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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

Please this is the type of thinking thats going to hold up the smokin world. See we have people advocating to keep marijuana illegal and thats why its still illegal. everyone that smokes is like "yea it'll never happen" but i have to say it has happened in 14 other states not just cali. But I guess I'm doomed to live in a state w/ such harsh laws and weak people. People that don't even want to try to help the movement. You would think that everyone on this thread would want it legal. I guess everyone just wants to make money. :dunno:
Good luck on your endeavors bro, go on and spread the word. Us "weak people" will spread the weed:cool:

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yeah kinda wondering why on the other side i.e. Cali they get the bud and on this side they really step on you guys to stop it. Some powerful mofo's in power there bro, talk about a bunch of hypocrits FUCK!!!!! .. Be true to yourself ,,peace out Headband707

Guest 88950

Please this is the type of thinking thats going to hold up the smokin world. See we have people advocating to keep marijuana illegal and thats why its still illegal. everyone that smokes is like "yea it'll never happen" but i have to say it has happened in 14 other states not just cali. But I guess I'm doomed to live in a state w/ such harsh laws and weak people. People that don't even want to try to help the movement. You would think that everyone on this thread would want it legal. I guess everyone just wants to make money. :dunno:

Kydenj29, i can understand your frustration by past comments regarding MMJ & PUFMM in fla and it becoming legal but im sure all in this thread are aware about PUFMM and many would benefit medically and financially by a change in our laws.

also, dont under estimate what people here may have done for the movement. you dont know anyone here or what they do so its not wise to post your assumptions in your back yard.

ignorance and propaganda are the two biggest enemies of any movement regarding cannabis, medically or recreation.

instead of assuming most here are passive and not concerned with the current laws why dont you contact your local state rep. and visit them and discuss PUFMM. also contact your congressman and ask them to support legislaton Rescheduling Cannabis from a class I to a class II controlled substance.

i want to our state become a MMJ state and if it does there will be plenty of legal money to be made in the med canna industries. prices will remain at or close to black market prices until full nation wide regulation is in place, which is nowhere in sight. but until then only those growers who can produce medical quality cannabis will prosper.


look everyone I didn't come on here to fight people. All I wanted to do was tell everyone about the petition. then people started to laugh and scoff at the idea. Just like everyone else that i talk to around here not just online. And im frustrated that people wont listen. And on top of it i have people tell me to stfu and listen to how they grow weed with out getting caught. Why not try to help out pufmm or mpp. why are their no threads about this. When we have to resort to growing in closets and boxs, When i could go down to my doctor and get perk30s all day long and people are dying all the time from them. then I come to a place like this for support and they laugh and tell me to stfu, sit back and listen. It sounds like they don't care and it disheartens me. I have contacted my congressman. He said absolutely not mj is a gateway drug and he would not go for it. I know that congress is voting on 2 bills this year that will help out at the state level. I can't believe that we couldn't get the 600,000 signatures to get it on the ballot and if it was on the ballot then im sure that enough people in fl would come out to vote for that right. I'm sure that Cali people were making a stand way back in 1996 now look Its 2010 and everyone here tells me to wait. lets think about it. It'll happen we wont know when but it'll happen. we have to make a stand and act now. Tell people the truth. Sorry if this forum is not for this type of thing.:booked:

Green lung

Active member
I don't know why, but I can't get anything to grow right except weed and houseplants. Veggies have consistently either died or failed to fruit. I guess I should try some leafy greens and go from there. Last years' sacrifice to the dogs of the brown thumb were cucumbers. I had nice healthy plants, they flowered nicely, but the fruits never developed. I know they pollinated so I was at a loss, yet again :dunno:

The heat can cause alot of problems, My ma had some veggies going in her garden, nice huge tomato plant I think some cucumbers and what not.

But during the summer when it got real hot and dry for a stretch (you might remember it) it was like 95+. That heat just wilted everything, it looked like they were thirsty but no matter how much water they just couldn't perk up and eventually died, It did produce a shit ton of cherry tomatoes before it croaked though.

During that stretch i couldn't even go outside to smoke in the shade, I would step out onto the patio and by the time i would sit down to pack a bowl I would be already sweating. less than 20 seconds an I was already sweating lol. The only place hotter I have been to is Thailand. its like 90 at night over there lol

Green lung

Active member
look everyone I didn't come on here to fight people. All I wanted to do was tell everyone about the petition. then people started to laugh and scoff at the idea. Just like everyone else that i talk to around here not just online. And im frustrated that people wont listen. And on top of it i have people tell me to stfu and listen to how they grow weed with out getting caught. Why not try to help out pufmm or mpp. why are their no threads about this. When we have to resort to growing in closets and boxs, When i could go down to my doctor and get perk30s all day long and people are dying all the time from them. then I come to a place like this for support and they laugh and tell me to stfu, sit back and listen. It sounds like they don't care and it disheartens me. I have contacted my congressman. He said absolutely not mj is a gateway drug and he would not go for it. I know that congress is voting on 2 bills this year that will help out at the state level. I can't believe that we couldn't get the 600,000 signatures to get it on the ballot and if it was on the ballot then im sure that enough people in fl would come out to vote for that right. I'm sure that Cali people were making a stand way back in 1996 now look Its 2010 and everyone here tells me to wait. lets think about it. It'll happen we wont know when but it'll happen. we have to make a stand and act now. Tell people the truth. Sorry if this forum is not for this type of thing.:booked:

Bro we get it, your preaching to the coco coir though.

Bible thumpers don't try to spread the word to other bible thumpers do they?.......no because they already got the word.

Evlme is like the David Koresh of cannabis, he don't need no coir boy preaching to him.

good drown

tell those assholes to stop knocking on my door every week with their bible bullshit

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Whats good Florida growers??

Another Florida grower here wishing i could get in an outdoor season, however Summer is no time to start. Not only is it hot but the bugs in SoFlo are rediculous. i'm hoping i can keep growing indorrs but this time i have to do it stealth.

Stay green everyone just wanted to chime in...

Guest 18340

look everyone I didn't come on here to fight people. All I wanted to do was tell everyone about the petition. then people started to laugh and scoff at the idea. Just like everyone else that i talk to around here not just online. And im frustrated that people wont listen. And on top of it i have people tell me to stfu and listen to how they grow weed with out getting caught. Why not try to help out pufmm or mpp. why are their no threads about this. When we have to resort to growing in closets and boxs, When i could go down to my doctor and get perk30s all day long and people are dying all the time from them. then I come to a place like this for support and they laugh and tell me to stfu, sit back and listen. It sounds like they don't care and it disheartens me. I have contacted my congressman. He said absolutely not mj is a gateway drug and he would not go for it. I know that congress is voting on 2 bills this year that will help out at the state level. I can't believe that we couldn't get the 600,000 signatures to get it on the ballot and if it was on the ballot then im sure that enough people in fl would come out to vote for that right. I'm sure that Cali people were making a stand way back in 1996 now look Its 2010 and everyone here tells me to wait. lets think about it. It'll happen we wont know when but it'll happen. we have to make a stand and act now. Tell people the truth. Sorry if this forum is not for this type of thing.:booked:
Relax brother, we're all on the same page as you, some of us just aren't as optimistic is all.:comfort:

good drown

awesome evl! i have 5 of fly packs(mix of c99 bx and sonic fly) going now at 14 days veg. also 4 sour bubble and 3 f13

ok so lets all cheer up!

so i know cucumber will grow well here. im also gonna try a few berry bushes. what kind of tomatoes do good? what about carrots, green-redpeppers, anything else great for fl weather?


on a new topic....
im doing a outdoor veggie garden soon. real veggies. anybody know what does good here in fl? like what kind of tomatoes and whatnot?

Im running Roma, pink brandywine, and beefsteak tomatoes outside currently and hands down the Roma are the most vigorous and pest resistant for my area. Okra does well here so do green beans, Romaine lettuce usually can withstand the summer heat. You going to make some raised beds?

good drown

i dont know enough about it honestly. whats raised vs not raised?
i was going to dig up a whole lot of grass and use the shitload of soil i used for my other plants.

Guest 18340

My wife just germed some Campari tomato seeds. Got them vegging under a 'halide in the tent next to the Bubba kush:biggrin:
I have a sprinkler system that connected to concrete planters outside, gonna try a drip system this year.


bigballin88 thats the best way to do it with that link. I just wish ya'll had a thread for this reason. sorry for causin all the ruckus. BUt its high time something happen. I had already contacted my congress man throush his web page but he said absolutly not marijuana is a gateway drug. But if more people contacted him then maybe one person could get him to see some light. I urge everyone to use bigballins link to contact as many people as many times as possible may help others to act also. Every state except north dakota has passed the bill once gotten on the ballot. If we just get it on the ballot, then maybe something would happen. Sorry again

Ioni Botani

Self Sustained.

Self Sustained.

I think we got enough signatures in the 90's if I'm not mistaken and something about a Governor veto or some fascist bullshit and it was never put on the ballot.


May Jah bless us all.


BUT....due to dirty politics, the Rep's have "gerrymandered" our special districts so that even though we are a majority, they have a majority rule within the districts.

Read up on that shit...its nuts....ANYWAYS the point is, they re-write the district lines every CENSUS....and from what I can remember there is one coming up!


BUT until then.....let us continue to grow on ladies and gents.



What about these raised beds? I have been wanting to grow some t'ing agwaan. BUT I cannot dig up the lawn...and so I got 4 of THESE.

Anyone know some good places to get live berries and veggies???....I only know of Rockledge Gardens. They have some fruits but hardly any veggies...Im glad we're all on the same page.

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