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First Grow - Signs of trouble? (detailed)


New member
Ok this is my first grow. I am using bag seed of unknown origin and Nirvana Ak48 seeds for my first try. Below are the details and the pics, any help would be much appreciated.

- I germed from seed.
- They are 16 days old
- I moved them from their started plugs and seedling tray 2 days ago to the Solo cups
- The recieved Liquid Karma solution on day a move and nothing since
- They are in Fox Farm organic soil mix
- I have been feeding them with plain bottled water and Liquid Karma from Botaincare (1 tsp per gal) as recommended.
- I am growing in a 5 x 5 foot area lined with Visqueen from top to bottom
- I have an oscillating fan running 24/7 that doesn't blow directly on the seedlings
- I have a HPS 600w light with a vented Hydrofarm hood (you can see this in the pic of the room)
- The top of the tallest seedling is 28 inches away from the light source
- I have a warm mist humidifer that cycles on and off all day keeping the humidity between 35 - 60 %
- The temperature stays at around 77 F, with a spike no higher than 82 during the day and 72 at night


I have noticed two plants with brown decaying edges
Several plants where the leaves are pointing down
Several plants where the leaves are curling



overwaterd it looks like , is that heater i see under there , if so remove it u want water temps at 58f after they pass 2 leafs mark . crush some whole grain oatmeal add 1/2" to top and get them out the water tray if thats what they in till they dry out no more water , also add air stone . also cut some tin foil lids for them cups will help get the plants back to normal.


New member
The tray is just for overflow and it's bone dry! I haven't watered them since I planted them in the cups 2 days ago. Top soil level is dry and the cups are half as heavy, if not more then when they were planted.
No, there is no heater in the room. The light adds enough heat and is vented as you can see/ The room is completely sealed and stays relatively constant around 77 degrees F.


Dr. Doolittle
you look lik your overwatering your plants........ not unless you jsut watered them and they are droppy.....

with fox farm organic soil you shouildnt have to feed those plants rigt now,
not to mention do you know the ph of your soil?

looks like you got some buildup in the soil or ph issues
but you need to stop feeding them for now and or ease up on watering if your watering to much

how much and how often are you watering?
also if the tray is for overflow the soil will stay soaked when you water them all......
keeping the sol to moist which is why they are like that

but as for the browining thats either caused by ph or overfert

i think you are burning them from feeding liquid karma and plants being in fox farm

you need to test the ph though and make sure its normal get a ph test strips and test the run off that way or get a digital ph pen and calbrate it and test the ph


New member
Going to buy a ph tester today so I will have more info later. They have been on liquid karma for their whole life and only started showing these signs after I replanted them. I will let them dry out thouroughly and stop the liquid karma and just use ph adjusted water and see where we end up.

Thanks for the help guys.


Definitely a ph fluctuation problem. And although Fox Farm soil is effected in providing nutrients to your plants, the nutrients will become depleted and will need to be replenished.
Rememeber your in soil, so it will take some time for your plants to recover and begin looking healthier. Maybe about 4-6 days.

I remember an experiement where I fed only plain un ph balanced water to one plant and plain ph balanced water to the other plant. The un balanced ph water effected the plant quicker and looked just like your pics. The balanced ph water took a likkle longer but eventually looked like your pics also.
looks like PH to me id work at getting it down to a 6.5 to 6.7 and hopefully that will do the trick
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Active member
I honestly don't start ferting until there's new nodes. I know a lot of people disagree however I find that once they're at that stage they can handle a bit more, so if you mess up the effects aren't as disasterous.


New member
Thanks again guys, got my pH meter in hand and will test this evening. Much appreciated.

UPDATE: tested the ph and moisture when I got home
pH is over 7 maybe 7.2 and on a scale from 1 -10 with 10 being the most moist my plants soil ranges from 8 to 10. Way too wet and the pH is too high. Guess I'll let em dry out and then try to correct the pH issue.

The Quid
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Dr. Doolittle
he is burning them and overwatering them
plants that young with FFOF soil DO NOT need to be fed this early

hes got nute burn and overwatering

ph is fine, he woukld have other problems if he had ph issues, nutrients would

Hey quiddler, next time start them out in a seed starting mixture, FFOF is strong stuff and isnt very good for seedlings being so strong, after around 3 weeks of age you can put them into it, im sure the plants was stunted a bit from being in that soil mixture

get a seed starting mixture and after 2 weeks of age plant them into the FFOF mixture you have now

also right now stop using the karma mixture for now

your lucky you was overwatering, otherwise your problem might be even worse

if your plants continue to get bad, even after you quit karma, you have to change the soil mixture being to strong,.
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He's not using FF Ocean Forest, he's using the red bag of 100% all organic FF soil. (resembles the Big Bloom label) this is some great soil....Every one always thinks Ocean forest when they hear FF soil, they should be thinking FF all organic soil and coming in with a little grow big when needed. Or perhaps Iguana grow to keep veg 100% organic. I know this response is two years to late, but you def. overwatered and maybe a tad to strong on the nutes
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