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First grow in 10 years.


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Had the Banner for a year now, doesn't feel like that long though. Hopefully I'll be able to keep her around for many more to come :)

Flies doesn't it... Remember this



Distant memory now eh
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I know man, hard to believe that really wasnt even that long ago. Im just now starting to feel comfortable with my grow. Got at least a 1/2 lb off the 3 banners I pulled, probably more like 10 oz. Only a total of 4.5 gallons of coco between the three. Great yielder :)


I have one Banner in flower right now and she's looking so good for 30 days. I can already see there is a significant increase in trichomes, looking much more like it did the first time I ran her.

Thinking the heat really did a number on her this summer. I may just have to shutdown for next summer because it was good, just not great like Im used to. I am very pleased with the trichome coverage I have now, and have started adding proteckt about every 3-4 waterings. I basically do it like a flush, but I just use about 1.5-20.mL of proteckt. That alongside the reduced feed I've been running and she's really looking good, Ill try and take some pictures tonight.


Could be the last Banner I run. Got hit hard by thirps and my ignorance. That along with the fact that all along she's been hermie stock it may be time to call it quits with her. I may try taking cuts and let them growing out and taking more, trying to rejuvenate it but if I dont see improvement soon Im gonna make room for bigger and better things.


Really liking the lower temperatures again with the fall. I can leave the window open all day now and they are getting fresh air constantly. She's looking good, but not quite as good as she used to. Hopefully it's just the thirps that were fuckin with her and next round will be back to normal after the Spinosad treatments.

About a week left



, The Ghost of
Cant vote, cant rep E again, WTF!? Shes pretty alright. Don't make the call to cut her based on a bug run. If shes been steadily declining over a few runs, then make that call.


Thanks man, I'm freezing but the girls are loving it!

Good advice, think I will go that route. It's really just been one run (the last one) that was pretty hot the whole time. That along with an uncontrolled thirp problem (they are quick and sneaky. I get why people say they are smart now) hopefully just did her in. SHe's looking good, growing steady sets of 7 now, but I'd really like to see her get back to 9's at least. I believe I may have had some 11's on the original, but not sure. If I see a 9 I'll be much happier and confident in her again.

Gonna do the clone and let it grow as big as it can, then take more cuts and hopefully rejuvenate it from some severe trimmings I did a few times to the first mom.

You ever have a run where the buds actually looked pretty good, but that kick just wasnt there? It smells almost stronger than ever before, but just doesnt blast me into outer space like the first few runs. May have flash dried it a bit too. This runs definitely looking better though, should know in a couple weeks :biggrin:


, The Ghost of
Ive had those runs with testers and individuals. SLH is starting to go that way for me now. Actually, shes never done as well as a clone as she did from seed. Maybe Greenhouse knows this, maybe that's why shes so expensive. Maybe I suck :dunno:


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Really liking the lower temperatures again with the fall. I can leave the window open all day now and they are getting fresh air constantly. She's looking good, but not quite as good as she used to. Hopefully it's just the thirps that were fuckin with her and next round will be back to normal after the Spinosad treatments.

About a week left

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WOW !!! some really nice colors showin this time E , they look fukin great dude :tiphat:


Thanks man! "No more voting allowed today" Bah.
Starting to get the feed more dialed in this time. Ran it a bit too low I believe, but I think I should have it just about perfect next time. I really feel the addition of proteckt has helped quite a bit. I'm hoping I'll have a nice healthy white mass of roots instead of the slightly decayed roots I've seen on the last few runs. When I put a bamboo stake in a few weeks ago it was incredibly tough to do so, could feel the roots very strong and was tough to get past em unlike before.

I still have a couple smart pots from when I bought my whole setup, I think Im gonna try one out and see how it goes. I think I was too hard on them in my initial go with them due to my ignorance. I can imagine nothing but good things from them in my current setup.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
you'll like the smarties i guarentee it , but you will have to feed more often . they produce alot better & more roots & they breath alot more .... so be prepared for that .... & you'll love them .


Active member
ICMag Donor
dude feel you about being cold for hte grow...

for ever BETTER roots start incorporating beneficial microbes. they will help you fight off pests too and the plant will be overall healthier.

Nice nugs :)


Looks likes shes doing a little better. Leafs are starting to grow 7's consistently, and they are a bit bigger than they used to be. GOnna take some clone from up top where they have the most points and then let those grow out and hopefully those ones will look even better. Hopefully I'll get back to the 9's by then. Probably just gonna have to toss this one out, hate doing that.

Shes starting getting to tall for the space so I tried to improvise. works fairly well I suppose.



Active member
ICMag Donor
get the pliers out and crack that bitches stem three times about 8 inches apart and wrap her in a circle :D


I would but I thought you wanted to just let em grow as tall as you can before taking clones and repeating to rejuvenate em. I was taking clones from a mother. she'd get too big after awhile and I'd end up chopping away too much of the plant. Id let it recover for a few days, up to a week, then flower it and starting noticing problems. I gotta get my timing down better and flower them without doing so much hacking to maintain height.