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AB 390 fails


Freedom Fighter
That is the one point that several of us have brought up since the beginning of discussing TC2010. So, let Dick Lee have his power grab in Oakland, whatever, but ^^^ fucks it up for everyone else. Dick Lee did not need to include that in the initiative, but we know it is self-serving to him. So, the initiative sucks balls and I sure as hell do not support it. Let the local governments decide, ya right!!!!!! They will shit all over it and not let it happen for political posturing bullshit. There, I have said it again!

Ohh, how this is always conveniently left out by certain persons...

I am still torn on TC2010...I totally agree it is too restrictive, but then...I also can't help but be a li'l giddy about the prospect of Legalization!!
In the end, I will prolly vote either yes or no--:biggrin:
But as far as what you are saying, I believe that the County can only ban the sales-- I don't think they have any control over the personal cultivation--


I am still torn on TC2010...I totally agree it is too restrictive, but then...I also can't help but be a li'l giddy about the prospect of Legalization!!
In the end, I will prolly vote either yes or no--:biggrin:
But as far as what you are saying, I believe that the County can only ban the sales-- I don't think they have any control over the personal cultivation--

Which still fucks over a large majority of each county. When you rent you are not allowed to grow with out the written permission of the land owner. So, no, this isn't legalization.

One little word change would have made this initiative a metric fuckton better, change the words "local government" to "local voters". It is the most ridiculous thing added to a bill I have ever seen "We will let the state vote, but if they vote it into law we are going to allow the government to decide if they really want to follow the law".

Now imagine the SAME EXACT WORDING put into Prop 215 where would we be in California today? Sure as hell not as far along as we are now in terms of medicinal use acceptance as we are today that is for sure, look at all those counties in the state right now throwing down moratoriums, trying to ban personal grows, or fighting the prop outright. Do you really want to give these same people the right to trample on more of your rights with out the need for you to vote on it first?

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Wow, I'm so happy to see others actually see that these bills, in there proposed state/s, are a bad thing for us.

So far I've felt that people just want to legalize at any cost.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
What kind of pot was that?!?!? ;) What a jackass!


I know, right?

Who loses everything to smoking weed? Ya I might be late to a business appointment or something because I got stoned earlier that day... that's the worse thing I can think of. LOL


Out of the slime, finally.
Now imagine the SAME EXACT WORDING put into Prop 215 where would we be in California today? Sure as hell not as far along as we are now in terms of medicinal use acceptance as we are today that is for sure, look at all those counties in the state right now throwing down moratoriums, trying to ban personal grows, or fighting the prop outright. Do you really want to give these same people the right to trample on more of your rights with out the need for you to vote on it first?



I would have been very upset had ab390 passed in its current form.

What I find terribly unfortunate is the simple fact that it wasn't people like me that stopped it, but misguided anti pot cretins.

This should be a cue for everyone to educate their friends and relatives on the issues of mj and what needs to be done to ensure a healthy harvest for "EVERYONE" in the years to come.

MJ may as well be legal as of right now if you're not a jackass about it. I would rather pay the 100-150$ a year to renew my scrip(which you technically don't have to renew, but I do to stay safe) and grow according to my county limits which are just fine for my non commercial needs.

And really, anyone who is gonna smoke pot on a regular basis probably needs it for a medical reason. The standards of mental health are so ass backwards, anyone can construe a legitimate reason to toke if you're lucky enough to be physically perfect.


Active member
MJ may as well be legal as of right now if you're not a jackass about it. I would rather pay the 100-150$ a year to renew my scrip(which you technically don't have to renew, but I do to stay safe) and grow according to my county limits which are just fine for my non commercial needs.

And really, anyone who is gonna smoke pot on a regular basis probably needs it for a medical reason. The standards of mental health are so ass backwards, anyone can construe a legitimate reason to toke if you're lucky enough to be physically perfect.

so again, I will say

what if you're not sick and do not want to abuse the mmj system, as there are healthy people believe it or not, just because many feel no issue in crossing the t's and dotting the i's just to get a card, would like a way to puff for whatever the reason.

which seems to be falling upon deaf ears, but what you're saying is to leave it as it is and simply keep abusing the mmj 215 system until some 18 yr old jerkoff messes it up for really sick people, jeez that really makes sense.

it amazes me to read some of these posts you people really miss the big picture, which is cool actually because for each of the dozen or so folks within this site that have issues with any of the decrim/legalization efforts, the numbers I personally talk to weekly assure me that you're in the minority on any of these, no matter how much personal hatred is posted time after time...


The Mad Monk
I disagree.


You're certainly entitled & I enjoy constructive debate.

However, your poor attitude, personal insults, and snide remarks undermine any points you may have happened to make.

It is particularly interesting the language you choose to use... "you guys", "our freedom", "we need", "your views". Individuals such as yourself shouldn't be so quick to label others as the "bitches" of others especially when you evidently lack the ability to grasp the fact that you choose to use a divide & conquer mentality, much like those same prohibitionists, who you decry, that have used it against you and mainstream society for some 70 years.

And compromise? Who is compromising? Those who demand & insist upon their own terms and demand their freedom and liberty be acknowledged and maintained without compromise? Or those who accept the first bone tossed their way, like feral dogs chasing after any scraps they can manage?

You seem all but too eager to accept any sort of legalization. Stand up and respect yourself and your rights. And if you can't manage to do that then at least respect the rights of your fellow citizens. Part of the problem in this country lately is that more than a few people have been willing to sacrifice and allow some of their rights to be trampled on if they think they've been given something in exchange, as if our civil rights are to be bargained with. You are approaching AB390 in a similar way and it's unfortunate, for you and for the rest of us choosing to think rationally about this.

Try to understand and respect the idea that for some of us your approach isn't good enough as it fails to acknowledge that our rights our inalienable and we will not let politicians or corporate interests decide how this plant should suit our needs. Sure, legalizing it would make some thing easier in the short term. But it goes deeper than that. Common sense says prohibition is wrong so we don't accept just ANY form of legalization. You (generally speaking) have no right to tell me what space in my house I devote to growing a plant. You wouldn't tell me my tomato garden can only be 5'x5'. We are masters of our own domains, thank you very much. We want full legalization without any conditions or qualifications as is our right. This plant exists in nature and any laws or protocols written by man to curtail or contain it is unnatural.

What should worry you isn't the "bitches" of prohibitionists... it's that some people see their human rights as so many chips to bargain with at the card table instead of the inalienable and unchallengeable tenets of mankind's existence. Sincerely man, open your mind before your mouth next time.

How ironic. And sad.

Celsius - I am not a CA resident so no med card for me. Just was interested in hearing about AB 390 and its details.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
You're certainly entitled & I enjoy constructive debate.

However, your poor attitude, personal insults, and snide remarks undermine any points you may have happened to make.

It is particularly interesting the language you choose to use... "you guys", "our freedom", "we need", "your views". Individuals such as yourself shouldn't be so quick to label others as the "bitches" of others especially when you evidently lack the ability to grasp the fact that you choose to use a divide & conquer mentality, much like those same prohibitionists, who you decry, that have used it against you and mainstream society for some 70 years.

And compromise? Who is compromising? Those who demand & insist upon their own terms and demand their freedom and liberty be acknowledged and maintained without compromise? Or those who accept the first bone tossed their way, like feral dogs chasing after any scraps they can manage?

You seem all but too eager to accept any sort of legalization. Stand up and respect yourself and your rights. And if you can't manage to do that then at least respect the rights of your fellow citizens. Part of the problem in this country lately is that more than a few people have been willing to sacrifice and allow some of their rights to be trampled on if they think they've been given something in exchange, as if our civil rights are to be bargained with. You are approaching AB390 in a similar way and it's unfortunate, for you and for the rest of us choosing to think rationally about this.

Try to understand and respect the idea that for some of us your approach isn't good enough as it fails to acknowledge that our rights our inalienable and we will not let politicians or corporate interests decide how this plant should suit our needs. Sure, legalizing it would make some thing easier in the short term. But it goes deeper than that. Common sense says prohibition is wrong so we don't accept just ANY form of legalization. You (generally speaking) have no right to tell me what space in my house I devote to growing a plant. You wouldn't tell me my tomato garden can only be 5'x5'. We are masters of our own domains, thank you very much. We want full legalization without any conditions or qualifications as is our right. This plant exists in nature and any laws or protocols written by man to curtail or contain it is unnatural.

What should worry you isn't the "bitches" of prohibitionists... it's that some people see their human rights as so many chips to bargain with at the card table instead of the inalienable and unchallengeable tenets of mankind's existence. Sincerely man, open your mind before your mouth next time.

How ironic. And sad.

Celsius - I am not a CA resident so no med card for me. Just was interested in hearing about AB 390 and its details.

Fucking amazing post. You win... what it is you win, I'm not sure; but you win.


finally seeing some people who fucking get it. For a while there I was seriously wondering if I was one of the only people who still cared about their damn rights.

+Rep and good karma to you Rasp


what if you're not sick and do not want to abuse the mmj system, as there are healthy people believe it or not,

which seems to be falling upon deaf ears, but what you're saying is to leave it as it is and simply keep abusing the mmj 215 system until some 18 yr old jerkoff messes it up for really sick people, jeez that really makes sense.

this is such BULLSHIT,

sorry but i see this all the time... "you will mess it up for the REALLY sick people"

you know what, just because somebody doesn't have an acute illness doesn't mean they should be denied access to legal "medicinal" marijuana. nor does it mean that they are "abusing the mmj system" by obtaining a license to smoke/grow pot.

the fact that many known diseases are caused or exacerbated by stress, + the fact that marijuana relieves stressed-out people (including teenagers), = ANYBODY SMOKING POT TO RELIEVE THE STRESS OF EVERYDAY LIFE IS LEGITIMATELY MEDICINAL.

many people smoke pot for medicinal purposes without even knowing it.

with the amount of valium, adderall, ritalin, xanax, etc... that is prescribed to "healthy people" and CHILDREN in this state, you should be damn happy that the healthy and the youth are asking for pot prescriptions instead.

the stress of life in modern society is a valid medical reason for any fucking person to smoke pot.

and if you think teenagers legally smoking pot is gonna give your "mmj" bad publicity, FUCK OFF. pot is less harmful than 99% of the shit that high-schoolers put into their bodies, it's time that we acknowledge this publicly and direct our attention to more important issues facing children:

-horrible public education
-failing economy
-consumer culture

/end rant

regarding the topic of this thread, i think we all knew where AB390 was headed long before this..