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"Fish Don't Fry In The Kitchen! Beans Don't Burn On The Grill!"...


Grinding extra.
..."Took a whole lotta tryin'.
Just ta get up that hill!
Now we're up in the big leagues,
Gettin' our turn at bat!"

Most may already know that is the first verse of "The Jefferson's".

Many believe that the first two lines make no sense at all, but I think that it refers to the fact that coming up (that hill) sometimes "fish didn't fry" and "beans didn't burn" cause sometimes there just was'nt sh*t to eat.

So I got to thinking alot more about the lyrics. I went over to my fridge and my heart kinda dropped. Times are seriously hard right now. This has to last me until the end of the month... I've got ZERO dollars. I've got some beef frozen and two boxes of pasta.

Anyone else in the same position? Want to comment?


Squirrels make good eatin's...and you can bait them with pot plants...

G. Sensi

Fire, Much Respect King....

I just got home from livin overseas for a year in a country that had nothing but Shit food to offer me...

Now is the time to look at how you can become more selfsufficient instead of livin off the all mighty Dollar (or Pound as was my situation).... I feel you need a garden... Just like your ganja garden you need one for everything else in your life.... Hell I look at a collection of books as a garden of knowledge.... Fruits, veggies, herbs, spices.... These are the things we relied on before the Dominions, Lablaws, Tesco's, Asda's Walmarts etc....

Its not the easiest task, and will take some time, but atleast when you grow most of what you eat, you will have some more money left over for the Milks, Meats (assuming you're not veggie) and what ever else your garden could not offer you....

I dont get the impression that you are a selfish or greedy person on any level.... but next time you open that said empty fridge.... perhaps think of the 7 course meal you have before you compared to those suffering in many if not most parts of the world, and I assure you your belly will feel very full...

Love and Joy


cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
no way you can stretch that milk for a month.
on the real, i thought this was a jefferson's appreciation thread or something coming in.
stay positive, just tell yourself your on a diet.
thats why the food situation is hurting.
get a hustle or something,
a few steaks and a rack of ribs would make that fridge look more promising.


Slap-A-Ho tribe
Times are tough and you can thank tha all mighty worthless dollar. I remember 2 years ago we could get a whole cart full of food for $150, now it's $200 for half a cart. It all boils down to gas prices


stoned agin ...
you're gonna need some carbs; ramen noodles are pretty cheap, you could collect bottles for deposits and swing a few packs. if you can scrape a few bucks together check up on the pork chops; price of pork is pretty cheap now. if you can get some greens e.g. broccoli, "chinese" broccoli, rampini etc., steam em or boil in the water before adding noodles; it'tll help keep the scurvy away :rasta: (j/k) good luck bro keep us posted


Grinding extra.
Thank you everyone. I really got myself into this position. I did'nt manage my finances correctly this month. And the same is going to happen next month! Until the crop is ready. But you know what? It's oay. I feel like a monk. I'm going to produce the illest bud I can for the masses!

The Archivist - LOL. Ok I'll keep that in mind. How should I trap em? The old stick on a string, propping up a box?

G. Sensi - Great idea about a garden! You'd think I would have had that idea but my mind in obviously stuck on one type of garden. Even after you said it sounds like I need a garden I though to myself, "Yea he's right. If my plants were finished I wouldn't be in this position." Then I realized you were talking about fruits and vegetables. I'm going to do it. I have a perfect little spot that gets full sun in my backyard. It's probably a 4 foot by 6 foot area. I'm sure this will be more than enough... And you are 100% right about my situation. Thanks for reminding me of what I have to be grateful for.

cocktail frank - Sorry about the foolery. We can talk about how great "The Jeffersons" is if you want. And I know about the milk. That'll be gone by tomm. after breakfast. I got a hustle, just takes time to grow money...

Chiefsmokingbud - You can say that again! It's literally $5.15 for a gallon of milk. I find myself food shopping like I purchase gasoline now, a few, maybe 3 or 4 items (or gallons) at a time. And that always seems to come out to $20 - $25!!! Somethings gotta give mang!

flubnutz - Thanks on the advice. I've got some pasta cooked already in the fridge and two more boxes. I would've gotten Ramen Noodles, but the past awas given to me by a buddy for free. So... free is for me! Thanks for the advice on the pork!

SuperZero - Feel blessed that you live near a clean water source. There is no way in HELL I would eat the fish caught near my water source! Local government actually has a limit on the amount of fish to eat from the water because of Mercury poisoning...

I'm going to go to the hardware store and jack me some vegetable seeds. Any suggestions on something I can put in the ground and get edibles from quickly?
Thanks again you guys are cool.

Don Cotyle

I Feel for ya Fire, and I'm there right now! Ask around and try to find a local dented can store in your area!!! They will sure make your dollars streach. I found one near me and I go every 2-3 weeks. Cambells soups for 10 cents a can,Cambells select soups for 25 cents a can. Progresso soups for 35 cents a can, cereal $1.25 a box, coffee for $2.50 for a 2lb can, all kinds of goodies...cheap!!!!! Basically these stores are able to operate by buying cases of items that one item in the case is broken...leaveing a sticky mess inside the case. The big food chains won't take the time to clean em up ans sell them to these stores. They rinse off the remaining items and sell at big discount, or simply put dented cans!!! trust me you'll be able to tell the difference between a dented and a swollen can fast!!! I usually spend $80 and get 6-8 large boxs filled with all kinds of items, this will leave me with enough cash left over to buy milk,meats,paper products,dish and laundry soaps and personal hygene items. I'm trying to live on $800.00 a month, yea I said $800.00 a month it sure isn't easy or fun but I manage to get by...to hell with being proud call your area social services office and ask where your local dented can-discount store is...I promice you'll thank yourself for doing so!!!!! When your back on top you'll have all the time to be a proud-struting Peacock later!!!

Peace Brother, I sure hope you can use the info...Don


Grinding extra.
Thanks Don! I just googled it in my area. I also went down to social services and applied for food stamps! You're right to hell with pride! Imma eat me some FOOD! And by the end of the summer I'll be back on top! Until then, I'll share some of my "hood cooked recipies" with you. Let's seeeeee. What's for dinner?

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
go wild harvesting
plenty of good food already jsut growin wild and free out there
i myself am a huge fan of burdock root
arctium sp. (lappa and minus i think are the good ones to eat)
stinging nettles (urtica dioica) is also good jsut be careful pickin them but once you cook them up they dont sting
theres tons more edible shit outthere thats growin for free
jsut remember to only harvest from good places where its on the clean side, no side of the road shit


My dog and fish eat much better than I and more often too. Times are pretty ruff right now especially when the dog food looks semi good. Hmmm when I'm hungry and out of food I start throwing all kinds of crazy concoctions together from left over bits around the house. For some reason not eating meat seems to hurt me in the hunger situation. I have been thinking about growing food along with my mj but I only run a 250 cmh but there will 2x250s in the near future so when that happens Im all about vegies. I should probably spend money on food first but growing equipment just seems to make more sense . Fuck the dollar...:joint:


stoned agin ...
make yourself a beggar's banquet, bro. i love to eat, and i've been where you're at too. it will be all the sweeter when you can afford a t-bone steak to throw on the bbq, with some nice trimmings. its wierd but when im in a pinch like that and i'm countin the quarters (but i know i'm not gonna be on the street) it makes me feel good in a way, no waste ... i hear what yer sayin about the ascetic monk thing; keeps ya humble and you dont take things for granted.


pawn that pistola. only bad comes from pot plants + guns = terrorist gang banger.

fish stink up the kitchen and beans are cooked in a pot/not on a grill. i think they were makin a social statement for the gap in classes to the point that the rich just eat. theyv no clue how it got cooked/nor do they care. just rambling w/this buzzy


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
since you are jobless..i think..

Start playing online poker freerolls..:) I've won some nice cash many a time. Start with freerolls and work your way up..


Active member
dude, no disrespect intended, but, you aren't thinking straight . "going to the store to jack some seeds" ? that will help you 2 months down the road, but you need food NOW. how about doing a job for someone for a day ? that will buy you a nice, big bag of groceries, if you spend the money right. good luck !

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