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first grow


Active member
yes, always have a breeze on it, it makes the stem strong, plus numerous other things. needs it in the dark period too....


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Listen to Merx , he's been givin ya some pretty good advice . looks like your doin fine so far weeds , keep up the good work & i'm glad the orange finally popped for ya . your gonna love it :)

anyway, my country is gonna put me in the army because I got rejected from every fucking college..

dude i hope for your sake this isn't true . that would suck !! sounds like you need to come back to the states .


4 days old. nothing really grew past 3days. Is this stunted?. anyway, the plant is under 15cm away from the bulb. Orange crush didn't pop out to surface yet. I've been watering every two days when the cup feels light. today is the water day. The surface is getting dry a bit.
The Fan air is barely touching the plant. I'll keep that on 24/0. temp is 75, RH is 50. :thank you:


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youll still get runoff, even when you saturate your soil every day.

let it dry out well. and let it dry between each watering. your plant looks like its drowning


Active member
weedss if you have enough holes in the bottom of the cup and you water once a day or everyother day, theres no way that's overwatered. it's coco for christmas sake. it looks fine. keep doin what your doin, and keep that cfl 2 inches away. looks like you got it 6 inches away. get yourself one of those clip on fans, they need a steady breeze at this stage. if you dont your plant will be flimsy with weak immunity


Active member
yeah keep giving it 1ml/liter each of micro, bloom, and calmag. i would have ppm at about 350 there


yeah keep giving it 1ml/liter each of micro, bloom, and calmag. i would have ppm at about 350 there

I have 17 small holes on the bottom. I've been giving them just Ph'd water. I water'ed every two days. Today was the first day I gave them nuts mix water + half drop of superthrive(200ppm) and I didn't water till runoff. The Fan is blowing towards to plant. I moved the plant 2" from the bulb. I dunno why but the leafs looks so droopy. From now on, every time I water, should I give them each 1ml/liter and water till runoff?.


Active member
everytime i water until i see some runoff. flushes the old and in with the new. you dont need to cover them with a bag or cover anymore. they need air. dont mess with it too much, and you can go up to 350 ppm. they dont look that bad to me.


everytime i water until i see some runoff. flushes the old and in with the new. you dont need to cover them with a bag or cover anymore. they need air. dont mess with it too much, and you can go up to 350 ppm. they dont look that bad to me.

Plant is growing nicely. I think the nutes helped them. I realize that I don't need so much light during this stage so I cut down the light 200w to 100w last night. I covered coz i want to make sure coco doesn't get dry before they pop out to surface, as soon as they comes up I get rid of the bag. Two of them, I didn't pre-charged, just PH'd water nd drop of superthive. that was it. germ'in straight into coco. :plant grow:


Active member
in the future you will need the big bottle of bloom and the small bottle of micro. trust me you use like 3x the bloom than micro in the long run. pics?


it's 7~8 days old. Orange crush pop'd up yesterday. Did not used nutrients. Just the plain ph'd water.


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Active member
give it a liitle food your next watering bro. give it 350 ppm. put some in the little one too, it wont hurt it.


Active member
get a little runoff when you do. after that, put it under light and leave it alone for 2 days