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Florida Growers Thread

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Not positive on that Graham, she is a sleeper for sure. From G13 Labs and they only say a hybrid of haze and indica. I do know that this one seed I had turned out special enough to keep around a while.

Very sturdy, short internodes, just strong as shit as far as structure. An incredibly pungent citrus orange smell and taste. The high, when enjoyed alone actually had me giggling all alone in the backyard...hadn't had that sensation in years....very long lasting happy high.

Wish I could tell you more, but I've only harvested the one seed mom, and am now working on clones.


headband 707

Plant whisperer
What is the most popular bud down in Florida

What is the most popular bud down in Florida

I had a fucking hell of a time finding good bud in Playa Del Carmen it was all shitty swag... Which was why I was thinking there was no good bud down that way lol lol.. jk. I knew it must have been pretty underground damnit lol peace out Headband707:dunno:


Active member
k im kinda wondern why a seed company is usin 1 of my pics of my ecsd as a pic for there seeds of a ecsd cross with out askin or even lettn me know :dunno: damn at least they coulda threw me some seeds
its ppsc ecsdxpurple afgan and there usin my pic wtf

never expect that when brouse'n seeds :biggrin:

gotta think on how i wanna handle this :thinking:

this is the pic they used

stay safe


Toasted, pop em a friendly note and see if you can attract some goodies with kindness....if that fails, which it probably won't, then you can get all southern on em! At least Mosca asked to use mine/evls and popped us some seeds for the effort :biggrin:

Yeah headband, shit has to stay underground here if you wish to keep any semblance of a life in tact. Florida makes most of its' revenue from prisons.

PEace - ogh

Guest 18340

Theirs amazing herb down here, ya just gotta be in the "circle of trust" to find it;)


Active member
thats what i was thinkin ogh
well i went and registerd at the site i activate my acount and instantly get a bullitn msg
You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

now aint that some shit :fsu:

stay safe

Graham Purwatt

sounds like some classic buddage ogh.good luck with her.

toasted,that is screwed bro.i guess its now time to get all "southern" lol.give em hell and tell us who they are so we don't send any money their way:biggrin:


yeah, for sure let us know who...have no clue myself! Plus I want register and see if I get instaban...then it may be a BB glitch in their setup.



Active member
yea i sent evl the link
they are swithcn over to new forum so i was also thinkin glitch atleast i hope :dunno: i was gonna try later when i get a lil more time to get ahold of the admin b4 i get stupid :biggrin:

stay safe


Active member
k i logged in and now dont seem to be banned so it musta been a glitch i can now contact admin
ill let yall know how it works out :biggrin:

stay safe

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Yo toasted it's the consensus here that although it's a bit of a drag it's also a compliment lol enjoy it lol peace out Headband707

Guest 18340

HAPPY B-DAY GettoGrow420!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Damnit! Another note to self...just because bubba tastes like candy does not entitle me to get this bubbafied just because the clock said it's 420 :smokey: Damn toasted, whoever your boy was that sourced this bubba is definitely a connection to keep good....thank you again, and tell him thanks for all of us and see what else he has up his sleeve :prettyplease:


Happy Birthday Ghetto! I'd tell you to have a good night...but I'm thinking you left good and headed for fantastic a few hours ago!
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