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First organic grow, 400W tent

silver hawaiian

Active member
Chopped probably 30% of the Purple Diesel today, .. I found that the buds on the underside/inside were a bit anemic looking compared to the tops, so I hacked most of the tops this morning..

I have to say, what a fun plant to trim. Not much leaf, super simple trim job, DENSE NUGS.

Also took two buds off of the Green Candy today, for the same reason - trying to open'er up to some light for the little guys.. More leaf action than the Purple Diesel, but holy SHIT are they dense. I'm fairly certain you could concuss someone with a whack from one of these things.


hows that lil Ak coming on SH?...

nice purp D buds they look tasty....


silver hawaiian

Active member
hows that lil Ak coming on SH?...

nice purp D buds they look tasty....


The AK has steadily become the red-headed stepchild in that hut.. Overlooked because she just stands there with a big tall donker, while I've got other bushes that are just overflowing with nerg.

She's cruisin' along, no bubbles, no troubles! Seem to have resolved the PM issue she had (*knock wood*). She's probably 16-18" tall, and of that, probably 10" +/- is a solid Louisville Slugger styl-ee bud. :D Big and fat on top too. I'll post pics in the next few days..

I've got a Purple Mr. Nice started in the same style, and I also just tossed in a Headband for the same style too..

Been so f*cking busy/out of town lately that I've not been spending as much time down there as I'd like.. And when I'm down there, you know which gals get the attention - the fat and gooey ones. :D


Sativa Tamer
Congratulations on your harvest!

As you may know spider mites love dry hot conditions that those that exist in a grow tent during the summer months. I might be wrong, but it looks like you might have some stippling of the leafs that would be indicative of spider mites. You should give the plants a good look over, especially the undersides of the leafs.


silver hawaiian

Active member

Thanks for the kind words! ..And the heads up! I've been on the lookout, but I haven't seen a critter (or a web, thank heck) yet.. However, the Green Candy seems to be finishing more slowly than I'd have thought -- I've wondered (lately) if it's a bit sickly.. I'll have to get home and pore over them some more, for sure.. All else seems healthy and lush, though, and having never grown out the GC before, I really don't have much reference..

I was just telling the GF today that I'm happy to shut it down (early Sept) after the last lady finishes up.. It'll give me a chance to start fresh, disinfect, scrub, etc, .. Not to mention it oughtta allow us some freedom to, y'know, have company every now'n again? ;)


silver hawaiian

Active member
On the spider mite note, .. I did some reading that Geraniums seem to repel spider mites .. (In the wild outdoors, that is), .. I've got a flat of Geraniums on the back patio -- I'm going to stick one in the tent, as soon as I remove the Purple Diesel pot. :D

Am I the only one to entertain the idea of companion planting, with reefer, in my tent?!



Sativa Tamer
On the spider mite note, .. I did some reading that Geraniums seem to repel spider mites .. (In the wild outdoors, that is), .. I've got a flat of Geraniums on the back patio -- I'm going to stick one in the tent, as soon as I remove the Purple Diesel pot. :D

Short of having a balanced ecosystem with predators and mites the easiest way to control them IMO is to spray periodically with a neem based solution in veg and early flower. The first time I had spider mites I lost my entire closet crop because I wasn't taking preventative measures and didn't recognize the signs soon enough.



High country cat herder
Short of having a balanced ecosystem with predators and mites the easiest way to control them IMO is to spray periodically with a neem based solution in veg and early flower. The first time I had spider mites I lost my entire closet crop because I wasn't taking preventative measures and didn't recognize the signs soon enough.


+1 Periodic Neem spraying is pretty much all that's needed, NEVER bring an outside plant in to your room without quarantining it first, don't go straight from working in your outdoor garden to your indoor garden without changing clothes. They're a bitch to get rid of once they are in your garden

I didn't see anything in the pics to be worried about tho, so just keep your guard up and keep your thumb green! :tiphat:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Back in town after a few days away - things are looking no worse for the wear..

Got home and re-inspected for mites, .. I'm not seeing any critters crawlin' around, though I have seen a few things on the undersides of a few leaves. They're a bit smaller than a spider mite (I think, IIRC - don't have MUCH up-close experiences w those fuckers, thankfully).. they're not creepin' around, .. Thought about the possibility of eggs, but again, I'm not seeing anything creepin' around, anywhere..

I got to thinking about it over the weekend - I know that predator mites are a common solution for SM, but how effective are ladybugs? More importantly, in a preventative application (I think..). I'd like to do something preventative in that sense, .. Any experience here, anyone? (I was figuring ladybugs because the predator mites I'm familiar with feast on each other once the SM are gone, and if there are no SM to munch on, well, that's not terribly preventative. :joint:


High country cat herder
Einstein oil is pure Neem oil. (what I use) So still 100% organic preventative spray just FYI

Lady bugs, by my understanding yes will control SpiderMites,... but as with predatory mites they will die off if there's no food source, and Ladybugs are not as effective against SM.

I've never seen so many Ladybugs as I've seen this year!,.... nor have I seen so many F'n Aphids! :mad:

silver hawaiian

Active member
Hmm. The challenge for me is that I've not done any consistent preventative maintenance for critters during veg. Everything now (with the exception of another SOG styl-ee Headband I put in last weekend) is at least 4 weeks into flower, ..

This will require a trip to the store tomorrow and a chat with the storeman.

silver hawaiian

Active member
Green Candy smoke report

Green Candy smoke report



Green Candy
Harvested: Day 64
Dried: Approx. 2.25 days/54 hours
Cured: NONE at time of first smoke
Current RH in jars: 54%[/B]

Appearance: Dense buds, sort of a "dull" green with "dull" orange hairs. Tips of some buds look deep, dark green, in some spots purple.

Smell: There is a scent, but it's fairly "void" of anything notable. No real skunky, earthy, musky, "weed" smell. Definitely a "pungent" smell up front, but not much more discernible after that. Almost smells like fresh Beasters - reminds me of "production bud," but definitely has a TLC smell to it.

Smoke: Not too much taste yet (no cure). Smoke was fairly smooth - not overpowering or choking. Two drags (? Maybe one?) from a pipe gives a pleasant high, good mix of body and head. Fairly decent inability to concentrate on one single thing. Definitely multitasking ATM (laptop, TV, phone..)

Definitely potent - not overwhelming, but potent for sure.

Per always, excited to see what she does during the cure.


High country cat herder
Again, I don't SEE anything in the pics to be too worried about,... but it's not a bad idea to combat those little fucks in vege regardless!

I just sprayed my out door plant because it's neighboring tomatoes and broccoli are full of holes from grasshoppers and caterpillars,.... I'm gonna take the leftovers downstairs and spray my vege! :tiphat:


Living life large...
Cool ass AK, reminds me of a blue spruce pine tree,
that be cool if it was 60ft tall like the spruce in my yard !
sucks to hear about them critters you got crawl'n,
some Einstein and a Lil diatomaceous earth works
for me, though I wouldn't spray any on the buds.
both are available @ your local hydro store, and
the diatomaceous is a mechanical method, keep'n
with your organic grow style, peace out, Lil.
P.S. love the look of that green candy as well ! :artist:


High country cat herder
@ lil-sprout,....

Silver don't have no mites,... just someone else said they think they see em.

+1 to the Diatomaceous earth thing tho! If it crawls thru that shit, it's toast!!! and again it's 100% organic, and actually good for the plant!!

I"m a bit torn on using it tho as I don't mind my spring tails (there' actually a beneficial root zone bug), so mostly I use it around the corners of the room to keep crawlies from entering, and sparingly apply it to soil to do some population control on the springtails. (sucks when they crawl up the stem and get stuck in the resin of the lower buds! :frown: )

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