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Fisher's Farm


classy grass
DHF- heeyy brother, thx for stoping in...yeah it'll be a chore running everything through the one machine, but shit...guess there's worse problems to have! Yes, upgrading next year...and the budget...word. Won't be stupid. :joint:

TJO- hey man, appreciate the comments...yer lucky you're only camping a few weeks. This shits starting to get old!! Stay safe, take some harvest pics for me.

Fonky- yo man, Disneyland for weed heads...hehe, I'll keep that in mind

Hum- well, it's good to hear they are always improving the Twister. And, that this TP will be of some use next year along side that thing. Eleven machines this week...damn. Guess it's harvest season in humboldt! :joint: The homemade headband should be dank...save me some beans ;) So I'm still a newb with these machines...do I want to 'big leaf' with the trim pro, or by hand the days leading up to harvest? 20 p's an hour is something else...I'm sold.

Phate- :joint:

Babba- thanks for stoping back in! And for the good words...maybe there will be a few more gardens like this in 2010 :)

Bongripkin- well, maybe finding a good male from the deep chunk goo is the way to go. Something to frost up any chic crossed to. I have a few in mind that might be fun :)

Well, the SLOW sign is up. We'll soon see if these hillbillies respect me.


Don't do any big leafing. Let the TP do it all. I would just try not to rub the branches on the grate too hard so you don't lose too much of your beautiful crystals. You are still going to have to do a lot of hand trimming either after using the TP or after your bud is dry. If you are going to hang it to dry still on the branches, I just learned a new trick from a TP user. Hang that white trellis netting from the ceiling to the floor. It gives you tons of spots to hang branches compared to just wire runs wall to wall. Or you can take the extra step after using the TP and cut the buds off the stem and use the collapsible nylon dry racks that I prefer.
As far as heavy equipment that can dig big holes and go just about anywhere including your gorilla patch, two words: Mini Excavator. They have tracks on them and when you get to a hill that is too steep to go up, you use the bucket and arm to pull yourself up. Dope growers best friend.


classy grass
Good info there, thank you. I ordered the hortinova netting last week, sounds like a good way to go, drying with stems on. I do like the racks though, seems like less space involved. How much can you dry in one?

Ourcee- thanks for the link, and glad you like :)


I usually put 2-4 lbs in each one. About a half lb in each compartment. You just want to put one layer of bud across the whole thing if you layer it too much you run the risk of it molding. That hortinova netting is perfect. You could hang a lot on those.

Hash Man

nomaad, the handy trimmer was tested on a small batch of popcorn nuggies. I told my friend to remoisturize them as apparently you can only use these salad trimmers on wet nug, and the sam goes for the trim pro, which i onw and dont use anymore... as well...

It worked well, and while it did not respect the shape of thu nug as well as i do, its was still very reasonable, and trimmed it up damn well... better than me... and much fast... They advertise 1 kilo an hour... and i could see it... i do know however, that i will trim all my colas by hand....as i want any and all foxtails to stand out! Also have yo guys seen those drying racks that resemble dirty clothes hangers... They are 7-8 levels high and fit in a tall closet, each layer is supposed to hold a p or two... you just hang em up and them flip them over to provide aeration... My hydro guy showed my today.... So this year, no waiting for drying to trim... im gonna take nugs as they ripen, not whole plants, throw em through the spinner, put em in the hamper :), let em dry and cure em up. And best of all, no super messy trim party... just hashman in the field... and hashman in the house lol... good luck with the trimpro fisher, losses of trich aside its a fine piece of equiptment... just keep some cooking spray and a blade sharpener around. with your thc content... you will need to sharpen that blade up real quick. good luck man.


Active member
man...i should really drop the $$ on the handy trimmer. can you use ANY trim machines on dry nug?


put on a pair of rubber gloves and just rub your hands up and down chipping away all the excess leave, that there is trimming dry plants in a nutshell. if you plan on trimming dry nugs keep a vacuum handy it gets messy

Hash Man

i think you gotta wet them all down first, and also you want to, as the trichs stay glued to the leaf when wet... I truthfully cant tell the dif side by side between a nug that has been dried and trimmed vs trimmed and dried... a good cure will bring it out either way imo... also check out the trim reaper. its in the gv area for 1500 a pop, and its like the spinner, but bigger and auto....


Active member
i don't even know if I can afford the handy trimmer and this guy's tryin ta sell me a trim reaper.... lol. ;)

Hash Man

lol... i hear that, the prep for everything can really pnch the wallet... with that salad trimmer, it will speed you up so much you wont even think about hiring trimmers... i feel like i can trim 1 lb a day... really well by hand, and with this saad trimmer i can at least do 5 a day no prob, so regardless youll pound out some fast trimming... and smoke the profit you saved from all those picky trimmers... i decided my days were over at trim parties, when omeone i was payng to trim at my house, asked me to smoke my blunt outside... that was it... lol


classy grass
does that thing clip out crow's feet or just remove fans. Either way it doesn't sound bad. Yeah those drying racks really seem like the way to go if you're using a machine that requires there to be no excess stem. Think I'll hang levels of the hortinova netting. I have two 20'x8'x8?' shipping containers. Have heard of people mounting inline fans on the back wall, using humidifiers and dehumidifiers...I mean, these things should be packed full and then some. How will you guys do it?


Active member
two car garage. i did 10 lbs in about a 1/4 of the space... no problem...not even with a good system.

if I get the trimmer, I will probably get 5-10 of those round tiered racks... I will have a 4-man team with the Honduraguan crew and we'll just figure out a system where what I harvest gets processed and "filed" in the proper rack. Each Tier of each rack will have the plant number in it, so I can keep track of what comes off of each. I am going to put box fans on risers on the floor facing up in the spaces between the hanging racks.

1 person harvesting (this will be me), one or two people big-leafing and breaking the nugs off the stems, one person running the handy trimmer and dumping into the proper rack.

I have the sherpa who works for free and the rest of the crew is straight family, so whatever they would have made, they are going to make... that's just how it is. I'd rather just pay them what they would have made trimming for a month straight for the 6 or 8 days of works that it will actually take and then just kick it till they were planning on heading back to the rain forest.


classy grass
hey jenn :wave:

check your buds guys...closely...I'm pulling worms out of my goo colas. Can't believe it...it's not horrible, glad I saw it when I did. They're very chunky and full of resin...can I spray BT at this point? Seems I'd need to open buds to spray it where the little bastards are. Unreal. Wasps arrive Thursday...if they're still of any help. Havn't found them on any others...yet. Wish me luck.


Active member
put on a pair of rubber gloves and just rub your hands up and down chipping away all the excess leave, that there is trimming dry plants in a nutshell. if you plan on trimming dry nugs keep a vacuum handy it gets messy

I am quite practiced at trimming dry nugs. This method seems to be way more violent than using fiskars... lose a lot of thc this way, it seems. I was wondering about a MACINE that handles the dry nugs.


Active member
hey jenn :wave:

check your buds guys...closely...I'm pulling worms out of my goo colas. Can't believe it...it's not horrible, glad I saw it when I did. They're very chunky and full of resin...can I spray BT at this point? Seems I'd need to open buds to spray it where the little bastards are. Unreal. Wasps arrive Thursday...if they're still of any help. Havn't found them on any others...yet. Wish me luck.

fuuuuuck. wasps will only contol them in the larval stage. bt kills when ingested and spinosad... not sure, but its something to look into.

3rd I

That blows....definitely make sure you spray any chewed parts...the wounds are perfect for botrytis...good luck guys, time to go rambo on all enemies of our cannabis


classy grass
that's right. It's war.

on a side note, think one of my dogs got sprayed by a skunk. Always something...can I spray him with greencure?


He probably just rolled on one of your plants. You got some stinky shit.