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first time grow, 6-23w CFL

Hey there fellow ICmaggers, this thread is going to be mine and my ladies lifeline. As a first time grower, i feel rather prepared, but at the same time i am quite a bit nervous. I am trying to do this as cost effectively as possible as a college student. My cab is about 18" H x 15" W x 15" D. I have 6 23w CFL on the lid of the box. I have a pc fan as my exhaust currently and am debating between another pc fan or just a passive intake. If i do go with a passive intake, where should i put it and how big would anyone recommend? I would love to be able to go SOG eventually, but i dont have the space for a cloning set up. Should i try to ScROG my first ever grow attempt? I need a lot of help with soil and nutes as well. After reading through thread after thread, i cant find any posts explaining a simple nute regime with a good, cheap soil. I am clueless about soil and nutes so please please please help.
my outtake is pretty big, i dont know that i want to cut half of my box off as an intake, do you think another pc fan of a smaller size would be ok?


Active member
High man and welcome to ICMag and to growing, below I have listed a few threads I wish I had discovered when I was first starting out, things would have progressed much faster, unfortnately, it took me a few years to find them on my own.

...so take the time to read them all and you will be growing the dank before you know it, with the caveat that growing weed does indeed take some patience.

This first is a must read and will help you understand ventilation and enable you to calculate how big your fans and intakes should be.
Ventilation 101 by redgreenry

This next is a simple and effective feeding regimen that is also very inexpensive and if you read it you will see many top growers who use this with GREAT success.
The K.I.S.S. Method by Ioni Botani

This one is on the simplest form of hydroponics and works extremely well with the K.I.S.S. method.
The Official Hempy-bucket Thread

And this one is also something that will help set you on the path to success.
The Benefits of Vertical Growing by Hundred Gram Ounce

Anyway, good luck, if you really want to do this these threads could change your life!

Peace, and stay safe, SOG


New member
If youre not using any carbon filter or anything that restricts the airflow of the outtake u could use the same kind of fan as intake :)
thanks for stoppin by guys, i just went downtown to a local grow shop. The guys there were awesome and helped out a ton. I came home with Green Planet's Medi-One 4-3-3 complete one part through bloom. Also pH UP to balance the pH (i guess the medi-one drops it a ton) and some GroDan grow cubes to start me ladies in. Still havent figured out about my intake, how do i construct a passive intake without allowing a ton of light in?


Active member
You're welcome.


High man and welcome to ICMag and to growing, below I have listed a few threads I wish I had discovered when I was first starting out, things would have progressed much faster, unfortnately, it took me a few years to find them on my own.

...so take the time to read them all and you will be growing the dank before you know it, with the caveat that growing weed does indeed take some patience.

This first is a must read and will help you understand ventilation and enable you to calculate how big your fans and intakes should be.
Ventilation 101 by redgreenry

This next is a simple and effective feeding regimen that is also very inexpensive and if you read it you will see many top growers who use this with GREAT success.
The K.I.S.S. Method by Ioni Botani

This one is on the simplest form of hydroponics and works extremely well with the K.I.S.S. method.
The Official Hempy-bucket Thread

And this one is also something that will help set you on the path to success.
The Benefits of Vertical Growing by Hundred Gram Ounce

Anyway, good luck, if you really want to do this these threads could change your life!

Peace, and stay safe, SOG
hey everyone, this may be a bit of a bump, really tryin to figure out this intake before seeds/clones come in from a friend...could really use some help here


Active member
hey everyone, this may be a bit of a bump, really tryin to figure out this intake before seeds/clones come in from a friend...could really use some help here
Give a man a fish he eats that day, teach a man how to fish and he eats every day.

You're asking this question again because you didn't bother reading the answer the first two times I posted it.

I also posted links to threads that could save you YEARS of frustration and hundreds of dollars and you didn't even bother to investigate ANY of them, you didn't even bother to acknowledge my honest attempt to help a new grower, forget that you didn't have the courtesy to thank me.

...and i'm not even some hydro-store guy trying to sell you some useless shit, lol.

...oh well, I tried, ...but you just keep sittin' and waitin' for someone to come along and give you a fish.



New member
If you are unsure on how u wanna do it u can try urself and see whats working out best ^^ but u should realy study the linkes someotherguy linked
Give a man a fish he eats that day, teach a man how to fish and he eats every day.

You're asking this question again because you didn't bother reading the answer the first two times I posted it.
i actually did read through it, it is just far to technical for me. I'm really just curious about how i can make my intake lightproof when it involves cutting a giant hole in the side of my cab
I also posted links to threads that could save you YEARS of frustration and hundreds of dollars and you didn't even bother to investigate ANY of them, you didn't even bother to acknowledge my honest attempt to help a new grower, forget that you didn't have the courtesy to thank me.
I did read them, and i took the information and pieced it together with my own idea as well as the help from the guy at the grow store, (attached to one of the most prestigious collectives in my area) And i did thank you for stopping by in my first response.
...and i'm not even some hydro-store guy trying to sell you some useless shit, lol.
The hydro-store guy did try to sell my useless shit, until i explained my intentions. In a way i am using a method similar to the Hempy-bucket thread you sent me, using the rockwool cubes as my starter medium and eventually transplanting to larger rockwool cubes for flowering. Do to the fact that i am going to be going 12/12 after most likely only a week or so veg i needed a simple nutrient system that would work well with the short veg. I went with the medi one because it is organic and one part all the way from seed to harvest. I cant afford to by several different nutrients, and i dont have the knowledge base to care for my ladies in soil while maintaining appropriate nutrient levels.

...oh well, I tried, ...but you just keep sittin' and waitin' for someone to come along and give you a fish.
I have been lurking here on IC for a little over a year now and have done my fair share of reading, learning how to fish, i just dont want to be wading around in the waters and not catch anything, therefore i am trying to make sure i get the best out of my situation. As for you feeling that i am not grateful for your response, i apologize, i am a newb...i have no experience..i have no rep, but im not ignorant. Please try to not take this message as disrespectful, but you immediately assumed i was too lazy to read through the threads you sent me, (was up until 2:30 this morning), but thats not it at all, im just trying to convert all of that information into usable information for my tiny little cab. Eventually i would like to be able to build another cab to have as a mother and clone area so that i can run a SOG setup similar to DrBudGreenGenes, (whose huge thread i have also read through) but i dont have the space or money to set it up right now. So again i appreciate all of your help and hope that there is more to come, but please, dont treat me as a child because i dont have the experience that you have.


Please stick around and help me out through my quest
after reading more about hempy style growing, i believe that im definitely going to try at least one of my ladies with that method. I just wasnt able to find much about running 12/12 from seed in the thread. As this is my first grow im going to try to mix it up a bit in my cab, with a few similar, slightly tweaked grow mediums. Thanks again for the link SomeOtherGuy
Well you've read the threads. Just give it a go. I think your making too much of it. Remember it's your first grow. It's not going to be your best grow ever. With the amount of light you have one fan should be enough. Just sprout'em and straight to 12/12. Gotta try it, to see. Good luck.
Thanks Diesel_N_Blood, i thought the one fan would be enough, but i was still having temps over 100*f. I have figured out thought that the cell phone charger i wired it to is outputting only 5v. I need to find myself a 9 or 12v ac adapter before i can put any ladies in the box. Seeds from a friend should be comin in today so hopefully ill have some pics of the ladies for you guys soon
thanks alot SOG, thats a much better read for my stoney self, just gotta find myself a damn power supply layin around the house somewhere or find the closest salvation army lol