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"Fish Don't Fry In The Kitchen! Beans Don't Burn On The Grill!"...


Grinding extra.
I got an advance on the pay for next week from my buddy. He gave me some nugs too! Good friend...
(I turned around and sold the nugs, 3.5 grams, for $50!) So I'll be fine now! Thanks to everyone's input and I won't let this happen again.
Now I just gotta score a smoke...!


Food Not Bombs... seriously anarchists are your friends and we wont beat you down and be condescending towards you. We will feed anyone even cappies...

but yeah just go to your local food not bombs chapter man lotta comrades will help you out with a meal were all brothers and sisters you know?
I know a girl who was in the local newspaper cooking for fnb. She is on a different continent now, soaking up culture in a dangerous world.

Fuck the freezer, the fridge is for beer. I've got...
<I have outlived James Brown. OMG. I just realized that>
er, uhm, I've got takeout nearby, and most times I just eat a big lunch at work.

@AoMf: "Took a whole lot o tuh-ry-hin justah get up that hill!"

don't even get me started on the jeffersons, I identify with Bentley! Everything seems odd and American. Most of my food is handed to me through my car window. Even my fav sitdown offers carside service. Put my food in plastic containers and insulate me from eating alone in a restaurant.

:listen2: asdfqwerty420 :moon:

ps: somebody google the F'n lyrics to the Jefferson's theme PLZ!!!
Lessons are always learned the hard way. Glad to see your fridge full again. Don't forget about the food shelf during hard times. I am sure due to experience that you will be more aware of this kind of problem before the problem is that bad again. :joint:


Jesus, my kitchen NEVER looks like that! ^

I've always got big bags of rice and beans so when theres nothing else, at least there's cheap, wholesome good food.

G. Sensi, if you can cook theres always good food available! Dont blame the country!
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Well, it's outside your budget at the moment but, I love my Foodsaver and the local resturant supply house. For the same price as a couple of small jars of Spaghetti sauce at the market, I can buy a gallon of crushed tomatoes from the restaurant supply. Throw in an onion, some garlic, basil and you've got spaghetti/pizza sauce for months.

I once asked a former roomie if we went through a pizza a week. He laughed and said more like three. That's close to $2000 a year. Now I make my own. I buy flour in 25 lb bags. Pepperoni at the restaurant supply is $10 for 3 pounds ($5 for 1/2 pound at the market.) I'm saving $1000-1500 a year on pizza alone.


Grinding extra.
I am damn proud of that kitchen doubleJ!.

I don't think you can deny that food prices have gone up and the economy is rough right now. That's what I said. I stated a fact.

Anyways. I'm also proud of the food which I think is healthy. It may not be healthy though, but it's American. Complete with the Whizzanator in the bottom of the door of the fridge. That's American gangster mang! lol. Fuck my P.O. hahaha....

I been eating good.

And as far as letting it get to this point. I'll put it this way. Child support and alimony payments are $1600 a month. And THAT gets paid no matter what. So sometimes it gets a little rough, no biggie. My daughter is worth it!