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Fisher's Farm


Active member
We mulched all of our plants with rice hulls this summer. I used to use rice straw to mulch but last summer we had the worst rodent year ever. The straw around the plants made the perfect little mouse and vole habitat. I lost about four 2lb plants because the stalks got stripped and then when they started to bud the plants just died. This year with the rice hulls we have not had any chewed stalks. I will probably just turn the hulls into the soil in the spring when I am re-amending.

Interesting. Never heard of rice straw. The stalks, I assume? Is it like other kids of straw? I have heard awful things about mulching with straw... sucks N away from your plants... and I have heard about similar rodent problems.
Very nice plants Fisher loving the set up you have there
i can see u are a cannabis lover :D sparking one up for you brother


classy grass
Jenn, other than a couple king snakes, (confirmed) I havn't seen much else. Think the dogs keep everything a good distance away. A neighbor did 'warn' me of a little black bear running around, but I never saw anything. Wild turkeys count? And there really isn't much fog in northern Cali, unless you're near the coast where I was last year.

Humboldt- my trinity came to me as a small plant, this one. I sensed good things from her so she was left. I'm not good at describing many mj smells, but I thought peanut butter, and a friend said lilac, of the scent of the early flowering trichs. We'll see, she'll be dank though. I wanted to go with alfalfa but had some straw (rice?) around and used that. Think my planters might have saved me from the rodent problem>>your's in-ground? I'll check into the hulls for next year. Thanks.

N- I didn't know that...will definitely be switching it up for next year. What are you mulching with?

Nick- hey man thanks for finding me! And glad you dig...:) Love everything about this amazing plant.


Active member
mulch is for losers. just kidding... i am not using any mulch. i would have used rice husks if I had found them in time. not having a serious weed problem or water retention. In fact, my soil holds a bit too much water for my taste. I think next year I will use rice husks to both lighten my soil and mulch it.

i am a little worried about the night vision camera on the garden. I still have had nobody weigh in on the subject with authority... ha. thought I was in my own thread. sorry.


The rice straw won't make weeds grow the following year. The rice seeds will only grow if submerged in water. I found this out the hard way mulching with alfalfa one year and the next year my beds looked like an alfalfa field. I have never heard of it sucking N away from the plants. One of the reasons I used alfalfa that time was I heard it was rich with N and when you watered the mulch it was giving the plants N. I think that is BS though.
Most of the plants that got chewed were in the ground and tied down so the stalk was really laying on the ground. This year I am not tying down at all. I think I was getting a lot more vole damage than mice. They are nasty critters that look like a cross between a mole and a mouse. They have two really big nasty front teeth. I also had damage in a raised bed in a greenhouse. I think with the smart pots you should be alright. I am only using rice hulls from now on. I have to really make my water stretch other wise I wouldn't mulch at all.
Hey Nomaad, there is a really cool store around here that can help you with your camera questions. It is called The Security Store and they are in Redway. They specialize in our kind of security. I have seen some pretty sweet setups they have built.


Active member
Hey Nomaad, there is a really cool store around here that can help you with your camera questions. It is called The Security Store and they are in Redway. They specialize in our kind of security. I have seen some pretty sweet setups they have built.

thanks, bro. i will be up that way next week. i'll check them out.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
My goo plant looks like it got snowed on, she'll be one photogenic babe...photo sesh?? Hehe.

Fisher the pix ^^ looks great, yes very phtogentic...DD


classy grass
Well, nothing like a fire three miles away to lively up a Saturday...

CDF has been flying in circles for an hour. Hear they are bombing the shit out of it. Hope the winds don't pick up...wish me luck :fsu:


Hi fisher!! Nice budshots...that cured nugget looks DELICIOUS!!!! Nice trimming too!!

K+ to you sir. And best of luck with your situation!!! You will be fine.

3rd I

Shit...i've been hoping they would miss you guys...3 miles damn...you got the hoses ready?...reservior full?...been wetting down the brush and clearing it?...saw the Santa Cruz fires on the news last week...envisioning a force field for ya...been barely dodging hurricanes here


classy grass
mighta lucked out...planes are gone

a la hash man, I know who I'll be donating to this year...

Heyy, thanks bongcritter...hehe that little goo nugget of love was well enjoyed...I think :joint:

3rdI- oh man, F fire season alright. I had some friends need to evac from the SC area fire...even reached their prop!! Garden saved though, gotta hand it to the amazing fire crews. SO glad we have them. My immediate spot was cleared a bit from the dozer work I had done, but surrounding areas...brush everywhere all dry as a bone. Hella scetchy...prolly not much I could do if a mega-blaze came through...hurricanes?? jeez, the stress we go through...

Think I'll go make a lil fire of my own in that SG... ;)


Hey Fisher,
Loved the Video, your crop is lovely Bro !
Glad you escaped the flames, fuck that would have been....hell I don't even want to think about it.
Looking great and continued success...


classy grass
ahhh, wasn't really in imminent danger I guess...just a lil too close for comfort ya know

hope things are going well for you overit, good to see you pop in

Joe, Jack...thanks for the kind words...trying to dodge the bullets

I may head to town tomorrow, will try and snap some pics for an update.



classy grass
Hi guys :wave:

THC, that goo plant was grown last year in the fog. Wait till you see this one. Looks like tahoe in January :joint:

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