Even if the 1st month of flowering is mixed between LED and HPS, the savings in electrical cost is still significant.

Has anyone had experience with moving plants from LED to HPS?

Bring the HPS artillery out at the end of the cycle for adding weight weight?

Whatcha think? Is there a place for LEDs in the grow cycle?
Plants seem to like em during veg....but they under perform in flowering is seems.

So hybrid the system and save some money and improve security?


Game Bred
Hello Romania. Things are great here in sunny Florida other than our signature drive to get MMJ on the ballot for the Nov. vote has failed. boo hoo! And they are busting grow houses left and right down here. AHOLES!!!!
No tolerance here and us Florida tokers and growers need to organize and do something so we can have legal MMJ here! Vote out the Republican politicians here. Tampa just got the 2012 Republican Convention and Repubs will be invading Tampa Bay with their right wing conservative pontificating poltical rhetoric.
But we need the money here from the RNC since our beaches will soon be polluted from the oil spill in the Gulf! So there goes tourism as nobody wants to hang out on oily beaches with dead animals everywhere. Enough to make a Florida citizen start and continue to smoke weed! Good Luck Florida growers and be very safe :fsu:

conservatives are going to be your best friends in this fight not the libs.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
"FDLE" A picture is worth a thousand words The people who make, pass and enforce anti marijuana laws are the lowest form of bottom feeders on the planet!


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I just don't trust any party. I think we need to start the "Cannabis Party" Maybe then we'll be able to bring some sense to back to this country. It has to start some where why not with us. It's already happening all around the US It's just a matter of time, but if their was a cannabis party it could happen faster. Growers and Smokers Unite! For the common good of this land.


Well-known member
Face it guy's unless the old people of this state suddenly start thinking for them selves ( instead of letting Fox or Rush Limpbough) legalization WON'T happen.
And frankly, as long as I'm considered as a grower, to be worse then a rapist or murderer I'll NEVER sign up or join any party having to do with MJ. It would only put a huge target on me.

So, that being said, have a great day peeps and stay safe!

Guest 18340

A big bong rip for Ronnie James Dio, the Man on the Silver Mountain, 1942-2010, R.I.P.
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komrade komura

Active member
I agree with you MK.

Democrats make me ashamed to be an American.

Republicans make me ashamed to be a fucking human being.

Now Emma Goldman/Gandhi would try to organise the entire stoner population to flood local police stations insisting on being arrested....thereby overwhelming the system. Turn cop shops into coffee houses until they agreed to no longer enforce the law.

Arrest --> Release --> Re-arrest --> Re-release...over and over until the system fails.

The thought of hundreds/thousands lighting up in a cop shop in protest...well there aren't many purdier thoughts that require fully clothed people.

komrade komura

Active member
IGYB - excellent looking harvest. What strain is it?

I wish I could grow outside. But alas, with the weather here, the survelliance society in the UK...and the general high level of people gossiping in this country....naw fuck it.

Any special things to note about the outdoor grow? Problems/learnings?
They Are From My First Seeds

They Are From My First Seeds

IGYB - excellent looking harvest. What strain is it?

I wish I could grow outside. But alas, with the weather here, the survelliance society in the UK...and the general high level of people gossiping in this country....naw fuck it.

Any special things to note about the outdoor grow? Problems/learnings?

So i realy dont no what they are, I had A bad run of Hermys and had to clear my Room Out and these are the ones that did not Hermy so I just put them out and Hoped for the best. Some are my Medijuana that I put out with the other Girls. It looks like it was Free Sun Shine and Just A little of My Bud Nutes and Up they came for me. Im happy with the pull and will do it Again Soon.

Thanks for the Good Vibe from over the Pond

I sent for some C99 Seeds and they are Popping up as we Type, I have been told they realy do good out side so I will try them Next.

I just love this growing stuff:jump::gday:


Well-known member
A big bong rip for Ronnie James Dio, the Man on the Silver Mountain, 1943-2010, R.I.P.

Man, I looked up some youtube videos of him last night. I impressed by how good his voice was right to the end. From a Rock-n-Roll stand point, I think that there have been few to come close to his, kind of the opposite end of the spectrum from Ozzy.

komrade komura

Active member
I was never a big fan of Dio. However, anyone who spends their life working at what they love....theirs is a life worth celebrating.

Ronnie James Dio....this iolite vape bowl is for you.

Rockin with Jimi, Jim and Janis in heaven.


The swarm is on...

The swarm is on...



Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Face it guy's unless the old people of this state suddenly start thinking for them selves ( instead of letting Fox or Rush Limpbough) legalization WON'T happen.
And frankly, as long as I'm considered as a grower, to be worse then a rapist or murderer I'll NEVER sign up or join any party having to do with MJ. It would only put a huge target on me.

So, that being said, have a great day peeps and stay safe!
I understand what your saying. I don't belong to any party but I still vote. And very sadly I afraid your right about the rest of it. Florida really has brain damage about most things, I know, I've been here the whole 52 years of my life. Nothing gets better here, it just steadly gets worse. Way to many people and laws. That why if I can ever get out of this place I'm gone. And I'll leave it to the nut jobs that have taken over. I do believe that Florida will be the last state to legalize marijuana and will go kicking and screaming the whole way. There is no common sense in this place at all, with the exception of the growers and smokers and a hand full of others that just want to live and mind their own business. The rest just want to stick their unwanted and unneeded noses into everything everyone else does instead of tending to their own lives which is where it should be because that's where the real problems are in the mirror they look into. Not your neighbors. OK I done on my soap box now. And I'm returning to my corner like good little drone.:sasmokin: :angrymod:FDLE


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Thanks IGYB. I just had to get it off my chest. The news that evl posted about what happened to Whiskey was just the the one that broke me. I never met the man, I do know he was a talented grower. It was just to bad he has no moral character and wasn't more careful about his business. That's why I keep it small and under the radar and say Fuck Florida! As the place I was born it's great, it's the people that have screwed this place up. I swear if I could go back in time 80 or 100 years in Florida I would. I've already lived that way out in the woods in north Fla. No electric, only a pitcher pump well, and a little wood stove in my little cabin on my own 5 acres growin what ever I could. And it was people that screwed it up for me. They just couldn't leave me alone and let me live. I didn't bother anyone just minded my own business. No one else could tho. But now here I go again on the soap box. I know a lot of Florida history and this isn't the way it should be here. But it's very sad that it is the way it is now, every one cares about the wrong things. They don't want to get along they want to tell others what they can and can't do on their own land and with their own lives. The small hand full of us know this is just wrong. And I believe that what happened is people have gotten so greedy about everything that they think they have a right to tell others what to do. I left the city years ago because of that but now people are so wide spread you can't get away from it unless you leave for more open places. I don't believe Florida can be saved anymore and haven't for a long time. I guess I done for a while now as I'm running out of steam. So I'll be quiet and go back to my corner.
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