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Florida Growers Thread

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Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
whut up brother boo...good to see ya round these parts:D...havent seein ya on in a minute...hope all is well bro...peace
Slowcalatoker, hows' it up their in the forest brother? You guys had some serious frost up their.

hey Evl. 18 degrees two mornings in a row, with low 20's on the days on either side. Too fucking col. I don't live in Maine anymore for a FUCKING REASON!!!! Lol! Nice out today, got me thinking about doing something outdoors this year.

How did all your trees on the patio survive?


hhey spicoli...hows it going brother...been below the radar for the last few months but life is essentially good, just a few road blocks...how 'bout them sinkholes west of Otown 'eh...

Guest 18340

hey Evl. 18 degrees two mornings in a row, with low 20's on the days on either side. Too fucking col. I don't live in Maine anymore for a FUCKING REASON!!!! Lol! Nice out today, got me thinking about doing something outdoors this year.

How did all your trees on the patio survive?
Unfortunately, a few didnt make it. And the ones that did, the yield suffered bigtime. Whaddaya gonna do:dunno:
Got a fresh set of clones ready to meet mother nature:biggrin:

good drown

sticky fingers!

sticky fingers!

well i did about 6 runs, i get a full razorblades worth per run, and im using mostly trim, and some popcorn. this stuff is sticky as fuck until it hardens. its all over my fingers. im putting it in a shotglass, thats all i could think of.


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
LMAO...ya Good Drown I remeber the first cpl of runs I did I had that shit all over the place lol...you can also use a flat piece of glass which works pretty good...if you scrap the pyrex and then put the razor blade in the freezer for like a minute its easier to get off the razor blade imo...sounds like a fun day...peace everyone

good drown

thanks! i couldn't beleive how easy it was. i made a huge mess in the kitchen, weed everywhere.
it looks like i will be able to finish all of my trim and popcorn with 1 case of butane. i only ran a 6oz can through each time, should i re-run everything again when i get more butane?

Ioni Botani

Are there still little trichy nubs?
Sometimes the pressure is enough to where the tane runs clean at the end of the can. This is usually the end of the line essential oil-wise.
After the "amber" color is gone thats pretty much it.
If you were using straight nuggs, I think a second run might be desirable....however I think I used more than a 6oz cans worth, so that'll be your call to make.

So, did you use your BHO machine? If so, how big is it? Pics?

good drown

yea i used it. well its pretty small. works great though. only thing i HATE is getting the shit out of the tube after i extract it. fucking kitchen floor is green. i read on the bho for dummies that some guys were using 2 6oz cans each run. i thought i was done with round 1, but i found another bag of trim in the freezer. i was excited to throw my 2 big as hazes in there, but now i know its going to take forever.
ill get pics up later today


Client of Wu-Tang Financial. You need to diversify
If your runnin just trim id say just one runs all the good stuff...you always can run it again and you will get some hash but it will be nowhere near as good as the first run....sort of a waste of butane IMHO(for the second run)...like ioni said if your runnin nugs a second run would probably be a good idea....a metal skewer works good to get the weed out after you run it...peace and stay stoned
Unfortunately, a few didnt make it. And the ones that did, the yield suffered bigtime. Whaddaya gonna do:dunno:
Got a fresh set of clones ready to meet mother nature:biggrin:

Man that's a shame. At least your next set is ready to rock and roll! The wife nixed the trashcan scrog, she's too paranoid. MY little one I'm going to scrog in the 600w cab got topped last week and now have 4 tops shooting towards the CFL's they are vegging under. I hope it's only another 4-5 weeks of veg until they are ready to flip. Looks like the harvest should be around 4/20 if the girls keeps growing this fast. :bongsmi:

Good luck with the new clones, I hope that was the worst of the cold weather for the year! :rasta:

good drown

cool, thanks, im all done, ill take a pic in a bit. i got over 7 grams. i used maybe 5 ounces of trim, and maybe over an ounce of popcorn, but it was all mixed.
i was using a chop stick ive had for 20 years. that fucker's done everything from mixing drinks to poking grass.
i will be interested to see my yields when i use my haze buds!
so has anyone cooked with the stuff? i wantto try that, maybe some gummy candys or something fun. i also saw someone said they put some in a esspresso, could that work?

Guest 18340

Sending good vibes to all my Fla bros/Sis'. Nice weather today, burning some Kush, perfect afternoon...:ying:
Peace everyone, Stay safe.

Ioni Botani

Whats that? I dont see the links.
Firecrackers? EDIT NVM. Instead of poops, they are firecrackers.
Ioni know someone who works in a cafe and a coworker of mine...uh I mean his... ;) melted some bubble hash into the milk as he heated it for a latte.
Be careful however. Check it.


Straight from the vaults of Erowid itself. Love that damn site.
Only known overdose symptoms is via oral ingestion of hashish.
Fun as fuck tho! Id LOVE to try it with BHO....that SHIT IS PURE.
Wipe some on a paper and roll a doob. Intense.

good drown

i cant get the fucking pictures to post, i tried like 4 times, they are in my album called bho.
we just used .4 each so we shall see. nothing yet but i ate it 40 mins ago
erowid rules, ive used it since the internet began
go jets

Ioni Botani

Im thinking about joining the BHO elite myself now!
You two have fun! .4 should be REALLLL niceeee.
Mmmm. Yumm.
Its so oily too it should work faster than say some pollinated.

good drown

its pretty easy, if you do the turkey baster its hella cheap. i like mine because the stand makes it easy as fuck. i was really worried about this being really dangerous, and i did not buy the 2 tube unit because i thought i needed to focus my attention on just 1 tube/ wrong. i could even get the 3 banger.
where do you guys get your butane from locally? i bought a case of 12 for $45 online but im gonna need maybe 2-4 more cases when i do my 2 hazes.
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