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First Bio Bucket from Uruguay


Day 9

Ph 5.54
0.81 ec
410 ppt
Water temp 16.3C
Room temp 17C
Humidity 80%

Day 10

We added 18ml solution A
Top it off with 2lts tab water

Before nuts:
Ph 5.54
0.81 ec

After nuts and tab water:
Ph 5.71
0.96 ec
480 ppt

We did the 3rd main lining on psico 1&2 but we didnt apply it text book. Instead we left most of he leaves.


sorry for the late update

Day 11

After adding 10ml B
ph 5.50
0.95 EC
480 ppt
Water temp 18C
Room temp 18.8C
Humidity 77%

Day 12

ph 5.50
0.95 ec
480 ppt
water temp 17.6C
room temp 19C
humidity 77%

Day 13

we did a reservoir change, I had to clean up some coco coir I dropped like a rookie in the tent, so I had to move the reservoir to clean it..
so after the change of reservoir
we added to the tab water:

67ml A
25ml B
ph 6.8
520 ppt
water temp 17.3C
room temp 19.2C
humidity 78%

after ph adjustment ph 5.57

Day 14

ph 5.49
0.92 ec
460 ppt
water temp 19.6C
room temp 20.8C
humidity 82%

we added 7 ml A
added 1.5L tab water
after that:

ph 5.50
1.0 ec
510 ppt

Day 15

ph 5.55
0.96 ec
480 ppt
water temp 21C
room temp 21C
humidity 73%

havent done the measurements today so I will update again sometime this week and with some pictures!



Day 16:

ph 5.50
0.94 ec
470 ppt
water temp 20.7C
room temp 20.9C
Humidity 85%

Day 17:

+4L tab water
ph 5.73
0.89 ec
450 ppt
water temp 19.5C
room temp 19.6C
Humidity 72%

Day 18:

ph 5.70
0.87 ec
440 ppt
water temp 18.6C
room temp 18.6C
Humidity 78%

Some pics

Psico 1 & 2 from above

Close up 1



looks good, those rocks are probaly not the best but i think they will work out fine, next time use hydroton, its very pourus and would work well as a biological medium. mainlining is the way to go too, 4 mains is best id say, i normally top 3 times.
check out my scrog grow, im still learning but i really love scrogging.

its the dutchmaster power kush scrog.

keep up the good work buddy. looks great.


looks good, those rocks are probaly not the best but i think they will work out fine, next time use hydroton, its very pourus and would work well as a biological medium. mainlining is the way to go too, 4 mains is best id say, i normally top 3 times.
check out my scrog grow, im still learning but i really love scrogging.

its the dutchmaster power kush scrog.

keep up the good work buddy. looks great.

Hey Dr.Tone thanks for stopping by!
The rocks are no good, I will show in the pictures! But we already got our red lava rocks straight from the US hehe.

I made the switch yesterday, and I noticed some foam on my rez so I had to flush it and sterilize it. The problem was my drainage had some light leaks and the rez wasn't light proof. So some algae appeared, not enough bennies on the system to fight them so I just used the occasion to switch the rocks on the process.

Now the plants are in 4 DWC buckets (same bio buckets no intake or drainage for the moment) waiting for me to solve this issue. I'm doing a tricho and azos tea while I paint the rez and figure a new drainage out. Probably gonna have the system back to normal around Monday, I need some stuff that's not sold 7 days of the week. Most places are closed till Monday so I'm screwd.

I read in BigTokes thread that hydroton is no good for bio systems, maybe I misread I will check again. I have tons of hydrocorn (gold label) laying around the house, but not that I have my red lava rocks its pointless. I have 15kg of bad lava rocks and another 13kg of good lava rocks.. I gotta figure a use for all this stuff now..

Really cool thread you are running, I like your style. I really liked scrog too, stepped my game up in the first use! And main lining is kinda slow compared to standard but I like it anyways. Its not good to apply it to its fullest (only leaving the last 2 branches), I like how the plants start growing back faster if you leave the big leafy branches on the plant and cut off the other ones. Only leaving the last 2 like the technique, but leaving alot more transpiration power to the plant.

I had the understanding that less leaves = less transpiration = less growing caused by the reduce intake and ability to process nutrients. Maybe I'm way off I would like someone with more knowledge than me to comment!

Some pics




Rocks swap
Before (botafumeiro)


Active member
About the law, just a few insight I will translate the articles for you guys, just give me some time. between work, study and the grow its taking quite some time!

Basic of how legal it is. If your buds come from 1 of the 3 types of registration is legal. The 3 are, domestic grow, club membership and user.

The government actually tried to pass the law with only 2 register types.
User and club.

NO HOME GROW. Lucky for us, we have some cool groups like "Movimiento por la liberación del cannabis" who negotiated with the government and managed to get us some rights!

The home grow is the worst of all, you have alot of obligations. First the register:
- Free of charge
- Must give your full name, finger print and address.

Then you can proceed to step 2, registering your genetics:
Around 7 thousand pesos UY. Something like 330 US dollars, in the case of a rose genetic. I believe cannabis will be around the same fee.
After that, you must leave a sample (clon) or a seed of said genetic. And if they allow it you are good to go.

Then step 3, growing room:
Must be private access.
People that come and go on your home shouldn't be able to enter the room.

Step 4, obligations:
- You need your user/domestic grow card to identify yourself, if you are stoped without this you get a warning the first time.

Second time you get a penalty of 1500 US dollars TO 50000 US dollars. Depending on the fault.

The worst penalty goes to people who will take advantage of this new law.

Places and times you can consume cannabis:

Its forbiden in school, college or any learning institute. Not only smoking of course, but being under the influence.
If you are high, and your professor tells you to bail, you need to go. You can argue later and take an exam to prove you didn't consume, but still you are in the hands of the authority of the institute.

Same goes for work, you are not allow to smoke, or be high at work. Your boss can make workers take drug tests, and let you go if they want to.
Basically, no more morning blunt.

You can't be under the influence in public places, sport centers and other public events. Meaning if you are smoking in the soccer game they can kick you out of the stadium. Or just for being high.

Worst of all is the driving problem. Its not allow to be under the influence and drive, but the reactive they are looking to use, pops positive even 10hrs after smoking.

No more nightstand joint for a nice sleep. You won't be able to drive the next day, or even go to work!!!!

Np, I learn everything I know about Bio buckets in BigTokes thread "how to.." Alot of info in this forum! Just need alot of time to go throw it hehe

I think its a prohibition law, made by the government for the government benefit. As mentioned before they wanted to eliminate the home growers at first..such a dirty move..

They think of cannabis users as sick people, its almost literal on the first article of the law.

They want us sick people, addicted people to go to the pharmacy and buy our drug. Not the buds we want but what ever they sell.

Its just like going in a bar an asking for a beer, you want brand "A" and the bar tender gives you a brand "H" (nothing alike) and you are like, I asked for "A". And what the bar tender says, "you want to drink beer, this is beer."

So either you like it or you are screw this is what you get!

Alot of people is benefiting from this, specially some people who "stands" for the growers but have personal interests behind. And they sell us smoke so we back them up, and then behind closed doors the screw us from behind. Instead of defending what's best for us.

In easy words, 40 gr per user per month top. You can only take out 10gr per WEEK! So you need to go buy it every week.
You must get your bud from one of the 3 registrations.

You are not allowed to trade seeds, clones, plants anything with other growers.

You are not allowed to import seeds, or buy them unless you buy it from the IRCCA (government institute that calls the shots of the new law).

You are not allowed to produce your own seeds without a permit.

Having "ilegal" cannabis (not from the 3 registers) is a felony.

All this is ONLY FOR URUGUAYAN CITIZENS. You must live in Uruguay to get the domestic grow permit no need to be citizen.

But if you are a tourist coming for some good weed, you are with no luck! They are looking into ZERO CAnnabis TURISM.

But still the ilegal market will be always there, and with better products than ever before.

I'm going to stop here because we could meet in RL and listen to me talk about this for 2 days straight, there's alot to work on still. And there's no one out there watching for us.

And the worst of all, its not up for negotiation. This is the way it is, live by it or die by it!


Thanks a zillion for informing us on the topic and taking the time.

It seam to be a way some countrys take when going on the decriminalization path..

What you wrote to us is very similar to what other pepol from Uruguay wrote to me =(...

Maby you can get into why you think it played out like that..

How many grow (pepol) for the goverment vs to the informal market, any guess ?



Dkgrower I will post more info about goverment production this week. For now some updates

So the slime isn't going away even after makin the system lightproof.
So we put the plants into new buckets for a couple of days while we brew the heisenberg tea. I found after some hard searching bacillus and glomus inoculations.

All the stuff from the bio buckets is under a diluted bleach and tab water solution. Once its sterile we will place the nee round of water and nuts and add the tea. Wait a couple of days then transfer the plants from the dwc to the original bio buckets this time with alot of bennies and lava rock!!



Active member
Hey Meison. Looking good - slime n organics go hand in hand in hydro maby some barley enzymes 2 times pr week could reduce the amount of slime

I got a friend that is hooked on those lava rocks


Hey Meison. Looking good - slime n organics go hand in hand in hydro maby some barley enzymes 2 times pr week could reduce the amount of slime

I got a friend that is hooked on those lava rocks

Hey Dk thanks for stoping by, I can barely get some micos here, even harder to find good enzymes.

I called it Heisenberg tea before, but its actually Richyrich's tea, he invented it in 2009 here in this forum. Just some rep for him, he deserves it. Great tea.

Thanks to the tea things are going, at least the plants stop dying slowly. Now they are just looking greener by the day, but its not much of a good news since I already lost 2 weeks to this, and will be probably looking to another 10 days of no growth.

SO we germinated a Chiesel and a White Rhino and will be putting up a recirculating drip system for 2 plants.
Counting the 3 psicos, 1 bota and these 2 I'm right on the limit of the new law when flowering time comes.

I think I got unlucky with the lava rocks, I treated them with h202 and it didn't do sh*t. Brought that slime right in. I think its a recirculating problem together with some light and a lil bad luck on the rocks that gave us the slime.

I think the tea should do for this run, but from now on I will be making the tea once every 10 days and will be using it on ALL my hydro systems to prevent before its too late. I want to avoid any other situation like this one in the future.

I separated the 4 plants, 2 are in the bio system, and 2 are in DWC. I though I had more chances against the slime if I separated the plants from each other, giving the tea a mano a mano chance to fight the slime on each bucket. It looks like it worked out, but can only tell in the next few days since plants are looking a lil better and better since we started with the tea.

I also did the elbow clon stuff on the main steam of the plant, just in case the system goes south I can get my plants into a simple DWC with hydrocorn (worked great for us in the past) maybe I'm crazy and this won't work, but its worth the try before loosing 4 plants to the slime.

Here's some pics of the system with the tea and plain tab water

Preping the elbow clon

Elbows done

And the new comers

I will make another thread for the drip system so I don't mess up this one!

Cheers and here's some more info on the government production, I translated some more of the law.

"The president of the republic decrees:

Title 1 of psychoactive non medical cannabis.

Chapter 1

Article 1: The psychoactive cannabis regulated by the present decree, establishes a vegetable specialty controlled, with a psychoactive action.

We understand for psychoactive cannabis the flowering extremities with or without fruit of the female cannabis plant. With the exception of the seeds and leaves separated from the stem, with a THC natural content equal to 1% of its own weight.

To the effects of its individualization it will be denominated as a controlled vegetable specialty with a psychoactive action. (Literals B, E,F and G of the Article 3, law n°14294 by the redaction made by the article 5 of the law n°19172.

The procedure to determinate the THC % will be done by laboratories with the IRCCA authorization throw IRCCA approved techniques.

Chapter 2:
Permitted Activities

Article 2: Subject to the dispositions established on the law n°19172, the present decree and other norms valid. It is now allowed the activities listed, as long as the correct license is obtained, after the inscription on the correspondent register under the IRCCA institute. And the payment of the correspondent fee in the case there is one.

i) Planting, cultivation, harvesting, storage, distribution and dispensing of psychoactive cannabis.

ii) Domestic planting, cultivation and harvesting of psychoactive cannabis for personal use and or home share.

iii) The dispensation of psychoactive cannabis done by private clubs for members use only.

iv) The dispensation of psychoactive cannabis for registered users for personal use, by pharmacies.

v) The acquisition in pharmacies up to 10grams per week with a maximum of 40grams monthly of psychoactive cannabis for personal use.

vi) The production and dispensation of seeds or clones of psychoactive cannabis.

Article 3: The resulting cannabis of the above mentioned activities must not be compressed.

Article 4: It is forbidden all types of publicity direct or not, promotion, sponsoring of psychoactive cannabis products by any kind of media: written press, radio, TV, cinema, magazines, films in general, bill boards, flyer's, banners, stand-arts, email, internet technologies, as any other not mentioned.

Chapter 3

Production and distritribution of psychoactive cannabis for dispensation in pharmacies.

Article 5: Planting, cultivation, harvest, industrialization and distribution of psychoactive cannabis for the pharmacies can be done by those physical or legal persons, who obtained the corresponding license from the IRCCA institute.

To the effects, IRCCA will make a call for those interested where the conditions to fulfill the need for psychoactive cannabis, taking into account the general interest presented on the article 6 of the present decree.

Article 6: In the licenses obtained, the terms and conditions will be established for the planting, cultivation, harvest, distribution of psychoactive cannabis.

In the license it should be pointed out between others aspects, the following:

- Individualization of the physical or legal person asking for the license.

- Period of time and/or conditions to what the license is subject to.

- Place where the plating, cultivation, harvest and industrialization happens.

- Origin of the seeds or plants to use in the plantation.

- Varietal characteristics of the plants used.

- Authorized production volume.

- Security procedures.

- Warranties, fulfill of obligations.

- Conditions for distribution and dispensation to authorized pharmacies.

- Prohibited distribution to third unauthorized parties.

- Designation of a responsible technician of the production process.

- Destiny of sub products and surplus.

- Conditions for packing and marking the product.

- Conditions for proprietaries, partners, directors and dependent personal.

Article 7: The call must includ the information requirements by the IRCCA relative to the partner structure of the postulate to the effects of a proper identification of the final beneficiary, the origin of the capital destiny to fulfill the proyect on the normative valid to prevent money laundry, terrorist financing. The IRCCA could ask for any declarations they find pertinent.

The IRCCA will ask for a report of the National anti-active laundry, before the license is given.

Article 8: Set in the law n°19172 article 29, literal D. The directors board of the IRCCA will the the costs for the correspondent license, license that will be registered in the Register of Cannabis, section Production.

Distribution of psychoactive cannabis in pharmacies.

Article 9: The quality controls of psychoactive cannabis crops must be done throw authorized IRCCA laboratories.

The IRCCA will determine the destiny of the production, in the case it doesn't fit the parameters established in such license.

Article 10: The eventual surplus of the production must be at IRCCA disposition, where the final destiny of the surplus will be decided.

Article 11: The psychoactive cannabis destined to pharmacies, must be packed in the proper package preserving the quality of the products for a period no less than 6 months. The maximum content of each package will be 10grams.

Article 12: The IRCCA will determine the rest of the packaging conditions.

Article 13: The packaging and distribution of the psychoactive cannabis will be done by the producer from the production site straigh to the pharmacies."

More to come, keep lurking from time to time, and if possible throw me a bone to help me out! Its hard to be a first timer in bio and have alot of problems and few answers!


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Thanks for sharing these infos with us LS. I'm sorry to read such restrictive conditions, was hope for something different like an open mentality, but from what I can understand the government is all pointed on cash, isn'it? Please keep us updated sometimes, it's nice to know how things are going over there.

I can't help with bio buckets, sorry. Maybe I suggest to think about solution temperature...below 20°C and cold air you're going to decrease metabolism. Don't know the proper temp. for biobucket but usually nutritive solutions stay around 20°C. A little more if the air is cold.

About the smile. I suppose there are many bacteria biofilm created. They're stronger than a simple bacteria floating in water.
If you want to remove them for any reason,you should use something really effective like using high % bleach and a mechanical action with a brush. Or going extreme with an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action.
However having a living solution they'll come back...

As I said, I know pretty nothing about biobuckets, so I don't know if this helps. If not please ignore :)
