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First Grow - 250W Cab - Hydro drip system - F13 from seed


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hanfiking: Thanks soo much, I love the colors too. I browsed through some of the "XyZ and hanfi invite colour connoisseurs" thread, lots of awesome shots. I'm honored that you would deem mine worthy.

Whoman: thank you sir!

Interantus: Thanks for stopping by! I'll be watching your cab so keep at it!

RussCargill: Foxtail, that's a great way to describe it. I couldn't figure out how to describe the way my flowers were growing. I see it a lot with sour diesel and some jack herer I had from amsterdam were like that too. Another thread I read about the flodica F13 pheno which I seem to have called them "spears". That's pretty good too.

Update!!!! I'm currently under the influence of some wonderful Chocolope (chocolate thai x cannalope)

I have decided to harvest tomorrow. I actually decided this on thursday I think. Part of me is saying to wait, but another part of me says now is a good time. Right now the trichomes on the big purple buds are showing some amber but mostly cloudy. The others are looking nice an cloudy. Some below canopy buds are mostly cloudy but some clear, I'd like to be able to harvest in stages but I need to use my veg room for drying and I have a lady in veg ready to toss under the scrog and start blooming.

I feel like the veg room is the perfect place to dry. There's ample space for hanging, I can just use string and screws to hang the buds. It's light sealed so I can leave them in the dark, there's ventilation that gets filtered through the carbon filter so my place wont stink up. Next time I'll build some carbon filtered and ventilated drying bins.

Here's a look at some of the trichomes...

These are from the top buds, you can see some light amber trichomes -

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Here's what the lower buds trichomes look like pretty much all cloudy goodness -

Here's a look at the flowers at day 57, I'll get some updated shots tomorrow before I harvest.

I added hydroton to the bottom of the tray so roots could grow in them, this prevented me from being root-bound

This is below the screen looking up

Some below canopy buds

SCRoG... I don't know why I waste my energy lowercasing the 'o' in that.

And here's that clone vegging and just waiting to grow flowers. I was a bit lazy with the LST, but it's trained decently and once I put the screen over it and do some quick training, this thing is gonna fill out. That will be my last grow until after the summer, it's just too hot.

I'm debating cloning this clone just before throwing it into flower tomorrow. I'd like to keep this F13 female so I don't have to deal with sexing or pheno selection next time though I wanna try growing other strains too... we'll see, I really want to see what I can do with the F13 under some 400Watt CMH and maybe DWC and less nutes. I kinda feel like maybe feeding less nutes may have produced better results, but honestly this plant was almost impossible to read as far as how much nutes to give it. I still don't get how people can read how much nutes their plant needs based on pH and EC. No matter what I did pH always went up and EC always went up.

Tomorrow will be educational and I'll try to get some good pictures. :joint:


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Yes! The harvest is complete, and let me just say... that was a LOT of work. Cutting and trimming was insane as it is but I also had to convert the veg room to a drying room, take clones, redo the flower room for the new clone, do tons of washing and cleaning. I started working on stuff at around 1pm and I didn't finish everything until about 4am. Of course I was majorly stoned and took some breaks but very hard work, I had help thank goodness
I alway read and heard that harvesting was not easy, I did not expect it to take soo long or be soo tedious. Especially the smaller buds which have tons of leaves to cut.
So as far as weight goes I haven't weighed anything, in fact I'm curious how I'm going to weight this since all i have is a pocket sized digi scale. I originally estimated I would probably get 2 ounces, but after pulling the plant out of the closet I immediately had to change that. Things look a lot smaller in the cabinet and I didn't realize how much flower I really had with all the leaf covering it. I'm now estimating about a QP but of course there's the 70% loss in weight and probably size from drying so we'll see.

Ok enough boring talk... onto the photo description!

Last look at this beauty in the flower room-

I pulled her out so me and a friend could cut her up.

Some final bud shots

Trimming table:

Among the things we smoked while harvesting was this scissor hash that had some green bits but was very potent!


This bud was the highlight of the harvest. We call it the "Cock 13"

Here's a trimmed shot of my fattest cola, it's not all that fat.

My collection of popcorn buds

Here's what's left of the plant prior to final disposal

Continued in next post.....


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The Drying Harvest shots:

As you can see I'm just drying the trim in a pan, it's actually kind of thick, I think I need to spread it thinner somehow, I don't want any mold to develop while I'm at this stage. Anyone have tips on drying trim?

I also moved my vegging clone into the flower room and scrogged it, I'll be starting up a new diary for that one so look out for that. We'll see how using CMH for the entire flower period will affect my results. I'm also thinking of using less nutes this time, I know the F13's don't care for all that much nutes and I think I may have possibly slowed growth using too much nutes though my first girl didn't seem to complain at all until the very end..

And here's what the entire cab looks like right now.

Just FYI, this diary isn't over yet, I'll be covering my drying and curing as well. I've had a tiny bit of practice with my popcorn buds and so far I'm extremely happy with my results, but it wont be until at least a month from now that I really get to taste the fruits of my labor. :joint:


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Interantus & mark: thanks for checking out my harvest.

I'm still playing the waiting game, I've been drying for 5 days now, the only stems that snap at 90 degrees are the big fat ones. I'm doing daily tests of the little stems but they just dont snap. I also moved my trim out of the drying room and into a large paper bag for drying. I didn't want the wet trim to cause moldy nugs.


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Actually, I just checked and some of the stems are snapping, just the really tiny ones aren't. I think I'll be putting them in jars to cure tonight.


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I decided to begin the cure after I determined most of the stems were snapping, this is after 5 days of drying. I also weighed out my harvest while moving to curing jars.

This is Cock13 after drying, all the buds off of Cock13 weighed 3.1G total. My largest branch weighed 4.4g without the stem.

Nice bud shot

Total of 4 jars

So here's the plan and some stats....
Plan: I have 4 jars sitting in the veg room, no lights and there is ventilation to keep things cool. For the first 7 days I will burp the jars 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes each. For days 8-14 I will burp the jars 1 once day for 15-20 minutes. After that I will burp the jars once a week for 15 minutes. I wont smoke any until 1 month since the begin of cure. And I will try not to dip in much until after 2-3 months.

Weight after 5 days of drying....
95.08 grams
3.4 ounces
0.38 Grams per Watt

Not bad for a low yielding plant, and very close to my visual estimate of a QP, just .6 ounces off hehe. However I imagine that I still have weight to lose so I'll have to re-weigh after a month of curing. :yeahthats

enter sandman

Active member
Wonderful job! This gives me inspiration for my cab...same as yours, but I have some Vortex from TGA vegging now under a 125 watt blue cfl and some C99 from Hempdepot on the way. I plan to have 2 strains to perpetual harvest, scrogged in soil. This is actually my first time doing it indoors, so it's very exciting. This is very much different than hiking through the dense jungle just to water my ladies. Peace & Stay Safe


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you pulled a lot of weed from a pretty small space greenpenguin.
Nice. It looks like the work in the cab paid off.


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Hi Sandman, I'm glad I could give you some inspiration. Good luck on your grow, C99 is a strain I'd like to try myself sometime.


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Hazy: Thanks! I'm hoping to pull even more in my next harvest!

Growits: Thank you!

Curing is going good, there's no "hay" smell to speak of in my bud jars, it smells really great, when DJ Shorts said Flo was Floral he wasn't kidding. I wish I could post scents on the internet so you could smell this stuff.
Anyhow I have my bubble bags and my trim is all dried up and sitting in the freezer, I'll be making some bubble hash and documenting sometime in the next few days so keep an eye out!


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Bubble Bobble!!

Bubble Bobble!!

So I made my first ever bubble hash yesterday using bubble bags, what an insanely tedious task! Getting all the extract off the screens is impossible! Anyhow here's a bit of documentation...

I got my bubble bags from http://www.resinextractor.com, they look and feel well made and seemed to work well. Though I honestly have nothing to compare it to, but the bags look professionally made and are still in one piece after my first run so I'm happy. I got a 5bag system with a 220, 135, 72, 45 and 20 micron bag set.

So I got my bags all lined up in my 5 gallon bucket

My trim was completely dry and I stored it in the freezer for a day prior to the extraction. I probably should have weighed my trim for curiousity's sake but I didn't so I'll never know what the weight to hash weight conversion is

I bought 3 bags of ice but only used 2, tossed it in with water and the trim and used a hand mixer for 15 minutes. I was not careful in the beginning and kicked up stuff all over the place, good thing I was doing this in the bathtub.

Now here's the dumbest thing I did... I added stems that I trimmed buds off of... never again.... It made mixing very painful...

Let it sit for 30 minutes


I stopped documenting after that, got too busy and tired.

But here's the final product:

Yeah, not much eh. But no big whoop, great learning experience and I'm sure that'll get me blown numerous times.

Here are some closer shots of each...

135 Micron:

72 Micron:

45 Micron:

20 Micron:

I've let it dry for a day and it's ready to smoke, it also stinks up the room pretty fast just having it sit there. I'll give smoke report in the next few days on the hash, I'm still patiently waiting for the buds...

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