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Florida #1 for indoor grows! OVERGROW FL!!!!!


Active member
You're kidding me right? You're whole statement is as broad as that article.
Ok, you're right dude, Florida has the wettest shittiest weed in the world. Us growers down here don't know how to grow weed at all. I don't even know why the cops are making such a big deal, its not like their are any REAL growers here. Cali is #1, I bow in your presence.:beat-dead
Is that better?

and these "REAL" growers the cops are after. arent after them cause of how good the weed is. there after them cause of how much money they make and how illegal it is in the state of FL....
i feel like you have a buddy who grows commercial and thats why your offended by my statement. and if this is the case.....
tell him to flush and dry that shit..:beat-dead


New member
Wow that article was full of shit!!!

A BIG problem is when you have 330,000 plants growing on state property in Fresno County, CA.

I can't believe people are giving kudos to this! Thanks for supporting America's drug problem!

I mean I have no problem with growing weed for personal use, but these people are just profiteering on other people's problems.

The reason this came to light is because of the cheap housing inventory more people are able to afford a home to grow in.

Also not worth the risk when you consider Florida laws, also if someone is that desperate to grow, why not move to CA or any of the other 13 states that allow the cultivation of MMJ?


Active member
I lived in Ft Meyers for many years and was growing back then too and I can honestly say florida is not the biggest for indoor growing.I wont even compare it to cali.Shit washington and oregon blow florida away each by themselves as far as indoor growing.Those years living down there I dont think I ever once scored any really dank herb at all.The only time I ever saw any good bud in florida was in 1999 when Phish came and played NYE I went and there was some nice herb there but anywhere else and I knew lots of people it was total schwag. and blow lots a coke heads and good ol boy crackheads in that state.Florida is nice fishing but the bud sucks that is available.I know there are some tight circles somewhere that has some dank going around but seriously nothing at all like what is going on here in california people this place is off the f'ing hook with nugs coming out of our ears as I quit using mason jars after my harvests and moved up to rubbermaid bins now and I'm just a little guy out here.nuggler

Amstel Light

pretty sick of californians...... ok yall got it made and the rest of us still have to act like the kgb is watching us....... yea you got the dankest....... can get the cops to recover your stolen plants....... dont want anybody else moving to your precious state wooowoooooo

i been noticing this all the way back to early OG days.... how about a lil humility and respect for the rest of your brothers in states where its still a life and death situation to do what yall take for granted ...growing weed


Active member
pretty sick of californians...... ok yall got it made and the rest of us still have to act like the kgb is watching us....... yea you got the dankest....... can get the cops to recover your stolen plants....... dont want anybody else moving to your precious state wooowoooooo

i been noticing this all the way back to early OG days.... how about a lil humility and respect for the rest of your brothers in states where its still a life and death situation to do what yall take for granted ...growing weed
we dont have it made bro its pretty tough here right now, we too have to watch our backs a friend of mine was just popped by the feds.we don't have the dankest, any genetics we have can pretty much be aquired from jusr about anywhre now.we can also recover meds stolen BY the cops don't forget that too, dude you wouldnt make it here anyways so quit dreaming of moving here homey hahaha:moon:

Amstel Light

LOL AHHAHAHAHAH not movin to california never said i wanted to douche.....

make sure you read my last post in this thread^

and I'm from the boot and if i survived it then california aint shit....as for as feds go, just shows how greedy your friend is right? i mean its legal to grow, what a pound or so a month is not good enough? Thats my whole point about it.... yall take it all for granted


pretty sick of californians...... ok yall got it made and the rest of us still have to act like the kgb is watching us....... yea you got the dankest....... can get the cops to recover your stolen plants....... dont want anybody else moving to your precious state wooowoooooo

i been noticing this all the way back to early OG days.... how about a lil humility and respect for the rest of your brothers in states where its still a life and death situation to do what yall take for granted ...growing weed

LOL AHHAHAHAHAH not movin to california never said i wanted to douche.....

make sure you read my last post in this thread^

and I'm from the boot and if i survived it then california aint shit....as for as feds go, just shows how greedy your friend is right? i mean its legal to grow, what a pound or so a month is not good enough? Thats my whole point about it.... yall take it all for granted

yeah man all you cali people need to stop growing so damn much... that way people can smoke more schwag and mexican cartel weed, or if they're really lucky.... some wet florida dro, i hear they're blowin it up down there lol

get over it already the vast majority of high grade in this country comes from the west coast... try telling the millions of americans who can't/won't/don't grow that they'd be better off if everyone growin in cali just grew "a pound a month"... if that happened i bet they'd figure out real fast how much they take for granted being able to find, let alone afford, high grade... its a two way street, and in california, in case you forgot, ITS A BUSINESS... you know, supply and demand and all that? commercial hateration is stupid

i don't know man, life hands you lemons you make lemonade, so i guess when life hands you sour grapes, you make... whine?

p.s. i'm from oregon in case you didn't figure it out yet


Indoors, high-powered lights that stimulate growth can remain on all day, their nourishing rays reflected off the metallic-coated paper covering walls. The chemical fertilizers used are just as powerful and nourishing, spawning fast-growing plants that produce more THC than those raised outdoors.

obviously full of shit this article.

seems to be pushing the "pots more potant" shit aswell.


" sometimes raising children among the deadly high-voltage lights and other potential life-threatening apparatuses associated with indoor marijuana." And theres many more references where they take the worst of the worst in any type of crime and paint that as the average indoor grower. Total bullshit. Cool to be proud of your state and all but I wouldnt want it to be because of that article.

We have a new epidemic, Florida has now broken the record for being most affected by global warming, as a result citizens are installing air conditioning units desired to modify the temperature. The voltage in these dangerous "cooling labs" case DANGEROUS POWER TO FLY THRU THE AIR INTO KIDS HEADS

lol, basically their same logic


Active member
pretty sick of californians...... ok yall got it made and the rest of us still have to act like the kgb is watching us....... yea you got the dankest....... can get the cops to recover your stolen plants....... dont want anybody else moving to your precious state wooowoooooo

i been noticing this all the way back to early OG days.... how about a lil humility and respect for the rest of your brothers in states where its still a life and death situation to do what yall take for granted ...growing weed

no one said you couldnt move there yourself...
This is fucking silly. My hubby started a thread to show some love to other FL growers who DONT have the luxury of not hiding, some love.
Cany ANY of you disputing the article find ONE other reference showing that FL is NOT the leader in indoor? You guys are all talking outta your ass with nothing but opinions. Whether you believe CNN and TIME ornot, at least try to find something saying we are wrong, not just your lame opinion.

SO, PLEASE, someone show us something saying FL IS NOT #1, other than your OPINION, and we will gladly accept it. Regardless if you dont accept the article he sued.
Proof anyone?

Guest 18340

OK, one last time; The basis used for designating Fl #1 for indoor grows is by THE NUMBER OF GROW HOUSES BUSTED!!!!!!!!
How else do you think they come up with that? Send a census to every house asking if they grow?
Yes of course Cali has more indoor grow opps, its fucking legal there, DUH.
We're giving props to the fact the in spite of it being ULTRA FUCKING ILLEGAL in Florida, we give the finger to the law and do our thing.
We all know that the article is pure propaganda, but the fact is that every day on the news their are SEVERAL grow houses being busted. EVERY DAY!!!!
So instead of bashing us and calling all our herb shit and wet (cause you were stupid enough to buy and keep buying, wet weed) why don't you FELLOW GROWERS give us a round of applause for keeping Florida green.
Thank you.
Evl has left the building...:joint:
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Guest 18340

This is fucking silly. My hubby started a thread to show some love to other FL growers who DONT have the luxury of not hiding, some love.
Cany ANY of you disputing the article find ONE other reference showing that FL is NOT the leader in indoor? You guys are all talking outta your ass with nothing but opinions. Whether you believe CNN and TIME ornot, at least try to find something saying we are wrong, not just your lame opinion.

SO, PLEASE, someone show us something saying FL IS NOT #1, other than your OPINION, and we will gladly accept it. Regardless if you dont accept the article he sued.
Proof anyone?

Get em Mrs.Tango!!


"next to a drain where the TOXIC stew used to advance plant growth is poured down."

They use the word nourish roughly 47 times, a college AP teacher would ask you to revise this for the repetition in the same words. Also typically, the only commentary provided is by law enforcement officials.

One officer says at the end of that article that he, "Can't see the light at the end of the tunnel," if marijuana production continues the way it has. Here's the light at the end of the tunnel bozo, decriminalization. That way, you can stop busting down the doors of plant growers and actually bust some meth labs or coke ops - you know, the drugs that actually ARE destructive to the moral fabric of society???

You guys want some positive news on FL?


go show your support in jacksonville


you took that 100 percent wrong.
my statement was toward the commercial growers in fl...
and i still stick to everything i said.
not saying there arent ppl doing there thing growing great herbs. but those ppl arent supplying the state...
can you honestly say that the weed you buy in fl is always dried proper with cure time and a good flush??
if your answer is yes. then like i stated above your either growing yourself. or you have a buddy growing for you...
and didnt say it was the worst weed in the world .. just stating facts. FL sells wet weed all day. dont even try to deny that..
your gettin but hurt for no reason here ...
all im doing is stating my opinion.
if you like paying the 50 dollar a 8th plus prices for herb that is only sometimes proper. then by all means go ahead.
i actually havent bought one bag of herb sinse ive been back in this state...
and if you havent been to cali.. or should i say northern cali. then i understand why you cant see it from my point of view...
sorry if this offends you..:joint:

You'll find wet weed in FL the same you'll find it anywhere else, Georgia, Montana, California - Hell, they sell stuff that's been tumbled all over the DAM.

Rarely do we get bud around my parts that is still wet, but I have seen it and have had to say no thanks to it too. Money is a huge factor - so long as it smells good with the looks, a grower and seller can get together and plan to sell wet bud by the brick. Often the dudes selling mediocre quality bud for high prices disappear very fast.

We definitely don't have the head start that cali had, but FL has always had a strong agricultural community with just as good if not better growing seasons. There is a lot of positive momentum in FL right now towards mj.

The answer if you're having a wet bud problem is to not buy and know many people with different qualities. Once I was given some salt sprayed buds and took them back, same as some sugar sprayed buds - you don't have to keep the bag, and you should never feel obligated to buy it on the spot. Always keep your options open.

The only thing you can't visually avoid is bud that hasn't had a good flush, but thats more rare of a find for me than wet bud. Probably twice in the last year year I have had weed without a good flush that burnt to a dirty black and not a grey ash. there is still a solution to smoking these harsh tasting buds - a joint or blunt.

if you are one of the ones who is constantly walking away with eighth bags that are 2-3 small nugs, then you need to change up who you're getting from. On average, you should know 3 people with beasters, 4 who always have dank and 2 with mids - check your contacts, you probably know about that many through friends in your phone.

Hey I will say for those californians I have met, the mentality of beach dwellers from both coasts is pretty similar, we are both very chill in general. BUT we have conservative state laws that have screwed us, where as you guys are more liberal and can go dance around with kush sticks in your ears. Pot circles around FL are surprisingly tight knit. You almost HAVE to be a friend or friend of a friend. In cali this is not the case and you can approach people on the beach who you've never met and they are selling some sticky purple nug (which was dank, but still wet). You will have a harder time just finding random dudes selling weed on the beach in FL, we know how screwed we get and the risk makes the circles of dank very tight.


Active member
we dont have it made bro its pretty tough here right now, we too have to watch our backs a friend of mine was just popped by the feds.

Probably because he is one of the fucktards breaking the legal limit.

On the note of legal limit,marijuana in california is not legal,it may be thought of as legal due to california state laws but when it comes down to it if the feds say it is illegal then guess what homie...IT'S ILLEGAL!

I'll tell you what I am sick of seeing is some hippie tree hugging smug californian thinking they are vetter then the rest of the country.

Well let me ask you this stinking,hippie,tree huging californian....why is your state the one with the worst economy?!

I mean it is your lovely stae of Cali that is paying it's debts with fucking IOU's!!!