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You're entitled to your opinion on my delivery. I admit I can be a bit blunt. A hi mate might not go amiss here and there. But I'll be honest, I won't take it personally if you don't. For me the main thing is the points. It's not really a personal message because I'm not talking to a friend about something close to my heart, I'm talking to some fella who could be one of a thousand fellas who is about to go and buy some overpriced shit.... and I'm sitting on a forum yes, I admit, trying to talk him out of it.

And yes, I'm guessing the amino from AN is watered down....

Let's call it a calculated guess though. I mean, come on.

Now I might not agree with your opinion, but the point I made still stands

You never even focused on what I actually said, and here you are, ranting away.

I said, quote, "It would be a huge leap in logic to think for whatever reason that their amino products etc would be of a greater concentration and quality than their other products"

Which bit of that do you disagree with?

If you want to agree to disagree that's fine, but let's not get all personal over it. I don't care what you think of my delivery and as long as you keep to the points in question I don't care how you deliver your idea to me either.

So, in a nutshell, people who try to persuade folk away from companies who sell overpriced shit, are as bad as the company who sells overpriced shit?

This is interesting, I have to admit.

I don't expect anyone to agree. In fact I hope they don't just agree with me and I hope the go and try and prove me wrong. If they do they'll find out for themselves what's right.

It's not about the knowledge I have to disagree, because I didn't disagree with them.

It's about the evidence I have to be cynical, which is every other bottle in their product line.

If they design a ballast which you make by adding a teaspoon of electrical components to a gallon of water then yes, it's exactly like that.

My advice would be to make your mind up then try it.

People can feed themselves.

One question have you used big bud ? I'm sure everyone is very interested in your calculated guesses.

If they design a ballast which you make by adding a teaspoon of electrical components to a gallon of water then yes, it's exactly like that.
Yes that is pretty much how it works except your spoon is a screwdriver. As if your some master chef you make your own sauces (from ingredients from ebay) if your not you buy them from some company telling you there shit is the best shit you ever tasted :D

Big bud is probably one of the only advanced nutrient products I rate. I've used it and seen results. And can I really be arsed to search for raw ingredients on ebay where you can never guarantee the quality of what your buying anyway ? nope :D But good luck to you buddy.
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Active member
You don't have to be a chef to look at the ingredients on a packet though, to be fair.

You can make your choice with food, because the laws are a lot more strict regarding what they must list on the packet.

And to answer your question, I have used hammerhead and a couple of other things of theirs which I can't remember the name of. Bud blood, ha, there's another just popped into my head. I got a sachet of bud blood (which is dyed red or blue potassium phosphate btw) and I got bottles of other stuff for free a few years back. I've tried so much shit I wouldn't even attempt to remember it all. Hesi's vitamin/amino acid product supervit, every b vit root tonic, myco fungi, etc etc....

Over the years I've used a lot of stuff, and if any of it would have lived up to the claims it made, I'd still be buying it mate, believe me. Whatever the price.

Do your thing man. In the end you'll come to your opinion and it won't be because I've spoon fed you anything. And when you do, I think you'll do exactly what I'm doing now, and trying to tell people to learn from your experiences with watered down shit and why not to buy into the 10 bottle theory.

Take care :tiphat:


You don't have to be a chef to look at the ingredients on a packet though, to be fair.

You can make your choice with food, because the laws are a lot more strict regarding what they must list on the packet.

And to answer your question, I have used hammerhead and a couple of other things of theirs which I can't remember the name of. Bud blood, ha, there's another just popped into my head. I got a sachet of bud blood (which is dyed red or blue potassium phosphate btw) and I got bottles of other stuff for free a few years back. I've tried so much shit I wouldn't even attempt to remember it all. Hesi's vitamin/amino acid product supervit, every b vit root tonic, myco fungi, etc etc....

Over the years I've used a lot of stuff, and if any of it would have lived up to the claims it made, I'd still be buying it mate, believe me. Whatever the price.

Do your thing man. In the end you'll come to your opinion and it won't be because I've spoon fed you anything. And when you do, I think you'll do exactly what I'm doing now, and trying to tell people to learn from your experiences with watered down shit and why not to buy into the 10 bottle theory.

Take care :tiphat:

Thats my point you don't have a clue. Hammer head in P/K 9/18 and bud blood is P/K 39/25 both completely different products. Myco fungi is fungi lol supervit, and every B root tonic there is HAHA you my sir are a shit talker !!

It's quite clear to me or anyone else with a braincell that you argue for the sake of it, lets rewind to where all this started.

You said bigbud is just watered down P/K and it's NOT. To be fair it's not even marketed as a P/K additive !!! It's a amino additive.

So... YOU WERE WRONG. And misinforming someone based on an educated guess that was completely bollox. And I pulled you on it so you talk so much shit you even made me loose the point to be fair haha.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]And to answer your question, I have used hammerhead and a couple of other things of theirs which I can't remember the name of. Bud blood, ha, there's another just popped into my head. I got a sachet of bud blood (which is dyed red or blue potassium phosphate btw) and I got bottles of other stuff for free a few years back. I've tried so much shit I wouldn't even attempt to remember it all. Hesi's vitamin/amino acid product supervit, every b vit root tonic, myco fungi, etc etc....

Is that answering my question ? Not really another 30 words to say NO ! Stop trying to be Mr Iknoeverything and learn to admit when your wrong. I could pick apart everything you said now and actually back it up with links etc about how much shit you talk but to be fair I can't be bothered. But a quick one bud blood is not dyed red !! Look at shooting powder it's the same stuff and the same colour. Supervit contains 10 amino acids what none are the same as the ones included in big bud and hammerhead is a PK booster and is used in conjunction with big bud.

Bigbud is a UNIQUE product from AN and is one of the products in their line you can't just go get a like for like and works. It's not a PK booster additive its a bloom stimulator and has nothing to do with P/K.

So yea take care :D
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Active member
You're overlooking the basic point of my post; that it takes a leap in logic to believe their amino acid product is any better than the rest of them.

You make your decisions in life based on your ability to reason. If a company sells shit one day, shit the next, shit the day after... what does a logical person assume they're going to get the day after that?

More to the point, if the company tells you it's got something special you can't get anywhere else on mon,tue,wed... and on every day it was shit. Do you believe them again on Thursday just because Thursday's a different day?

You judge a business by it's general standards. If you walked into a takeaway and the counter was dirty, the cashier had dirty finger nails, the floor was dirty... would you make the assumption that the kitchen was clean?

You make the same judgements every day that I am making here, or at least you should. If you don't... if you don't pay attention to a pattern or a sequence of clues as to a possible end result, what are you?

Yes, hammerhead was 9/18 when I used it (been watered down further since :D). And yes, bud blood was dyed... was it red or blue? Does it matter? It was still a small bag of potassium phosphate. I never said they were the same product.

Listen, if you agree that almost every product of theirs is watered down crap, I don't know how you justify posting this: "Bigbud is a UNIQUE product from AN and is one of the products in their line you can't just go get a like for like and works"

Like I say, you're making a leap in logic by doing that. A big one.


You're overlooking the basic point of my post; that it takes a leap in logic to believe their amino acid product is any better than the rest of them.

You make your decisions in life based on your ability to reason. If a company sells shit one day, shit the next, shit the day after... what does a logical person assume they're going to get the day after that?

More to the point, if the company tells you it's got something special you can't get anywhere else on mon,tue,wed... and on every day it was shit. Do you believe them again on Thursday just because Thursday's a different day?

You judge a business by it's general standards. If you walked into a takeaway and the counter was dirty, the cashier had dirty finger nails, the floor was dirty... would you make the assumption that the kitchen was clean?

You make the same judgements every day that I am making here, or at least you should. If you don't... if you don't pay attention to a pattern or a sequence of clues as to a possible end result, what are you?

Yes, hammerhead was 9/18 when I used it (been watered down further since :D). And yes, bud blood was dyed... was it red or blue? Does it matter? It was still a small bag of potassium phosphate. I never said they were the same product.

Listen, if you agree that almost every product of theirs is watered down crap, I don't know how you justify posting this: "Bigbud is a UNIQUE product from AN and is one of the products in their line you can't just go get a like for like and works"

Like I say, you're making a leap in logic by doing that. A big one.

No your missing my point and my point is that I agree with you and your views on AN but what you said was wrong !! Big bud is not a P/K additive

Your original statement was ...

Big bud is potassium phosphate and potassium sulfate, and extremely low levels of each. If you want a pk booster you could spin a bottle and not land on anything more watered down and overpriced than that.

And this is wrong full stop, big bud is a bloom stimulator that contains amino acids and everything else is just hot air. If you want to discuss the concentration levels of AN products start a new thread. Sorry for being a little offensive in my last post but it seems as if this has gone way off subject ! The point of my original post was to let the OP know that what you said was indeed wrong and what big bud contains is irrelevant.

Also sorry again to the OP :D


Active member
If there is P&K in the bottle then yes, it is a PK additive.
Let's just say, what we know is in big bud is a very small amount of potassium and phosphorus. That's what we can guarantee is in there. We also know the vast majority of it is water.

I think it's safe to assume, based on their other products, whatever is in there is going to be very dilute. I think that's a safe assumption to make.

Therefore, if you are buying it for the amino acids it contains, it's a safe bet that you'll be no worse off just buying the amino complex powder from ebay and mixing it into some water. In the process you will save yourself a lot of money.

Have a look here
I'm pretty sure the point of ALL liquid nutes is the fact that there very water soluble. Plants do not need or want high salt diets. This really does not make sense to you? You think its a conspiracy to rip pot gardeners? You never did answer my question, what nutes do you use? Well I can bet that those ratios are very close to what everyone else uses even if your diluting yourself. If your really that passionate about exposing these evil low npk nuts companys, maybe start a thread about it instead of highjacking someone's thread that is doing something much more scientific than you, using the product and sharing the results. Cause and effect. I've used many of the popular liquid nutrients and I could not recommend one over another. They all work great!


For what its worth, I've been doing side by sides for the past couple years with a strain I know really well. Been thru general hydro, general organics, Fox farm, botanicare, Humboldt, heavy 16, raw, house and garden, and advanced.. I can and will say, that house and garden grows the healthiest looking plants in my setup,, but advanced nutrients consistently give me the best aromas and flavors, hands down..
Don't care if it's watered down boo boo like some claim. I see results that say those claims are b.s.. advanced for the win in my garden.

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