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First Grow - 150W hps Cabinet Bagseeds


new pics tonight for anyone who cares to view, one plant is starting to get crystally, the other one is just pumping out the pistils. had a slight deficiency because i hadn't fed for two weeks...thats taken care of now though, up to half strength on ferts

so i have managed to actually see visible buds on my first grow....better than most but i'm not counting any chickens before eggs are hatched

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DAY 19 of 12/12... should have mentioned this earlier

OK so heres some new pictures

two lovely ladies loving their sun

plant number one = taller, less bushy pheno....so far she's budding/producing trichomes faster....we'll see what happens in the end though

plant number two, shorter and much much fatter, still starting to bud nicely, its starting to catch up to #1

Well thats its so far. Hopefully this might spark some interest in my grow as there has been little so far (thanks fishhead and green_grow)
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Matt - thanks alot man, I know it isn't as large in terms of size and wattage, and I'm not growing out any dp or sensi seeds......which doesn't matter because I know my bagseed genetics are ill because I never smoke schwag...and if I did I wouldn't hold on to any of the numerous seeds i'd be sure to find in the bag......anyway, as I was saying, I know my grow doesn't get crazy Reputation points, but it's MY GROW, and when i smoke the sweet (or not so sweet) herb that i harvest....quality won't matter because it grew out of my hardwork, something no one can take away

*bong hit*

happy 4-20 all


the bong hit of which i spoke :)

i need to clean the roor...anyone got any tips besides the traditional iso method? especially to get off the built up bong scuzz that you can never seem to get off the side.

limited edition evolution #426 out of 1000 made by the master himself in germany

also, i could just be blazed right now but my body looks really out of proportion :nono:


Active member
lots of people read but dont respond, etncrew. no worries, the grow looks fine. if you had lots of problems you'd be getting lots of responses. carry on with the excellent work; the show is being enjoyed.
yes, the crop will be sweet. i was VERY proud of my first crop.


looks good man new growers such as ourself don't get 50 post an hour. your grow is beautiful. nice setup from what i can see. you will remember this one forever. peace


Well, since it snowed quite a bit here, I got the day off work. I had to drive out of my city to do a renovation at some lake, but the highways are horrible because of the snow. Funny thing is, I felt really shitty this morning (weed hangover maybe...lol), so when I called the boss man to let him know, he's like "I was just gonna call you and give you the day off anyway"...so that worked out pretty well.

green_grow - well thanks for being one of the few to read AND reply :) The only person I'm trying to impress is myself, but it's still nice to get a bit of positive feed-back once and a while from anyone who has actually completed a grow! But, like you alluded to, fewer posts might mean less problems, which is a pretty decent trade-off imo!

wishbone420 - thanks for stopping by man. My setup is about as simple as it gets for this round, but for next go I plan on making a few alterations... i had to bend and tie plant number one, so maybe not vegging them out for a month and a half maybe for one thing...looks like the stretch is over though and now it can concentrate on making fat nugs instead of creating new nodes.

hope you both had a wonderful 4-20


I'm watching!

I'm watching!

Sorry I've not chimed in more but I'm subscribed and watching your updates. Looks like you have things under control. Excellent work!



Hey Fish!

No worries man, it's understandable. I figure with all your other commitments (family, job, nice herb garden) I'm lucky to get any posts from you at all :)


(for the canadian lurkers)


oh yes, the girls are starting to suck up the water/nutes right now...normally i would water just less than once a week (every six days-ish...whenever they are dry), but this time it had only been 4 days and they are bone dry...could have even fed/watered yesterday but i ran out of RO water
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Those are really lush plants ... Big Ups etn! Now back to chat (aka My House).


etncrew said:
I know my grow doesn't get crazy Reputation points, but it's MY GROW, and when i smoke the sweet (or not so sweet) herb that i harvest....quality won't matter because it grew out of my hardwork, something no one can take away

*bong hit*

happy 4-20 all

I'm about to start my own 150W or 250W grow from bagseed. I got this pot from a shop here in town that was just filled with seeds- mostly immature ones, but 3 or 4 nice ones. I was pretty pi$$ed about it (my buddy bought the sack for me and obviously did NOT inspect it)...Anyway, i figured F it...turn lemons into lemonaid and all that cliche BS and try growing these things. It's some Snocap, so theoretically it should be dank bud.

I'm not trying to hijack your thread, bro! I just wanted to say I feel what ya said about groing your own and hardwork and all that...

Keep on keepin on! :rasta: :joint:

- Matty


Smoke Two Joints In The Morning!
ICMag Donor
shes looking nice for day 24, starting to frost up there. Good work my friend! Keep it green. SB


since i'm using chemical ferts i've started flushing them with R.O. and organic molasses.

one of the plants is developing sort of rust spots on the bud leaves im not sure what thats all about at this stage in the game


Active member
great color on those girls etncrew. how close can you get that 150w to them before you risk a light burn?