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First Time Out

Hey fellow icmaggers, how's it growing. This is my first ever grow here. I welcome all comments, criticism, opinions, & ideas here. Yesterday I started germing 4 bagseeds & 3 of the 6 mazars that I got as freebies.(Thanks Gypsy) 6 hours into it & 1 of my mazars has already cracked.

I have them in rapid rooters, with a heat pad, a dome, & a cap full of hygrozyme added to some purified water. My lighting is a 2ft 24w floro motivating them out of their slumber.

My first real problem is, I have pics but I cant upload any of them. Or maybe I just don't know what I'm doing, hence the name. LOL


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howdy buddy, welcome to the mag.:joint:

looks on song, and the lightings good for this early stage, youll find the majority of early shows to be male/herm , but not always the case! no crit m8 ' we all work our space with the tools we have' but from experience if youve sprut in those connected cells id part them now with sissors:abduct: there an absolute bad ass if not in singles as you can damage the plant next cell and halt its progress when transplanting.

good luck with progress, be watching from the stalls

howdy buddy, welcome to the mag.:joint:

looks on song, and the lightings good for this early stage, youll find the majority of early shows to be male/herm , but not always the case! no crit m8 ' we all work our space with the tools we have' but from experience if youve sprut in those connected cells id part them now with sissors:abduct: there an absolute bad ass if not in singles as you can damage the plant next cell and halt its progress when transplanting.

good luck with progress, be watching from the stalls


Hey cmoon, thanks for stopping by with that info. They are separated right now. Can't wait till I can transplant them into beer cups with the roots organics soil.

Happy Growing:smoweed:


What the f*** you mean 350$ a oz
Hey firsttimer sup brotha this should be fun taking a seat in the front row always wanted to do some mazars heard it is some strong smoke guess i will have to try and score some freebies was that seed bay?? good luck on your grow brotha be checking in frequently peace:woohoo::wave:
Hey Jshoes nice of you to stop by. Thanks for the kind words.

Whats up mr big. I got mine from gypsy when I ordered my white widow & afghani.

All three mazars have cracked & showing there tails, but no extension yet. 3 outta of 4 of my bagseed have taken off. 2 of those have come out of there holes. They seem to be pretty vigorous. I'm filling up my 16oz. beer cups now with the roots organics soilless mix. Will transplant when I see their roots come out the other side of the rooter. I will update with pics later, had a rough day today.

Happy Growing
Hey all. Hope everyone is doing ok. Transplanted 3 of my bagseed & 1 of mazars. Had a lil accident. Actually a newbie mistake. I was transplanting 1 of my bagseed babies(the most vigorous one) & dropped the plug it's in. It fell out. But I opened the plug up inserted it back in. But failed to put the entire "white part" of the stem in. Hours later, after I put them in the beer cups, I checked on them & that one(#1) had fallen over. The "white part" of the stem that was still exposed had shriveled. But the leaves were still green.

Checked today and it had started trying to stand up again under the floro I have it under. Which is by the way about1 1/2" above them. Hopefully it will make it. My other mazars are still germing, cracked but no tails. My last bagseed didn't make it so I got rid of it. I watered them all when I transplanted. I have a lil 6" fan blowing at them to help with stem strength.

So I will leave pics look forward to comments, suggestions, & expert opinions. Thanks in advance for them all.

Happy Growing:smoweed:


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Hey IC:wave: Sorry for the last couple of days. Had some things to tend to. Update: BS#1 has kinda stood up. Part of the stem is still shriveled & skinny. But it is hanging in there. Oh I forgot to mention that it also put out 3 cotyledon leaves & has 3 true leaves as well. Kinda weird.

BS#2 has taken off really well. Has gotten taller & is in the process of growing 2nd set of true leaves. I'm so excited.:jump:

BS#3 looks as if it has stalled out. It's cotyledons have started turning yellow. But at the same time it's trying to produce it's 1st set of true leaves. Praying for this 1.

MZ#1 has started to show some improvement. Has put out it's 1st set as well.

MZ#2 & MZ#3 are still cracked but no tails. I removed them from the RR & put them in the new STG cubes I gat for free from my local hydro store. They are so cool & friendly. I also started to germ 2 more bagseed in the STG cubes as well. I think I'm going to like this stuff. If they germ pretty good in it I will switch to it indefinitely. It holds water so well. I will have pics later. I'm still trying to figure out how to post them like on everyone else's threads that I have seen.

So Good Luck to everyone & Happy Growing:smoweed:

P.S. When is a good time to start feeding? My soil is lightly charged, so I was just wondering. Any & all comments, suggestions, & expert opinions are welcome. Thanks in advance.


Here are some pics finally: This is my vegging setup for now


Bagseed#3 Can someone please tell me what's going on with this one????



Sorry for the crappy pics.:fsu: Hopefully as they grow I can get better pics. My Pulsar Mini should be arriving any day now.:woohoo: Trying to convince my financial advisor(wifey) that I need that closet ASAP!!!:dueling: LOL.

Happy Growing:smoweed:
Update Day 3 of Veg

Update Day 3 of Veg

Hey all:wave: this is day 3 of veg. I got a surprise today. My light finally arrived:woohoo:.

& after reading several reviews, I have decided to add some more products to my feed line:

This adds to the stock I already have. PBP Grow & Liquid Karma. I really want to do a 100% organic grow. So I'm looking for honest opinions & comments.

Oh did I mention that I got my advisor (wifey) to sign off on the tent.:woohoo: So I will be ordering that TOMORROW!!!!!! I am officially on my way to a legit thoro grow. So bear with me & stay tuned. No pics of plants today, maybe tomorrow. Only signs of growth is a lil stretch,:wallbash: which I hope don't get outta hand before the tent arrives.

Happy Growing:smoweed:


Sneak attack critical

It's good that you are thinking ahead in terms of your nutrients. Bontanicare makes good shit, I'm a believer in the Liquid Karma myself, and it's only a matter of time until I bottom out of my FloraNova and make the switch to PureBlend Pro. You did not mention when you planned on feeding your seedlings, so I figured now would be a good time to jump in...

Does the Roots Soilless mix you are using come with any fertilizers already in it? Or is it just an inert medium like rockwool or hydroton?

You should hold off on feeding until your plants' leaves start to yellow just slightly. You'll notice it in the cotyledons first, then in the larger 'true' leaves. So once the cotyledons start to yellow a little, it's time for a feeding. I say this because most beginners tend to over-love their seedlings in the form of excess watering or excess nutrients.

If your soilless mix contains some nutrients, this yellowing might be a week or two from now. If your mix contains no fertilizer, then you might give them a super light dose in as little as three or four days, maybe less. Either way, watch your plant and it will tell you volumes.

What tent did you end up purchasing?

That Pulsar ballast/fixture should serve you well, but you also need to think about ventilation. Since the ballast is enclosed within the fixture, you will see a significant buildup of heat unless you take the proper precautions. I'd recommend a Vortex (or similarly constructed competitor) 4" or 6" fan along with a fan speed (or router speed) controller to give you some flexibility in terms of CFMs and sound. Fans running at full speed are louder than one would initially expect.

In the interest of time and information overload prevention, I'm going to cut it off here for today.

Good luck, buddy. You can do it. The good people here at ICmag will take care of you...

It's good that you are thinking ahead in terms of your nutrients. Bontanicare makes good shit, I'm a believer in the Liquid Karma myself, and it's only a matter of time until I bottom out of my FloraNova and make the switch to PureBlend Pro. You did not mention when you planned on feeding your seedlings, so I figured now would be a good time to jump in...

Does the Roots Soilless mix you are using come with any fertilizers already in it? Or is it just an inert medium like rockwool or hydroton?

You should hold off on feeding until your plants' leaves start to yellow just slightly. You'll notice it in the cotyledons first, then in the larger 'true' leaves. So once the cotyledons start to yellow a little, it's time for a feeding. I say this because most beginners tend to over-love their seedlings in the form of excess watering or excess nutrients.

If your soilless mix contains some nutrients, this yellowing might be a week or two from now. If your mix contains no fertilizer, then you might give them a super light dose in as little as three or four days, maybe less. Either way, watch your plant and it will tell you volumes.

What tent did you end up purchasing?

That Pulsar ballast/fixture should serve you well, but you also need to think about ventilation. Since the ballast is enclosed within the fixture, you will see a significant buildup of heat unless you take the proper precautions. I'd recommend a Vortex (or similarly constructed competitor) 4" or 6" fan along with a fan speed (or router speed) controller to give you some flexibility in terms of CFMs and sound. Fans running at full speed are louder than one would initially expect.

In the interest of time and information overload prevention, I'm going to cut it off here for today.

Good luck, buddy. You can do it. The good people here at ICmag will take care of you...

Hey Panop, thanks for stopping by my friend. Was starting to wonder if anybody cared or if I wasnt detailed enough to hold anyone's attention. I dont know how, yet, to segment the quotes so I will answer your questions as you posted them.

Yes the soilless mix is "lightly amended with a starter charge of organic fertilizers like bat guano, worm castings, & kelp". So thats why I have been resisting to feed them just yet. They are in Day 5 of veg today & I watered them earlier yesterday morning.

I decided on the Darkroom DR120. I figured for a newb on a budget like myself I would start out in the middle. As far as the heat issues go it still gets pretty chilly here (45-50 degrees) at night. & during the day (50-62 degrees), so I figure the added heat may help me. We still have at least a good month left of cool weather. I anticipate I will be ordering my intake/exhaust fans before then. I do have a lil "atmosphere" fan to keep them cool & to help with stem strength.

I do have a question for you my friend, since I have the molasses when & how much do I use to feed them? & I kinda wanted to use some of LC's organic teas to feed for a 100% organic grow. So any & all info is helpful & appreciated. Looking forward to more cooments & suggestions from you & fellow icer's. Thanks a whole bunch & I will have pics when my tent arrives.

Thanks & Happy Growing:smoweed:


Sneak attack critical
Hey Panop, thanks for stopping by my friend. Was starting to wonder if anybody cared or if I wasnt detailed enough to hold anyone's attention. I dont know how, yet, to segment the quotes so I will answer your questions as you posted them.
Eh, people don't really get excited/involved until flowering begins. Around here, it's all about the buds. Don't get discouraged...

Yes the soilless mix is "lightly amended with a starter charge of organic fertilizers like bat guano, worm castings, & kelp". So thats why I have been resisting to feed them just yet. They are in Day 5 of veg today & I watered them earlier yesterday morning.
Sweet. Good move. Stick with plain water until they start to 'look' hungry. You'll know when you see it. The hardest part about growing, IMHO, is learning to read your plants.

I decided on the Darkroom DR120. I figured for a newb on a budget like myself I would start out in the middle. As far as the heat issues go it still gets pretty chilly here (45-50 degrees) at night. & during the day (50-62 degrees), so I figure the added heat may help me. We still have at least a good month left of cool weather. I anticipate I will be ordering my intake/exhaust fans before then. I do have a lil "atmosphere" fan to keep them cool & to help with stem strength.
Good choice on the tent. A friend of mine swears by his DR80, as do many others here on ICmag. The fan you have now will probably suffice until you get something larger, but keep a close eye on your temps. Proper ventilation is key to a large harvest/healthy plants.

I do have a question for you my friend, since I have the molasses when & how much do I use to feed them? & I kinda wanted to use some of LC's organic teas to feed for a 100% organic grow. So any & all info is helpful & appreciated. Looking forward to more cooments & suggestions from you & fellow icer's. Thanks a whole bunch & I will have pics when my tent arrives.
1 tsp per gallon is the standard dose for molasses.

Catch you later...


Sneak attack critical
Hey FT76, I got your PM.

Without seeing a pic, it's hard to tell whether your plant needs watering or feeding. Chances are it's a little of both. I'd give it a watering with a light dose of nutrients and see how that treats it.

One way to tell if your plant needs watering is with the lift test. When you water your plants, the pot they're in becomes much heavier. When the water is transpired by the plant, the pot becomes lighter. So, when you pick up your pot, pay attention to how heavy it is and this will tell you when your plant is starting to dry out.

If the lift test is inconclusive, just jam a finger a few inches into the soil. If it's relatively dry, you should water within the next day or so. If it's still moist, wait a while longer.
Hey pan thanks for replying. I checked the sick plants forum & saw to do the lift test & it was needed. I also gave them some molasses @ 1tsp/g of water. I noticed when I got home earlier that they have a lil tip burn on the first set of leaves. That leads me to believe(from looking in the sick plants forum) That my soil is a lil "hot" for them.:wallbash: They are currently @ Day 7 of veg & growth seems to have slowed a lil bit. I hope I wasn't too hasty with the molasses.:1help:

The mazar is 2" & the bagseeds are 1/2", 1", & 1 1/2" respectively. Sorry I don't have any pics. Will try & post some before the tent arrives. The camera has taken the weekend off. LOL. If not then when it arrives definitely. Thanks again my friend.......................

Happy Growing:smoweed:


Sneak attack critical
You'll be fine, man.

At day 7, growth hasn't slowed. It's barely begun...
Once you get your tent in and your 400w up, you'll see what I mean.

A little bit of burning at the tips of the leaves isn't a big issue.

What you want to avoid is something like this:

See how the leaves are all yellow-brown and necrotic (dead-looking)? That's nute burn. When your tips are burning just a little, that's a sign that you need to back off the nutes a little or something like what you see above will await you a few weeks down the road...
DAMN homie sorry to see that! Nowhere near that bad. I will try & get pics up tonight when the camera comes home. I'm curious why they are still so short? Should I move the light a lil? It's actually millimeters from the top of the canopy. I guess I'm just to over loving. Thanks for listening & helping my friend.


So here are updated pics for those that are actually checking in every so often. Check out the deformity in the leaves of a couple of them. First up is the Mazar..... I'm not sure if you can see the lil bit of burn on the tips or not, but this is what I'm talking bout.

Next up BS#1(Miracle or should I say Mutant)......

Next up BS#2...... This 1 is the most vigorous of the BS. See the deformity here as well. Also maybe the tip burn.

Next up BS#3..... The cotyledons has some yellowing on them. Also this is the shortest 1.

Look who finally showed up....BS#4......

Thought I would show what is coming out of the cups when I water these babies.... If you look closely you will see some white "ash" on the bottom of the tray. I believe thats the salts leaching out of the soil. I am completely open to ALL comment, concerns, questions, & opinions. Thanks in advance IC.

Happy Growing:smoweed:


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Nice one on the DR120 mate. I have the same one and love it (first timer here too :smile:)

"oddly" I got a trifoliate too, I call her"mercedes" :wink: .. also had a bit of tip burn, just give em pH adjusted water for a day or two to compensate

happy growing



Sneak attack critical
Looking good, FT76...

Your plants are fine.

The 'ash' you see in the bottom of your pan might be salts leeched from your soil mix, but I'm willing to bet that it is sediment from your water. Are you on city water or do you have your own well?

City water is sent through complex chemical treatments which include the addition of fluoride and chlorine which I dare say is what you are seeing on your pan after the water itself has evaporated.