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Florida Growers Thread; Reloaded

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Well-known member
she works great on my spasms and thats what i keep plants for but her high is great. as far as super potent, that would be an individual opinion but IMO you wont be disappointed.



support your local surfboard builder...
she works great on my spasms and thats what i keep plants for but her high is great. as far as super potent, that would be an individual opinion but IMO you wont be disappointed.


well hell homie...if shes a workin for ya spasms,thats awesome...
i was already thinking where i got this from,it was gonna be dank...not hay,hay,hay,hay...just figure i see what you had to say about.her..good day everyone. :tiphat:


Thanks for clearing that up. I get a very sour grape taste/smell from mine (Which is the same cut you all have).


support your local surfboard builder...

its like.that super hot trampy looking chick..........BUT,when you get her.behind closed doors,she just dont know to act...hence,LOOKS CAN BE.DECEIVING .....which is this harvest.. :peek:
im SOOOO pumped and amped on the community here,big Ups and respect....
wouldnt have what i do at the moment if it werent for this place... :respect:


Active member
What I do is get them online... One question I got for u ghost.... I do killer w those baby square cubes, but then I get pumbled when I try the cocoa coir..... This last round made me wanna kick myself in the ass..... Not sure what went wrong...... Are u using organics w the coco?? I'm using the maxi bloom.... Didn't have much time/ money so I tried it out..... I was so pissed.... I chopped everything down this evening..... I think I'm gonna try it one more time, but go back to the pure blend.... Any suggestions as far as better nutes?? Feeding processes?? I'm feeding twice a day for 20 mins.... U seem knowledgable in this area...

Online is quoting me a similar price... Might talk to my guy at the shop and see whats up.. No not using organics... Currently using flora nova bloom.. Used to use jacks 3-2-1, maxibloom or H3AD 6/9... Maxibloom is Great... I mix by ec. I always approach with a KISS approach.. No other way to be imo. Dial in enviroment first, then medium, ime nutes are whatever just make sure your ratios line up...pbp never ran it but seen really good things...Try shorter watering times but increased frequency that's the key. 20 mins is way too long.. 3 gal chow mix/straight coco gets fed in full bloom 1.2-1.4ec 5.8-6.2ph 3-8x a day for 30sec-1min all depending on setup, but those are good general guidelines when I teach my helpers coco...


Thanks for the heads up morcheeba!! All my genetics come from ab normal.... My strains are over 6-7 years old I've been running..... im trying to get into some new genetics at the moment..... I did acquire some blockhead bx from bodhi that looks promising!! Kinda sticking to the oldy, but goodys for now!! Thanks for taking the time to share the knowledge!!
Much appreciated


Thanks east coast.... It's funny u say that.... Prolly 15-or so years ago when I first started using hydro.... My buddy that introduced me to the game had me running A n B.., don't know if it's the same company still but I might just give it a try.... I'm using the pure blend right now..... Kinda throwing in a splash of bat guano here n there.... Keep me posted brother!! Thanks again


What's up buckets?!?! Make sure u post some progress picks on your new bundles of joy!! Damn son, looks like Santa came early for u!! Lmao.


Thanks for the reply ghost!! Dude, no lie... I must have your system dialed in,...., holy horticulture batman..... Lol. I'm super impressed..... I appreciate u taking the time to share the knowledge w me... I'm kinda new so I'm gonna start throwing up a few pics.. Try not to laugh too hard.



Here I grow again on my own! Growing down the only road I've ever known!! Like a drifter, I was born.... To grow the smoke!! A lol WHITESNAKE revised..... Copperfield shtyle!! COMMMMMMOOOOONNNNN 80s!!!!


Active member
Lol ive been on a kick with that song past few days.... Crazy coincidence. #DOYOUEVENWHITESNAKEBRO?
Girl Scout Cookies Week 6. Never grew anything with this kind of calyx structure but I love it. The pistils are packed in there like a paintbrush.


Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Late to the party with Triangle Trips???

Late to the party with Triangle Trips???

Ok, so I know I have sent several of you guys seeds now so lets see some pics of the plants. Been waiting and waiting to see something and still nothing.

Huge thanks to everyone who has been posting up pics of their strains from me. Means a lot and doesnt go unnoticed. When I need some testers you guys will be the ones I will allow to assist me.
Think I posted some of these last year (many more in my albums)



Awesome strain, made seed (with GO's permission) to play with this year and I have a couple plants going, but this year has seen issues of biblical proportions so far - incredible heat,too much rain, plague of grasshoppers, etc.

I'm scrambling to rebuild my DIY LED set up that burned up (totally my fault), build a carbon scrubber and get these plants inside as they are already so stinky I don't want to risk running them again outside.

Hugh, you're gonna have to school me on what I can officially call these, I'm all for your system but it confused the shit out of me :biggrin:

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Now for the cool part, I got a new toy just for weed pics. I have a pretty good microscope and it is really helpful to gauge ripeness, examine pests etc. but is a huge pain to get decent pics. I have to hold a point and shoot camera up to one of the eyepieces and pray i get something decent.


So I found a magnifying microscope for a little over $100 and while it still has depth of field limitations, I think once I figure out how to shoot the pics it will be much better.

These two shots are of some larf from last years harvest. This shit is one and done for me so a small jar of larf has lasted me all summer for medical purposes and my tolerance is so low that it is no fun to smoke this socially as I'm in a coma after a hit or two.

I do have a full mason jar of larger buds and once I crack that I'm excited to discover what I will see, just keep in mind these two crusty buds are dime sized at best and not anywhere near the best representation of this awesome strain....




support your local surfboard builder...
Now for the cool part, I got a new toy just for weed pics. I have a pretty good microscope and it is really helpful to gauge ripeness, examine pests etc. but is a huge pain to get decent pics. I have to hold a point and shoot camera up to one of the eyepieces and pray i get something decent.

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So I found a magnifying microscope for a little over $100 and while it still has depth of field limitations, I think once I figure out how to shoot the pics it will be much better.

These two shots are of some larf from last years harvest. This shit is one and done for me so a small jar of larf has lasted me all summer for medical purposes and my tolerance is so low that it is no fun to smoke this socially as I'm in a coma after a hit or two.

I do have a full mason jar of larger buds and once I crack that I'm excited to discover what I will see, just keep in mind these two crusty buds are dime sized at best and not anywhere near the best representation of this awesome strain....

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whats up DP,been a while since you popped in,hope all has been.good wit cha...im in the TRIANGLE family now my self(Super stoked to say the least)...love the "coma"reference...well just wanted to say whats up :tiphat: ....fronts are a coming,time to go whack some flounders.., :biggrin: :tiphat: :friends:


Think I posted some of these last year (many more in my albums)
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Awesome strain, made seed (with GO's permission) to play with this year and I have a couple plants going, but this year has seen issues of biblical proportions so far - incredible heat,too much rain, plague of grasshoppers, etc.

I'm scrambling to rebuild my DIY LED set up that burned up (totally my fault), build a carbon scrubber and get these plants inside as they are already so stinky I don't want to risk running them again outside.

Hugh, you're gonna have to school me on what I can officially call these, I'm all for your system but it confused the shit out of me :biggrin:

You are one of the people who I will definitely hit up in the future for testing. You did a most excellent job documenting them and even did a little pollenating using that killer purple traited male. I would love to get some of those beans off you eventually too if you got enough. I look forward to seeing what your next runs with her are like. Keep up the great work brotha!!!

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