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first timer!!


New member
hello guys, after lurking this forum for so mutch time i decided to take action and just do something :p

well i had a litle cab made, it has 30cm x 55cm x 90cm, its suposed to be inside my bedroom.

its still a raw cab, doing the light work and all the reflective stuff tomorrow!

still dont know mutch about all of this, i hope you can all help me hehe

thannks, Charutao

ps: forgot to say, i'm going to use CFL lamps, just for the obvious reasons, its cheap, not really shure the type of lamps i need.
trying to find 8 25w(real) 6400k cfl lamps to start the veg process, and for the flower ill probably change some lamps to warm white or so.
another thing i dont know is what to chose, scrog lst both? dont have that wide space for scrog, have some hight though.


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New member
guys 1 question, i have some extra bulbs here at my house, they dont say the colour temperature, only say "cool daylight" searched a bit cant find how many K that is, anyone has any idea?


more pics later today, with the light stand and some of the "reflective stuff" work done :p


New member

Those so called "cool daylight"s probably have a color temperature of 4000 K. They sell 6500 K bulbs as "super cool" and 2700 K bulbs as "warm daylight..."


Active member
so hard to say cause that is really small not only in height but its width isnt spacey either. your gonna have to trim them like crazy and pretty much only have one stick of bud. cant scrog that, also gonna have to flower really early on or else they just wont fit.

here is a grower on this site that has seem to mastered growing in small areas with cfl's.


if anything im sure he can help you out the most with your box and it will give you a good idea of how he maintains his plants within such a small space, he has tons of pictures so you understand how they will need to be trimmed and when they need to be flowered.


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new pics and updates

new pics and updates

well i was a lazy ass and only did it tooday, check it out and tell me what do you think

well the soil i'm using is a random aki one, i have added a pic with all of that info about it, if you cant read it just say ill write it.

well sorry for the shitty pics, my cellphne isnt that good!

thanks /charutao!


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TB Gardens

Active member
hey awesome Charutao -- great to see someone logging there first grow! looks like a sweet little cab you got there, hey are those clear plastic cups i see in the pictures? my advice probably means little to nothing, but every time i ever used clear pots/cups the girls never seemed to like it as much as when they were in the dark.. so best thing to do would be wrap some black paper or tape around the outside of the cups maybe. alright, good luck man im gunna watch and see how it goes for ya!


New member
hey awesome Charutao -- great to see someone logging there first grow! looks like a sweet little cab you got there, hey are those clear plastic cups i see in the pictures? my advice probably means little to nothing, but every time i ever used clear pots/cups the girls never seemed to like it as much as when they were in the dark.. so best thing to do would be wrap some black paper or tape around the outside of the cups maybe. alright, good luck man im gunna watch and see how it goes for ya!

hey thanks mate, yeah they are clear cups but i have them wraped in alluminium to block light from the soil eheh

i still have to figure out how to drill a hole in there so i can make a decent exaust, i only have a pc flan blowing in half pottency near the light stand, i deffenetly have to work on that, thinking on getting a bigger fan to put inside just to turn air arround!

Thanks /charutao

TB Gardens

Active member
head on out to a hardware store/DIY store and pick up a hole saw or hole drill bit - trust me, aint worth the hassle trying to cut one any other way. it's always nice to add to your arsenal of tools and equipment anyways, and since this is your first go i guess you gotta start building that up hah! good luck brother


New member
head on out to a hardware store/DIY store and pick up a hole saw or hole drill bit - trust me, aint worth the hassle trying to cut one any other way. it's always nice to add to your arsenal of tools and equipment anyways, and since this is your first go i guess you gotta start building that up hah! good luck brother
guess ill have to do it :p

well i'm still germinating some more seeds, and start with 10 seedlings if i'm lucky, after males come some will be chopped up


New member
hello guys, few pics of beans and seedlings that have poped!

i have a problm, i was prety mutch stoned and i think i putted 2 beans in the same cup, :O they both poped dont know what to do about that, any ideas?


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High country cat herder
Nice little cab! :D

For you "twins" they are still small enough that there's a chance you could pull the smaller one and put it in another cup. BUT you have to be SUPER delicate with it both uprooting, and planting....... Even then I'd say it'd only have a 50% chance of making it.

Or,... let both of them grow in,... and hope one is a boy? or Train the tops away from each other and use a bigger pot than you would for a single plant of the same height? or, plant a 3rd one in there and braid them in a bonsai style! :hotbounce


New member
Nice little cab! :D

For you "twins" they are still small enough that there's a chance you could pull the smaller one and put it in another cup. BUT you have to be SUPER delicate with it both uprooting, and planting....... Even then I'd say it'd only have a 50% chance of making it.

Or,... let both of them grow in,... and hope one is a boy? or Train the tops away from each other and use a bigger pot than you would for a single plant of the same height? or, plant a 3rd one in there and braid them in a bonsai style! :hotbounce

hehe thanks mate i ended up to separate them, they seem ok. 6 seedlings atm, have 6 more beans germinating


High country cat herder
Your gonna run out of room quick with that many plants! :eek:

I know there's gonna be males to weed out, but even a SOG style grow 12/12 from seed with 12 plants is gonna fill that little cabinet up quick!!!


New member
Your gonna run out of room quick with that many plants! :eek:

I know there's gonna be males to weed out, but even a SOG style grow 12/12 from seed with 12 plants is gonna fill that little cabinet up quick!!!
yeah i know, since this is the first grow, doing some extras just in case, ofc males will be excluded, and if i still get some extra females, ill just move them to a friends cab


New member
having some problems with the seedlings,some died out, and they arent growing that mutch, i think its becouse of the low wattage, i'm going to try and fix that soon.

i'm using 24h veg cicl, going to change to 18/6, cos i think they arnt liking the "no dark"scene!