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Florida Growers Thread

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big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I've tried writing our state and as much as I HATE to say it, its a waste of time. Bill Nelson was the only one to return a letter which he actually read. The others were simply ignored or sent to other people. One of them was bad enough that they wrote me back a letter on unions and not even my original qustion. Its sad but Florida will be one of the last states to switch regardless of what the people think. I'm sorry to disappoint but i've written them on more than one occasion. They have no intention to change we are the biggest pharma state in the COUNTRY!! People come down here to get drugs for cheap and than go back to their state. Sorry guys, money talks.

On the other hand i still partake to try and make sure other states pass. I think the biggest battle is making marijuana schedule II since it does have medical beneifts and there is no reason for it to be sched. 1. Only once half of America makes MMJ legal will Florida stand a chance.

Raised beds are the only way to go in Florida and they can be done in a variety of ways depending upon what you want to do. I wish i didn't live i SoFlo so i could grow some berries, tree's take way to long. Theres some good sites online that ships berrie clones ranging up to 10 years i think with good prices.

Ioni Botani

The speaketh truth.
May Jah bless them all.

I have 4 Mob Boss' popped right now BB88, 2 weeks in. I'll keep yall up to date.

I found some real nice ones for cheap.


Those will be my next purchase...
We'll see how good I am with some Tomtoms, herbs and berries, then I'll get a lil more serious.



We have very good support in small pockets of places where there are large populations of younger people (18-30) College cities and some of the lesser known cities are showing promise - but we do have a hell of a lot of old retirees who came down here to live out the last of their days and they're about as stubborn as anyone else's grandpa and grandma in their views. They were told about the 'evil grass' back in their day, how 'dope' was infected.

There is so so so much support here though, I've been up and down this great state, there really is an underlying hotbed of tokers. You guys don't think we can be the next Colorado? Hell we'd basically be the next California with our growing conditions. Yes our summers are sometimes hot, but there are plenty of ways both natural and artificial to combat the heat.

What can we do to be the next one? Cities in this state are picking up steam in small pushes to pass decriminalization bills, no denying progress is made. Damn it we need more states in line and for the iron fist the feds have (DEA) to give up its bid for control over mj.

I used to think this state was as backwards fucked as most of the other southern states but its really impressed me lately, people are turning out in support.

This thread is over 300 pages long so I won't comb it to see if its been done but have there ever been any unofficial meet and greets for ICMAG in FL? Would be great for networking but I suppose bad for security purposes. Really though, if a lot of us met who have a little bit of the power maybe we could make something big happen to make them think about it...

I mean I want to put plants in public places, fresh picked fan leaves scattered down the halls of college campuses, a bag seed planted in front of a bank only to show a small demographic of people there is some beauty to this plant. This needs to be talked about, and if we could pull together a Florida wide push for debate on this plant by putting it in front of people's every day lives we may able to actually have that effective change.

Can you imagine scattered notes posted on the walls of ritzy Florida downtown areas written by cancer survivors whose appetites were restored by cannabis after nauseating chemotherapy treatment, we need the utter acknowledgement from our opposition that this plant has proven medicinal uses.

I just feel like maybe if a group of us from all different areas got together to plan a day where we force cannabis in the public eye, not on the news - things people need to see in their day to day lives.

Anyway PM me if you have love for FL or want to join in on this crazy idea. Much respect to all fellow Floridians having to deal with the same screwed legalities.

Seriously though, can you imagine a day where we force the public to at least acknowledge this is just a plant? I can't help but feel a coordinated effort in each city on a single day would cause thousands to consider what marijuana is. Even simply laminating some fan leaves with the word MEDICINE on the laminate and putting them up on every bulletin board you find. Best part is they can't arrest you for fan leaves - right?

and thats plenty of rambling for now, plenty late. Stay green guys.


Morning all you fine flowering Florida folks!

kydenj29 - Welcome! Don't give up the fight man, none of us have, most in this thread are lifers. Take some time to read through the 5000+ posts on this thread, you'll get much needed insight. And please, don't play the money card here (my pet peeve) as if you have studied Cali and other states MMJ progress you would realize us growers would make MORE money if legalized. I'm sure you know it costs more for an ounce of pre-mature, over hyped Cali legal bud than it costs for an ounce of Floridas finest....which smokes most dispensary meds.

It's a very, very fine line here in FL for growers....very easy to go to sleep one night, and wake up to no front door, no house, no family. So please excuse us for only being able to jump over THAT hurdle daily.

Most of us here have not had a day off in 5-10 years! Not one. Why?
Because sick people here in Florida need medicine REGARDLESS of what our backwoods, inbred, good ole' boy legislators say.

However, this thread is loaded with the most kind hearted, openly sharing and caring folks you could ever hope to meet in this state.
Hopefully you'll stay and share and a year from now we all can smoke a fatty and laugh at your first few posts....much like we do at everyones...myself included!

Peace guys, ogh


Active member
c the problem with fl and the pention drive is that if u grew up in fl its more than likly u got a felony by the time u where 21 :wallbash: wich in this state takes ur right to vote so u cant sign a pention :dunno: there goes 70% of ur pro mj crowd and in my experince the other 30% are professionals docs,lawyers,cops,firefighters,nurses and teachers ive smoked with atleast 1 of each and i have helped a doctor,lawyer and teacher start to grow there own and what they all say is they want it legal but there is somethin about puttin there name voter id and info on a public pention wich ANY1 can get access and c who signed the pention :noway: they worry about there professional careers bieng in jepordy and i really dont blame them theyve worked hard to get where they are and dont want that compermised for somethin they just "like" to do

there used to b 2-3 threads on pufmm in the legal section but i cant seem to find them anymore :dunno:

imho the only way where gonna get it legal is to get as many ppl growin as possible and if any1 gets caught they should take it to trial with a not guilty plea then ask infront of the jury to crossexamin ur victom wait whats that there is no victom then hows it a crime?how does it deserve 15 years? all it will take is 1 jury to say not guilty and THAT will b what sets us free we just need ppl to stop tuckin there nuts and take shit to trial when popped

hell thats the best way to break the entire system :biggrin: if u got every1 in the system to say not guilty we all want or right to a trial it would break the system cuz they dont have enough jury,judges,courts,budget or time to get every1 there right to a speedy trial wich means they would havta concentrate on the worst of the worst and let all the trival shit go :whiteflag:

but its hard to get ppl to put themselfs infront of a jury when they get offerd alot less time than they "could" get thats the states scare tactic

enough politics

anyways welcome to the GROW thread we are more than happy to help teach how to grow and stay safe doin it
like i said my quality of life will not b dictadted by the gov i refuse to wait for permission mean while there passn out oxyz and killn ppl

stay safe
Morning all you fine flowering Florida folks!

kydenj29 - Welcome! Don't give up the fight man, none of us have, most in this thread are lifers. Take some time to read through the 5000+ posts on this thread, you'll get much needed insight. And please, don't play the money card here (my pet peeve) as if you have studied Cali and other states MMJ progress you would realize us growers would make MORE money if legalized. I'm sure you know it costs more for an ounce of pre-mature, over hyped Cali legal bud than it costs for an ounce of Floridas finest....which smokes most dispensary meds.

It's a very, very fine line here in FL for growers....very easy to go to sleep one night, and wake up to no front door, no house, no family. So please excuse us for only being able to jump over THAT hurdle daily.

Most of us here have not had a day off in 5-10 years! Not one. Why?
Because sick people here in Florida need medicine REGARDLESS of what our backwoods, inbred, good ole' boy legislators say.

However, this thread is loaded with the most kind hearted, openly sharing and caring folks you could ever hope to meet in this state.
Hopefully you'll stay and share and a year from now we all can smoke a fatty and laugh at your first few posts....much like we do at everyones...myself included!

Peace guys, ogh
Well spoken old wise one :p....welcome to the board kydenj29.....:grouphug:
My wife just germed some Campari tomato seeds. Got them vegging under a 'halide in the tent next to the Bubba kush:biggrin:
I have a sprinkler system that connected to concrete planters outside, gonna try a drip system this year.
Those are goin to be some happy tomatoes !!!!!

Ioni Botani

Yes indeed. Welcome back to the GROW thread.

I believe the point has been missed.


And so here we are.... ;)

So tell your friends, relatives, any like-minded, warm-hearted individuals to....


IONI out.


i agree with this 110% it start's with 1 seed thats all it take's

Yes indeed. Welcome back to the GROW thread.

I believe the point has been missed.


And so here we are.... ;)

So tell your friends, relatives, any like-minded, warm-hearted individuals to....


IONI out.

Guest 88950

bigballin88 thats the best way to do it with that link. I just wish ya'll had a thread for this reason. sorry for causin all the ruckus. BUt its high time something happen. I had already contacted my congress man throush his web page but he said absolutly not marijuana is a gateway drug. But if more people contacted him then maybe one person could get him to see some light. I urge everyone to use bigballins link to contact as many people as many times as possible may help others to act also. Every state except north dakota has passed the bill once gotten on the ballot. If we just get it on the ballot, then maybe something would happen. Sorry again

Kydenj29, when you contact any politician present them with facts to help them see through the myths of cannabis. ask him what is MMJ a gateway to? its more of a gateway AWAY from pharmaceuticals and onto a path to a healthier life.

maybe do some research on what the FDA term LD 50 is and then use that term to educate your congressman on what is a healthier choice.

you have to be more educated on both sides of the MMJ debate if you want to change a politicians mind. if your congressman disagrees with you and you dont have an educated response showing him where they are mistaken then once you leave or hang up the phone your conversation will be forgotton. if you can present facts and your response has substance to it then your conversation might play on his mind causing him to research the subject with a more open mind.

im not trying to be a dick but educating yourself on how to dispell the propaganda surrounding cannabis and its medical benefits is crucial to getting laws changed, not accepting a rediculous "gateway" response. go back and be a pain in the ass to your congressman.


Kydenj29, when you contact any politician present them with facts to help them see through the myths of cannabis. ask him what is MMJ a gateway to? its more of a gateway AWAY from pharmaceuticals and onto a path to a healthier life.

maybe do some research on what the FDA term LD 50 is and then use that term to educate your congressman on what is a healthier choice.

you have to be more educated on both sides of the MMJ debate if you want to change a politicians mind. if your congressman disagrees with you and you dont have an educated response showing him where they are mistaken then once you leave or hang up the phone your conversation will be forgotton. if you can present facts and your response has substance to it then your conversation might play on his mind causing him to research the subject with a more open mind.

im not trying to be a dick but educating yourself on how to dispell the propaganda surrounding cannabis and its medical benefits is crucial to getting laws changed, not accepting a rediculous "gateway" response. go back and be a pain in the ass to your congressman.

SSH surely you understand that they know the facts. the schaffer commision presented the fact the best way you could to a polition. It's not about facts anymore. Its because enough people dont stand up and say enough is enough. They know that the ld 50 for marijuana is 40,000 to 1 Where asprin is 10 to 1, they know that marijuana is'nt all that addictive, But they do know that alcohol is so physically addictive that it can kill a person. So how do you present the facts to someone who already has the facts from various sources contraditory to the facts (check out NIDA web site.) Come on marijuana a schedule 1 narc where oxcontin is a schedule 2 oxycontin being less addictive. I say the more people that contact the more people then the better. im going to keep contacting them I hope everyone else is. Thats all i wanted not everyone LOL at me. Saying it'll never happen. It can happen we just need enough people.

Guest 88950

Even simply laminating some fan leaves with the word MEDICINE on the laminate and putting them up on every bulletin board you find. Best part is they can't arrest you for fan leaves - right?

Best part is knowing the facts about the laws that could take your freedom.

WRONG. if you get caught with anything that tests positive for cannabis then you will be charged with a misdemeanor. a fan leaf is not something you get off the street so its entirely possible for the State Attorney to ask for a warrant to search for cannabis being cultivated and ALL cultivation charges in fla are Felony.

your fingerprints can be left behind on the laminated fan leaf and if they have ever been taken by leo then they will know who to go after.

i also woulndt carry any herb while doing something like that but thats just me.

Guest 88950

SSH surely you understand that they know the facts. the schaffer commision presented the fact the best way you could to a polition. It's not about facts anymore. Its because enough people dont stand up and say enough is enough. They know that the ld 50 for marijuana is 40,000 to 1 Where asprin is 10 to 1, they know that marijuana is'nt all that addictive, But they do know that alcohol is so physically addictive that it can kill a person. So how do you present the facts to someone who already has the facts from various sources contraditory to the facts (check out NIDA web site.) Come on marijuana a schedule 1 narc where oxcontin is a schedule 2 oxycontin being less addictive. I say the more people that contact the more people then the better. im going to keep contacting them I hope everyone else is. Thats all i wanted not everyone LOL at me. Saying it'll never happen. It can happen we just need enough people.

just b/c they have access to the facts doesnt mean they have read unbiased reports/research. all im saying is dont be put off so easy by a "gateway" response.

most elected officials dont like controversial subjects and therefore they reject credible research that goes against the status quo.

if this is something you believe in and want then be relentless in contacting your reps. dont let them forget you. make in person visits if possible.

keep on fighting.


sunny daze

sunny daze

my two outdoor girls getting their dose of the Fl sun today, bud sites galore starting to fill in.

Mr Nice Shit: put outside 1/5/10

Alaskan Ice: put outside 1/15/10

Peace - ogh

good drown

man, this is one way to keep me out of here. quit arguing guys, who cares, HONESTLY. im all for legalizing it, but i don't even THINK about it here in fl until all other 49 agree first

its the internet, and its none of our first times on here. people will always have opinions or beliefs that are different than there own. i understand trying to tell someone you think theirs is "wrong", but there is only so far you can go.

Guest 16149

Damn OGH
looking good there :) I enjoyed the Shit but do not believe I have had the pleasure of Alaskan Ice yet, but they both look damn healthy guy.
Tried to send you rep, , but I gotta spread some more around first :)
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to oldgrayhair again.

Green lung

Active member
Here was an Alaskan ice I put out in the summer........it was a monster about 7ft tall........................some ripper cut her down when she was only like 3 weeks into flowering.......what an idiot there was no way you could have gotten high off that, I know it was a ripper because they took all the buds with them, branches leaves everything, somebody prob thought they scored lol a garbage bag full of leaves.

This plant was put out late too and still got huge if i had put it out in april that thing prob would have been 10ft.

After the rippers cut it all to pieces the thing kept growing buds straight out of the stem, I came back like 2 months later and harvested about ounce from her anyway.

I can tell you there is definitely potential with the florida sun, I might try again this year


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