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First homegrow


New member
Hi icmag community.

I am very new to growing , and I found this forum very interesting. Here some pictures of my first grow .. it's still in early development and I want to repeat, I am an absolutely beginner, I never did it before in my life. For now 15 days under 3 x 24Watt CFL lamps for about 20 hours a day (not the best equipment I know). I also try to put them on the outside when the sun is shining for some hours. Perhaps is there a possibility to determine the sex of one or both of the plants? I am very suspicious that plant A could be a male. I am using a regular potting soil with a little bit of compound, but In some days I will make a new mix with perlite and vermiculite.


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New member
Okay here one more image, I couldn't upload before.
Suggestions and feedback are welcome. Thank you so much,


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Looks good, when you make the new soil mix are you going to plant them separate or together again? I would suggest separate, its easier to manage that way and the roots dont have to compete with one another. If you are taking them outside and bringing them back in, be very wary of bugs/insects. Its very easy for one to lay some eggs in the soil then you bring the plants back indoors and all of a sudden you have tons of insects in your grow box.

Also I am not sure why you believe that one of them is male, but neither of them have any sort of preflower that you would be able to determine sex by. Once you flip them to 12/12 light cycle they will start to flower and you can determine what sex they are shortly thereafter.


Landrace Lover
they look a little yellow mate, are you feeding them nutes via water or in the soil? if not looks like it's time to start :D re: sex determination you'll probably have to wait until preflowering (within 1-2 weeks of 12/12 light) before you'll see any sign of sex. but if you veg long enough you will get pistils and stamins popping up. keep it up mate


New member
Thanks for the answer 100% Dundee.

I will plant them in separate pots once I get the new soil mix, hopefully in the next days. For the Bugs: Thanks for the heads-up. I read about it somewhere briefly and I will pay more attention. Fortunately though there aren't many insects around here except some ants. For how long do you think I should leave them with these light conditions (currently 20-24 hours a day)?

Thank you so much,


New member
Hello darwinsbulldog, thanks for the reply.

I was thinking too that they look a little bit to yellow , although they look more yellow in the picture as they are in real. I didn't give them anything so far, just water every 3 days directly in the soil and some I sprayed on the plants. Is the discoloration a sign of overwatering or are they missing some important nutrients?

Thank you very much,


Landrace Lover
ah if that's the case they definitely need some mate, that may also be why the leaves are thin. the discoloration is most likely nitrogen deficiency which prevents it from making chlorophyll the pigment used by the plant in photosynthesis to create energy (sugars). so definitely feed it some nutes mixed with the water if you can. that or report it into some soil with nutes in it and water it only a little bit or it may get too much nutes at once. i went through the same thing when i first started, almost exactly the same thing so don't worry too much but yeah nute time! :D when really healthy they're a darker sometimes almost turquoise green



New member
Thanks so much darwinsbulldog.

What kind of nutrient is recommended? Most stuff I could get here is probably very chemical. Is there anything "natural" I can use? I heard vermiculite is a good nutrient (which I will use in my new soil mix) - but please correct me if I got the wrong info here :) Also what would you suggest for the veg period / for how long should I continue with the current light conditions?

Thanks again , your comments are very appreciated,


Landrace Lover
man tell you what if you have a hardware store or plant nursery near by they normally have your run of the mill sea emulsion fertilizer, it's like fish and seaweed, and that's all i've used for my latest grow, dilute 1 cap in 10L of water (directions for my bottle, you'd have to see what yours says) and the plants have loved it. i also put blood and bone sort ferts in my soil at about 1/4 and they've done really well. all natural. chem nutes definitely work too, but i wanted to go organic for this grow. suss out my guerrilla prep grow thread and it should have more info about the stuff i use, but yeah you don't need anything special to do the job. vermiculite has no nutrients in it at all, it's a synthetic material as far as i know, used for water absorption and better drainage.

for the light period it all depends how big you want them, one month veg and then 2 months or so flower cycle will get you plants up to 2ft+ tall. if you want them bigger veg for 2 or 3 months. the plant will almost triple in size once at the end of flowering, so be sure to think about it and your grow space before you decide what you want to do because if you veg it til it fills your grow space you'll have no room when it flowers.

but yeah, hit up your closest hardware store and the nute stuff will be near soils and vermiculite etc so you'll be able to get them at the same time, and the nutes may be as little as like $5. hope that helps


New member
Thanks for the very helpful informations. Really appreciated.
Will post some new pictures in a few days.

Thanks again,


New member
Hi there and thanks for the comment.

This morning something strange happened. As you have seen the pictures from yesterday there are 2 plants. This morning something popped out of the earth and I am not quite sure what it is :D

I remember I had a few seeds left from my brick which didn't germinate, so nevertheless I planted these two seeds in the pot with my other plants (this was now 10 days ago). See attached what I 've found this morning. Is that cannabis or perhaps there was something in the compound / soil? I really don't know. Your advise would be much appreciated.

Thanks again,


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Landrace Lover
lol yeah buddy that definitely looks like cannabis to me haha looks like you had a seed to germ late on you :D sometimes the seed shells are harder for the embryo inside to crack and it just takes time, or the water doesn't get through and germ it for a long period. i've had a few recently after like 10 days of sitting in wet paper towel germ so hopefully all the ones you planted will pop up eventually. congrats :D


Landrace Lover
yeah mate, here's a photo of one of mine that popped up today. they'll differ in colour as you'll see mine's a little purple up the stem and the cotyledons are green (small first set of leaves).



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Landrace Lover
Nice , same day eh? :)

In what kind of environment are you growing your plants? Outdoor?

just got mine under some cfls mate in my closet for now. i'll be moving a lot outside, but the breeding project i'm doing will remain indoors for the first grow at least. have a look at the links below my comments to get more details about it all. the guerrilla prep one has info about the soil i use, nutes and tool etc and how i grow everything. lots of pics too. how'd you go with the nutes in the end?


New member
Okay thanks!

Currently I keep my plants in the pot under CFL as well and around next week I will put everything in a closet with a fan for some fresh air - so I am planning to keep them strictly there. As mentioned earlier , sometimes I keep them on the outside (balcony) for some hours when the sun is really crackin hot. I currently live in Thailand since a few years so the climate is very good, although now there is rain season so that is the main reason why I would like to keep them inside.

For nutes etc. is a little bit problematic here as most stuff available in shops here is not the real deal. Perhaps 80% of all the fertilizers you can find in a store are 2000% chemical and worst: they not really describe what's inside. They just label them with : "everything your plant need" so figure that out ... but I found a nice shop online and ordered last night. Hopefully I should have the nutrient then by mid next week

Thanks again,

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